EducationThe science

The essence of the state

To know the essence of the state is to understand all its contradictory and diverse properties, sides, forms of being in a complex, representing it as an independent institution. In this case, the main and determining in its development and functioning is revealed. To reveal the essence of the state is to analyze it as a political organization of a mature, mature class. Comprehension of the nature of this independent institution is considered one of the main tasks in the theory of law.

The essence of the state as a political organization is mainly connected with the fact that it is a special organization of political power. At the same time, power is endowed with concentrated power. As this force, there are different state institutions that facilitate organizational design. Thus, political power acquires a universally binding and functioning character.

Various institutions (the army, prisons, courts, punitive bodies) and legal norms act as state institutions. They materially incarnate political power. Thus, its indissoluble connection with one or another degree and form of development of statehood is formed.

Political power expresses the needs, will, interests of groups of society, the leading role among which is occupied by classes. However, the political nature is conditioned not only by the existence of regulating mechanisms of class relations. The essence of the state to some extent implies regulation of relations between groups in society. Politics is, first of all, a special system of relations between all classes.

Thus, the essence of the state as a political entity is most clearly manifested when it is compared with civil society. Within him (society) there are different relationships. Public includes ideological, economic, religious, moral, cultural and other organizations and unions.

As a result, the essence of the social state is formed, represented by the unity of content and form. In this case, the form is a political power. The content is represented by civil society.

One of the important characteristics of the state is its structure. It appears in the presence of a special apparatus, represented by persons endowed with public authority. These figures perform the functions of leadership and management, ensure the protection of the political and social system, through coercion including. However, the state is not the only instrument of power. In addition to it, there are other forms of its implementation. In particular, non-state associations, political parties and movements, labor collectives, trade unions and other are quite common. In comparison with them, the state - the system is clearly structured, including special bodies that carry out its various external and internal tasks.

A fairly fundamental characteristic is territorial integrity. The state organization promotes the unification of the population in one territory with the subsequent division of it into smaller administrative units. Thus, the state has clear boundaries. The whole territory within these borders is subject to legal norms, authority.

The state as a special organization of political power is characterized by other specific features. Among them the most important are the following:

1. Monopoly on the implementation of coercive measures against the population.

2. Sovereignty of power.

3. Publication of rules and laws, binding for all citizens.

4. Collection of fees and taxes on the maintenance of the power apparatus.

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