Sports and FitnessFitness

11 myths about fitness, from which more harm than good

When you want to lose weight, increase muscle tone or improve your mood, you remember about sports. Unfortunately, there are many fitness tips that can not help you in achieving your goals. In fact, all these common misconceptions do more harm than good. Let's talk about these persistent training myths in more detail.

Myth 1: to stay in shape enough to train 1-2 times a week

In fact, one or two times a week is not enough, if you expect to get health benefits in the long run. Here is what Staff Rutgers University researcher Sean Arent says: "Any person needs at least three full-time workouts a week. However, in addition to a comprehensive fitness program, on other days you must lead an active lifestyle: work physically or make long walks. The body quickly gets used to the loads, so more and more needs to be done to improve the results. "

Myth 2: The best time for sports - early morning

It is impossible to calculate the ideal time for training, because the needs and habits of each person are individual. If it is convenient for you to go to the gym in the evenings, do not depart from your principles. If you prefer a morning run, then you are in the mainstream. In the event that you do not have preferences, in the formation of new habits you can be based on the conclusions of scientists who found that morning exercise can burn more calories throughout the day.

Myth 3: lifting weights turns fat into muscles

In fact, you can not turn fat into muscle in terms of physiology. We are talking about two completely different tissues. Adipose fatty tissue is sandwiched between muscles, internal organs and skin. If we talk about muscle tissue, then it is of three types and is located throughout the body. Kettlebell lifting well increases the amount of muscle around the fat layer. But the best way to reduce the amount of fat is a healthy diet, including vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and fish.

Myth 4: puzzles are the best way to train the brain

The latest research tells us that any kind of physical activity trains the brain better than the most sophisticated puzzles. Aerobic exercises (any activity that increases the heart rate) cause you to move and sweat for a long period of time. This has a beneficial effect on the heart and enriches the brain with oxygen.

Myth 5: exercise is the best way to lose weight

If you really want to lose weight, you must reprogram your mind. You can not treat training as burning all that you have eaten in a day. According to experts, the starting point in reducing weight is changing eating habits. And although the diet plays a big role, you should not forget about the exercises, because they are also part of a healthy lifestyle.

Myth 6: Squats - this is the best way to pump the press

There are squats, which involve the muscles of the abdomen. However, this is not enough if you want to work out the relief of the press in the form of six cubes. You will have to do various exercises that will be aimed at improving several muscle groups: lateral, front and back muscles.

Myth 7: weight training is the prerogative of men

Any training with weight is an excellent way to strengthen the muscles. And this has nothing to do with the sex fitness enthusiast. Men show better results, as their bodies produce more testosterone. As studies show, this hormone plays an important role in the formation of muscle volume.

Myth 8: it takes at least two weeks to lose shape

The truth is that in most people without regular exercise, muscle tissue will begin to disintegrate in a week. If you stop training, it will be visible from the side after seven days of total rest. Decide for yourself whether it is worthwhile simply having to work with double dedication in training.

Myth 9: A marathon is a great way to get fit

If you are not ready to conquer the marathon distances, there are no problems. Most of the advantages that long-distance running gives us can be learned in 30 minutes of jogging at an average pace. Moreover, with the help of interval training you can ensure maximum health benefits. You will be surprised, but with a reasonable approach it is enough to run a total of only an hour a week. Therefore, you do not need to die at a distance, overcoming the marathon. In addition, short intensive training is more fun.

Myth 10: maintaining a food diary is a reliable way of controlling

No conscious effort of will can give an absolute guarantee and keep us away from breakdowns or diet violations. Even if you scrupulously count the calories and make notes about the dishes you eat, on a subconscious level you give yourself indulgences. According to experts, people tend to overestimate their physical activity and underestimate the amount of food eaten. Nothing is easier than falsifying results.

Myth 11: Sports drinks are the best way to hydrate the body

In fact, most sports drinks, in addition to water, contain a large amount of sugar. This is not the best solution if you need to restore strength and water balance. Instead, pay attention to plain water and protein-free low-fat snacks. Protein really helps to restore muscles after training.

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