HealthDiseases and Conditions

What if I have a sore throat?

The pain in the throat often visits us during the season of viral diseases. They are the first harbinger of flu or cold. Another reason for this may be some bacterial and viral infections. Sometimes the throat is very sore due to irritation, which appears against a background of low humidity in the winter or excessive overstrain of the vocal cords. But, whatever the reason, with pain it is necessary to start fighting right away.

The most common remedy that brings relief to the sore throat is various candies. If the pains are caused by viral diseases, then antibiotics can not cope with them, whereas drug lollipops with phenol bring long-awaited relief. Phenol is able to kill surface bacteria and keep the infection under control. Thus, the body receives the necessary time for resistance. In addition, phenol has analgesic properties, which provokes numbness of the inflamed nerve endings and relieves painful sensations.

You can also use a variety of aerosols containing phenol and streptocide. They also bring relief, but the duration of the aerosol action on the inflamed areas is relatively short, compared to candies.

If the throat is very sore due to a cold, you can use lollipops, which contain zinc. Such drugs must be thoroughly absorbed so that the active ingredients can penetrate into all the affected areas, only in this way it is possible to achieve a positive effect. But with zinc it's worth to be careful and do not apply the medication for more than 7 days, otherwise you can provoke a breakdown in the system of trace elements of the body.

Traditional medicine advises the use of various formulations for gargling. They are effective when a person experiences pain when swallowing.

The first recipe is ideal for those who have a sore throat. Take a teaspoon of common table salt and dissolve it in half a liter of warm water. This composition simulates the natural content of salts in the body, so it will not irritate the mucous. Rinse should be done every hour, while the liquid can not be swallowed.

For those who do not like salted, perfect infusion of chamomile. For its preparation, take a teaspoon of dried medicinal daisy and brew it in a glass of boiling water. Allow to stand for 15 minutes, then strain. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, rinse their throats - this will reduce the inflammation of the mucous membranes.

When your throat is very sore, you can use citric acid or lemons. Take a slice or cut a circle of lemon and slowly dissolve it in the mouth so that the acid gets to all corners of the throat. If there is no lemon, dissolve a small amount of citric acid in warm water so that it acquires sourness, and rinse each throat with such a solution.

Do not forget to moisten the air in the room in a timely manner, because sometimes the pain in the throat after awakening is due to the fact that you are breathing through the mouth and the mucous membrane begins to dry out.

To treat a sick throat it is possible by means of steam. If you suffer from pain and dryness, then, in addition to moisturizing, arrange in the bedroom steam inhalation. To do this, open the hot water in the bathroom and wait for steam to start to form. Then, without closing the faucet, gently bend over the washbasin and cover your head with a towel or a coverlet to hold the steam. Take deep breaths through the nose and mouth for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure can be several times a day.

If your throat and ear are hurting at the same time, the cause may be a cold. Cleanse the nasal passages regularly with the help of salt water or aerosols with decongestant in the composition. But in the case of aerosol, you must carefully follow the instructions for use, otherwise after a couple of days, you may get used to it.

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