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What do astrophysicists study? Modern astrophysics

Astronomy is a science that studies celestial bodies, their motion, structure, and also the systems formed by them. This is the oldest area of knowledge: the origins of astronomy are lost in the depths of centuries. It can be said that it evolved along with humanity. And today astronomy does not stand still. Using the latest technology, scientists constantly refine and supplement the already established theories. The loudest discoveries of recent years were often associated with those phenomena that astrophysicists are studying. At full power using advances in technology, astronomers inevitably face the limitations of the human mind. Astrophysics is a division of astronomy, perhaps more often than others, confronting facts that can not yet be explained. Scientists working under its banner, trying to find answers to increasingly complex questions, thereby stimulating technological progress. About what astrophysicists are studying, what they have already learned and what riddles the universe is offering them today, and will be discussed below.


Astrophysics is engaged in determining the physical characteristics of space objects and their interaction. In its theories, it relies on knowledge of the laws of nature, accumulated by science in the process of studying the properties of matter on Earth.
Scientists-astrophysicists face significant limitations in their work. Unlike colleagues who study the microcosm or macro objects in the Earth, they can not conduct experiments. Many of the forces acting in space manifest themselves only over a huge distance or in the presence of huge by mass and volume of objects. In the laboratory, this interaction will not be studied, since it is impossible to create the necessary conditions. General astrophysics basically deals with the results of passive observation.

In such conditions it is difficult to imagine obtaining data about objects. Direct measurement of the required parameters due to the impossibility of experiments in this section of astronomy does not exist. In that case, what are astrophysicists studying and what are their conclusions based on? The main source of information for scientists in such conditions is the analysis of electromagnetic waves that radiate heavenly bodies.

How it all began

Astronomy is a science that has studied celestial bodies since time immemorial, but such a division as astrophysics was not always there. In fact, he began his formation in 1859, when G. Kirchhoff and R. Bunsen after the series of experiments established that any chemical element has a unique line spectrum. This meant that the spectrum of the celestial body can be used to judge its chemical composition. So the spectral analysis was born, and together with it there was also an astrophysics.


In 1868, the newly created method made possible the discovery of a new chemical element, helium. It was discovered during the observation of a total solar eclipse and the study of the chromosphere of the star.

Modern astrophysics is also largely based on the data of spectral analysis. Advanced technology allows you to obtain information about almost all characteristics of celestial bodies, as well as interstellar space: temperature, composition, behavior of atoms, voltage of magnetic fields and so on.

Invisible radiation

The discovery of radio emission significantly expanded the possibilities of astrophysics. His registration allowed him to study the cold gas filling interstellar space and emitting invisible light to the eye, as well as the processes taking place in distant pulsars and neutron stars. Of great importance for the whole of astronomy was the discovery of relic radiation, which became evidence of the theory of the big bang that was taking shape at the time.

The space age gave astrophysicists new opportunities. The ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma-radiation became accessible, the way to the Earth which the atmosphere blocks. Telescopes created with new discoveries made it possible to detect hot gas in clusters of galaxies, X-ray radiation from neutron stars, and some characteristics of black holes.

Problems of astrophysics

Modern science has taken a step forward in comparison with the state in which it was at the end of the 19th century. Today astrophysicists use all the latest achievements in the field of recording electromagnetic radiation and obtaining data on remote objects on their basis. However, it can not be said that this section of astronomy moves absolutely unhindered along the path of studying the universe. Conditions that develop in distant space are sometimes so difficult to register and understand that interpreting the received data about certain objects is difficult.

In the vicinity of the black hole, the depths of neutron stars and their magnetic fields, new physical properties of matter can appear. The inability to reproduce even approximately the extreme or extreme conditions in which such cosmic processes occur, forms the main complexities of astrophysics.

Model of the Universe

One of the most important tasks of modern astronomy is to understand how the vast cosmos is developing. To date, there are two main versions: the open and closed universe. The first implies a constant and unlimited expansion. In this model, the distance between galaxies only increases, and after a while space will become a lifeless desert with sparse islets of solid matter. Another option suggests that the expansion of the expansion, which for most is an indisputable fact, will come a phase of compression of the universe. An unequivocal answer to the question of which theory is correct is not yet available. Moreover, there are discoveries that significantly complicate the understanding of the future of the universe and introduce some chaos into a seemingly harmonious picture. These include, for example, the detection of dark matter and energy.

Black holes, gamma-ray bursts

Among all that astrophysicists study, there are a number of objects with a special touch of mystery. They also relate to the main problems of this section of astronomy. These include black holes, many physical processes in the space of which have not been studied at all, and gamma-ray bursts. The latter represent the release of a huge amount of energy, the pulses of gamma radiation. Their nature is also not completely clear.

Understanding such objects and phenomena can significantly change our understanding of the structure of the universe and the laws of the cosmos. It is the constant contact with the secrets of the universe that makes astrophysics the front end of science, simultaneously highlighting the limitations of modern knowledge and stimulating their further development. It can be said that this section of astronomy has become a kind of marker for progress: every discovery marks the victory of the human mind over yet another mystery.

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