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Wen members on the penis: the causes of appearance and treatment

Lipomas are a fairly common problem. Such neoplasms can appear on any part of the body. And in some cases, in modern medicine, adipose dies on the penis are diagnosed. This is an extremely unpleasant situation, so many patients are interested in additional information on this issue. How dangerous is zhirovik? Is it necessary to remove it surgically? Will there be effective folk remedies? These answers will be useful to many readers.

What is Wen?

Wen, or lipoma, is a benign tumor that is formed from adipose tissue cells. Most often, such neoplasms form under the skin, and can be located on any part of the body. Wenbergs on the penis in men are relatively rare. More often this problem is faced by mature men, although the appearance of lipoma in adolescence or even in childhood is not ruled out.

Most often, the adolescents are single, although sometimes a few small fatty rashes can be seen on the skin. Tumor, as a rule, grows very slowly. So how dangerous is this tumor?

Causes of neoplasm

Unfortunately, for today it is not known exactly why the adipes appear on the penis or any other part of the body. There are only a few assumptions that are still at the study stage.

It is believed that the adipose is formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland, which, in turn, may be due to the effect of various factors. For example, the presence of lipomas in adolescence is often associated with hormonal failures. Also, proper nutrition is important, since the presence of toxins, toxins and other unnecessary substances in the body is a risk factor.

To the list of the reasons carry and illnesses which are connected with infringement of a metabolism of Adepses. Also, risk factors can be trauma, constant compression of tissues, diabetes, exposure to ionizing radiation. Provoke the appearance of lipoma may lack vitamins and weaken the activity of the immune system. Since adipose cells on the penis are much more often diagnosed in mature men over the age of forty, there is reason to believe that age changes also refer to the reasons for the appearance of these tumors. And of course, do not forget about bad habits, including smoking and alcohol abuse.

Wen members on the penis: photos and symptoms

The sooner the signs of a disease are seen, the easier it will be. So how to identify the wen on the sexes. Member? The photo shows that such a neoplasm looks like a small bulge under the skin. In addition, Wen can have the form of small pimples with white content.

There are some signs that will help distinguish the lipoma from other neoplasms. To begin with, it is worth noting that most often when probing the mildew is mild. It does not cause pain, and its growth is not accompanied by swelling, skin redness, fever or inflammation.

Physical discomfort occurs only if the tumor grows to large sizes. At the same time, it can squeeze blood vessels or nerve endings, which is accompanied by pain and various disturbances in the supply of tissues.

The main varieties of wen

There are several types of Wen:

  • Lipoma - subcutaneous fat formation;
  • Atheroma - is a greasy cyst with fat filling and elastic wall;
  • Seborrheic cyst - looks like small whitish nodules on the skin;
  • Granules of Fordis - nodal sebaceous glands on the skin.

Any of these varieties is benign, and, accordingly, and a relatively safe neoplasm.

Modern diagnostic methods

If you notice subcutaneous or white greens on the penis, you should definitely consult a doctor. As a rule, visual inspection will be enough to make a diagnosis - no additional surveys may not be needed. Nevertheless, in order to protect the patient, experts often recommend biopsy of the lipoma. The procedure consists in taking samples from the tumor and further studying them in the laboratory for the presence of malignant cells and cancer markers.

Additional examinations, such as ultrasound, CT and MRI, are necessary only if there is a suspicion of penetration of the wen in the deep layers or its formation on internal organs.

Can a wen be dangerous?

How dangerous can there be zhiroviki on the penis? The photos show that lipomas are usually very small in size and are perceived rather as an aesthetic flaw than a real threat to health. Most often these neoplasms either do not require treatment at all, or they are perfectly suited to modern methods of therapy.

On the other hand, it is impossible to completely ignore such a problem - the examination and consultation of a doctor are mandatory. There is a hypothesis that in some conditions malignant degeneration and development of cancer can occur. Such a risk increases if the lipoma spreads to the muscular and connective tissue layers. Although, by the way, the likelihood of developing cancer is extremely low.

A much more common complication is inflammation and suppuration of the tissues around the wen. This happens when the area around the lipoma trauma or inept attempts to remove the neoplasm on its own.

What methods of treatment does modern medicine offer?

First and foremost, clients are interested in questions about how to get rid of zhirovikov on the penis. The decision on the method of treatment is made by the attending physician, since everything depends on the clinical picture, the rate of growth of the neoplasm, and so on.

In some cases, special therapy may not be required. The expert can recommend only constant supervision and a correct diet. In most cases, however, removal is still required. Lipoma in fact is perceived as a very significant aesthetic drawback. But, for example, adolescents on the head of the penis can cause a lot of discomfort, both in everyday life and during intercourse.

Quite often in modern medicine, the puncture-aspiration method is used. During the procedure, the doctor, through a puncture on the skin, introduces a special device to the adipose tissue, by means of which the fat cells are sucked off. In addition, it is possible to introduce into the lipoma special preparations that dissolve the contents of the tumor.

In any case, such minimally invasive procedures are possible only if the size of the Wen does not exceed 3 centimeters. In addition, such treatment is associated with a risk of recurrence - if it is not possible to remove all abnormal fat cells, then there is a high probability that the wen will appear again.

Surgical intervention: when is it necessary?

If there is a large lump, the doctor will probably recommend surgical removal of the tumor. To date, there are many techniques that allow you to quickly remove it without serious consequences. In particular, laser removal is particularly effective, which allows you to quickly get rid of abnormal tissues, while leaving only a small scar. And since the laser beam cauterizes all damaged vessels, the risk of bleeding and infection of the wound is minimized.

In addition, lipoma can be removed by classical surgical means, as well as by radio wave therapy.

Wands on the penis: photo and description of folk methods of treatment

Modern medicine offers several ways to get rid of such fatty tumors. Nevertheless, many patients are interested in questions about whether it is possible to eliminate adipose cells on the penis at home.

Yes, there are many recipes of folk medicine designed to fight lipomas. But in this case, you need to understand that without examining and authorizing a doctor you can not conduct any procedures, much less try to "squeeze out" the wen yourself. This can lead to unfortunate consequences, including inflammation and suppuration.

Quite well with the lipomas is the Kalanchoe. The flesh of the fresh cut sheet is applied to the neoplasm, fixing with plaster. Such compresses need to be changed daily. The first results of treatment can be noticed after ten days.

Also, compresses can be done using the leaves of mother-and-stepmother. They need to be left overnight. The course of treatment lasts about 7-10 days. Another effective remedy is mutton fat. First it must be melt in a water bath, then apply in a warm form to the lipoma, rubbing with massage movements. As evidenced by the reviews, a decrease in lipoma can be noticed after 2-3 days after the beginning of the application of fat.

Some folk medicine men recommend applying a gruel of garlic and vegetable oil to the fat. You can also try compresses from onion gruel with honey. But these remedies are more aggressive and can cause irritation.

In addition, remember proper nutrition, which is the prevention of the appearance and growth of adipose. Limit the amount of spices, preserves, spicy foods, too fatty and fried foods. The correct diet will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body.

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