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What can a nursing mother for a cold? Doctor's advice

The cold is a test that is unpleasant for everyone. But none of this is immune. Unfortunately, and nursing mother - too. And if a woman is sick, who has a baby in her arms, another problem is to be cured for her - to keep the child's health. Let's try to understand what can be nursing mother for a cold, and how to behave properly during this time period.

To feed or not to breastfeed is the question

Indeed, it is very difficult and moral, and physically, when a woman with a small child gets into the embrace of a cold. After all, along with a bad state of health, a headache, exhausting weakness, she is overcome by thoughts and doubts about how to behave in this situation. And one of the important questions - is it possible to feed for a mother's cold Toddler baby? If it is possible, then how to feed properly, so that the baby does not get infected? How common is it likely to infect the baby through Mom's milk?

Doctors in their opinion are unanimous: do not stop breastfeeding the baby at a time when his mother caught a cold. And they explain why. All the signs of a cold in the mother's body can be found after the pathogens of the disease, together with the milk, have got into the baby's body. But simultaneously with the milk, the baby is transferred and immune protection from the attacking disease. That's why without the mother's milk, the baby does not get any food, or protection from viruses. If the mother has decided to express the milk, then it should not be boiled: during the boiling process, it will lose its healing properties and become inferior and almost useless for the baby.

To medicines - with great attention!

But the mother should pay close attention to the medications taken during this period of time. It is best if you address them in the most extreme case, and expel the cold by natural methods.

What can a nursing mother for a cold? After all, in this important period for them with the baby, not all medicines are allowed.

Important! There are many drugs that are forbidden during feeding, because through milk they can negatively affect the endocrine, digestive and central nervous system of the baby, metabolism, can increase blood clotting, affect joints, cause hemolytic anemia and other abnormalities in the baby , Which is developing.

How does a cold develop in a nursing mother?

As a rule, a person's disease occurs through his upper respiratory tract. And since the respiratory organs of the nursing mother work with a constant load, she is more prone to ARD than others. It is known that a lot of oxygen is needed to produce milk.

From the moment when the virus entered the body, and before the disease developed, it takes a very small amount of time - from a day to three. Therefore, even before it becomes visually clear that the baby has caught a cold, together with the causative agent of the disease, he gets both antibodies to it and full immune protection against possible complications. So it turns out that when a mother discovered a disease, the baby was already sick or actively immunized.

So do not think about breastfeeding or not. It is better to find out what can be taken with a cold for a nursing mother.

What signs of the disease can be found in a nursing mother?

These signs are not so many, but not one can be left without attention. These include:

- Nasal congestion or runny nose;

- coughing and sneezing;

- weakness;

Feeling of sore throat;

- temperature increase;

- Sometimes there may be stuffiness of the ears or noise in the ears.

Most common cold lasts ten days. But do not neglect all possible measures aimed at getting rid of it, because there may be complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases. And that you can breastfeed your mother for a cold, and what not, she should know, so as not to hurt her baby and herself.

Natural aids for treating colds

1. Nursing mother is recommended to drink tea with honey and herbal decoctions of dog rose and chamomile, you can eat lemons.

2. I will be useful inhalation medicinal herbs (you can both breathe over the steam, and using an inhaler).

3. In the bronchial region, it is possible to apply a network of iodine. Also mustard mustard and medical jars.

At night, you can apply an alcohol compress, rinse your throat with baking soda, bury your nose with aloe juice.

We treat colds with medicines

It can also happen that a nursing mother has a high temperature for a long time. The woman does not tolerate this temperature. In this case, higher degrees should be reduced. What can I drink from a cold to a nursing mother? The drug "Paracetamol" is considered the safest doctor. If there is nothing more suitable in the first-aid kit of the young mother, then it is allowed to take one of the means suitable for this purpose once.

Cure a sick neck, get rid of a cough help means that are aimed at reducing intoxication and as strong as possible activation of the protective forces of the woman's body. And we should not forget about the question: what can you drink while nursing a mother's cold and whether you need to do this. Doctors are unanimous: we must drink, and as much as possible. Due to abundant drinking, the mucous membrane of the nose and throat will not dry out, it will promote sweating and thinning of sputum.

To reduce the cough will help some expectorant, such as "Ambroxol" (he also - "Lazolvan"). Useful are the preparations of vegetable origin, which are based on plantain, licorice root or anise ... These include Gedelix, Bronchicum, and Thoracic Elixir.

Attention! Nursing mothers are contraindicated in those medicines that contain bromhexine.

Anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effect will have a drop of "Pinosol", which includes substances of plant origin.

How to treat colds of nursing mothers with folk remedies?

A huge number of mothers do not want to take medication even if they are considered to be allowed. Instead, they use only popular methods, which they trust more. In a sense, this is absolutely the right decision, because some of them are in no way inferior to industrial facilities in their effectiveness. So what can you treat a cold for a nursing mother?

The most popular methods include the following:

1. You can put mustard powder in your socks.

2. Cut the black radish into small slices, sprinkle with sugar and put into the oven for 2 hours. All this drain. Take one table spoon a maximum of five times a day (and always before bedtime).

3. Five drops of iodine stir in half a cup of boiled water. Drink this mixture, and then chew a clove of garlic.

чеснок. 4. Before going to bed, it's a good idea to drink this mixture: in a 1: 1 ratio, mix honey and finely chopped garlic. Wash with clean warm water.

5. For the night will be very effective and a drink: as soon as there was a suspicion that the cold "came", you need to heat half a liter of milk with one fresh chicken egg, one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of butter. All ingredients should be mixed very well.

6. It will not be bad to bake an ordinary onion in the oven and eat it without restriction until the end of a cold.

Very simple advice: boil potatoes in a uniform and breathe over the steam. Be sure to wrap yourself up before this procedure.

Sore throat and nasal congestion. Fight for health

Here are some useful tips from doctors who can greatly alleviate the condition. We learn what can be treated by nursing mother for colds.

If the stuffy nose, then ...

Pregnant and lactating mothers are allowed to use as vasoconstrictors "Nazivin", "Tetrisolin", "Nafazolin". But it is not recommended to use these drugs for more than three days.

The best drops in this period for the woman will be Pinosol or Aflubin. They are made on the basis of medicinal herbs.

если надо очистить нос? What can a nursing mother do with a cold if she needs to clean her nose? Medicinal saline solutions - "Marimer" - will help. "Aquamaris" or "Salin".

And you can treat the neck as follows.

If there is a strong cough, expectorants like "Ambroxol" in both tablets and syrup will prove to be suitable.

It is acceptable to use antiseptic drugs - spray "Geksoral", tablets "Strepsils", "Sebidin", rinse solutions such as "Kipferon", "Interferon", "Grippferon".

Anesthetics and antipyretic "Paracetamol" and "Analgin" are quite acceptable. "Aspirin" can be taken only once.

What kind of medicine can a cold nursing mother, if she has pneumonia, tonsillitis, bronchitis or otitis? The doctor will prescribe antibiotics, which have the smallest course of treatment and which are absolutely safe for lactation. Most often this is "Solutab" or "Flemoxin".

Attentive attitude

In no case nursing mothers can not without a doctor's recommendation take any medication during lactation. This can hurt the baby.

Before you start using the drug, you must read the instructions, examine side effects and, of course, the doses that are allowed to nursing mothers.

Very carefully it is necessary to concern to applied national means, especially to grasses.

It should be noted that during illness it is necessary to carefully monitor the intake of fresh air into the room, use natural medicines not prohibited by physicians for colds, and apply preventive measures against the disease.

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