HealthAlternative Medicine

What are the national means of increased blood pressure?

In the modern world, hypertension is not a rare phenomenon. Noise in the ears, general weakness, dizziness, migraine - this is an incomplete list of symptoms that accompany this pathology. The patient is reduced working capacity, he has to limit himself in physical and mental loads. The hypertensive is forced to constantly monitor its menu, because even a harmless at first glance a cup of coffee can provoke an attack.

To bring the medicine back to normal. However, taking medications is expensive and requires constant monitoring. At the same time, folk remedies for increased blood pressure are no less effective than pharmaceutical drugs, and are always at hand. So, a piece of cloth, moistened in vinegar, attached to the heels, for fifteen minutes helps to alleviate the condition with hypertensive crises.

Folk remedies for high blood pressure are leeches used from time immemorial. Procedures with their superposition on the patient's body are called hirudotherapy. They are used to treat many diseases, including hypertension. It is proved that during the bite of a leech, a special substance is introduced into the blood - gerudin. This anticoagulant helps reduce blood viscosity. As a result, the hypertensive attack is stopped and the pathology itself is eliminated.

Folk remedies for high blood pressure have a number of significant advantages over pharmacological drugs. First of all, the recipes of alternative healers are based on natural products. A huge selection of natural resources allows you to choose the most suitable of them. In this case, medicinal herbs for medical fees can be harvested independently. Hiking will also have a beneficial effect on human health. And the most important factor is that folk remedies for high blood pressure are available. And many of them are always in the house.

Successfully treated with high blood pressure folk remedies. To eliminate the pathology, you can prepare a mixture of two cups of honey, the same number of berries, and a glass of chopped lemons. When hypertension can be used and another recipe. The honey is placed in the pan in the volume of one glass, the same amount of finely chopped lemon, carrot and beet juice. There also put the crushed root of the horse-radish. Its amount should be 0.5 cup. After infusion for four hours, the drug is ready for use.

The people's means, which are mixtures of various products, are helped by increased pressure. It can be two glasses of cranberries, ground with three tablespoons of sugar. Such a drug is taken with hypertension, which proceeds in a mild form. In the first and second stages of the pathology, mix four glasses of beet juice with the same volume of honey. Add to the mixture one hundred grams of swamp cudweed and half a liter of vodka.

Folk remedies for high blood pressure are juices from black chokeberry and currant. Effective in hypertension, decoction of berries from Kalina. It is able to reduce high pressure baked potatoes in the skin, watermelon, honey, garlic and onions.

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