Health, Man's health
There are several reasons why the eggs are saphenous in men and boys
Well, the topic, frankly, scrupulous. And, of course, purely masculine. Girls, probably, are not very interested in why the eggs are masturbating in men, and the men themselves do not care until they involuntarily get stuck in the hospital!
Itching in the field of male genital organs is quite a popular case of discomfort in the intimate zone in many men. It is clear that the reasons here may be different. In any case, to understand everything, you need to visit a dermatologist. Usually, these doctors know why the boys are scratching their eggs. By the way, this discomfort can be felt by absolutely healthy guys: they can be caused by wearing tight underwear (swimming trunks). The shape of the men's swimming trunks is such that it presses the scrotum against the perineum, forcing them to touch and sweat these places. Hence the unpleasant itch! But this is not the only reason. Now I will list the most common causes of itching in the field of male genital organs.
Why do the eggs of boys and men itch?
- The most common reason for itching in an intimate place is shaving the pubis and scrotum. The fact is that in this case the upper skin layer involuntarily rips off. In addition, small hairs remain on the surface, which cause this terrible itching.
- Perhaps the quality of tap water in your city leaves much to be desired. The hard water that flows from our water taps, dries the skin, hence the itching. By the way, because of this water can be itching and the whole body, not just the scrotum.
- This is a common phenomenon among adolescents who just enter the stage of puberty: pubic hair and testicles grow - itching appears.
- In the previous paragraph, I pointed out one of the reasons why the eggs are itching (tight underwear). In addition to this, I add that men's panties can be not only tight, but also synthetic. Synthetic swimming trunks with low waist, of course, look sexy on the guys, but they bring them solid troubles, among which this very itch. This material causes an allergic reaction, resulting in scabies. It is not recommended to wear tight jeans and trousers.
- Itching in the scrotal area can be caused by the intake of certain medicines, and also develop against a background of different stressful situations.
- Personal hygiene above all! If you rarely wash and, God forbid, do not always change clothes, you may not even ask why the eggs are itching. Guys,
Regardless of whether you meet with girls or not, take a shower at least once a day and change your boxers or swimming trunks every day!
Pubic lice are the most serious problem, why do they itch
All of the above reasons are trifles compared to a real dermatological disease - pubic lice. Simply put, these are lice living around the male anus and groin area. You can catch them by having sex with an already sick sexual partner (both a woman and a man). Sometimes infection occurs through dirty underwear and bed linen.
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