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Exchanger card
Each woman during pregnancy has a special temporary document. This is the exchange card of a pregnant woman. It must be presented at the time the woman enters the maternity hospital. But why such an exchange card? Let us consider this question further.
Of course, there is a certain number of standard documents that every citizen of our country has. This is a passport, a pension certificate, an insurance medical terminal. However, for a woman in a position they are not enough. In general, the exchange card of a pregnant woman is a special document that is given out in a woman's consultation to any woman waiting for the baby to appear. In this card the doctor transfers from the medical card of the future mother the most important information necessary for correct and accurate observation of pregnancy.
In addition, it is in the exchange card that all information about births and pregnancies, which the woman has already had, is indicated. The results of the research, analyzes, information about the procedures are all taken into account in the exchange card. It is worth noting that this temporary document contains absolutely all information about the bearing of this pregnancy, which is of great importance. Approximately until the twentieth week, the pregnant woman's card is in the doctor's office, that is, in the women's consultation. After this period, the fraudulent card of the pregnant woman is issued to the hands of the future mother. It should be remembered that every woman in the position after the thirtieth week is simply obliged to carry this card with her everywhere, because on this period often there are different situations, premature birth and much more. The presence of an exchange card in a woman with whom there was any kind of trouble of this nature, significantly alleviates the situation. Specialists can quickly and accurately diagnose, determine the cause of the ailment and take the necessary measures. In addition, this document most often indicates which medicines a woman has an allergy, which in her case can not be done, and what can be done.
The card of the pregnant woman consists of three main blocks. This is a block in which everything is noted about the state of health of the most expectant mother during this pregnancy. The second relates directly to childbirth. The third unit will be filled in the maternity hospital, and then transferred to the polyclinic. In this block all the data about the newborn baby are indicated.
In order to better understand what the card of the pregnant woman is, the sample of such a document, and what it includes, we will consider further. The main points of this card are the surname, name, patronymic; Day, month and year of birth. Further in the document the address, contact telephones, information about the husband and the father of the unborn child, information that relates to previous pregnancies, childbirth and abortions are indicated. The map shows its parameters, that is, height, weight, weight gain, the size of the owner's pelvis . Of great importance are the previous diseases of women. Special attention is paid to hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, jaundice, measles and tuberculosis. Chronic diseases are also noted in this document. After carrying out any research, all results are unambiguously included in the exchange card. The Rh factor and blood group of both parents of the future baby are entered in the temporary document.
In fact, the exchange card at the end of pregnancy contains a huge amount of information. According to the results of the research, doctors can make a conclusion about how the kid and future mother feel, to prescribe any treatment if the situation so requires. As it was said above, another block of the card is filled in the maternity hospital. It will record the weight, height of the baby, his condition and much more. This part of the exchange card will be given to the woman before discharge from the maternity hospital, and she will transfer it to the children's polyclinic, in which her child will be observed.
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