HomelinessPest Control

Water rat: how to get rid of rodents

The water rat belongs to the subfamily of voles and is its largest representative. The length of the body reaches 20 cm, the tail - ten cm. The animal is covered with dense long hair and has a layer of fur on the claws in the form of fringe, which improves its swimming abilities.

The habitats are often the banks of rivers, ponds, lakes, sometimes a water rats can be found far from water in fields, meadows, gardens and gardens. During the high water, the voles migrate to more arid areas, after a drop in the water level it returns to its places.

The water rat inflicts a noticeable damage to the gardens, destroying their root system, bites the bark of trees in winter, especially the young plantations suffer from the invasion. He loves a field farmer to eat potatoes and other vegetable crops, he does not disdain insects, frogs, earthworms and fish.

The pest breeds shallow, complex, extended burrows in the ground, with a significant amount of soil thrown to the surface. With its moves, a water rat destroys the fertile layer of land on cultivated farmland. On the surface of the animal leaves in the thickets along the edges of ditches and areas. Exits to the surface can be found in heaps of overgrazed manure or peat, in places cluttered with polyethylene, branches, stones, as well as under shed household buildings and near landfills. In warm weather, the rodent can open its courses on the surface of the soil and in places where the earth is ejected.

Before you get rid of rodents, you need to put your plot in order and then keep it clean. You can not litter it! Later, in autumn, tree trunks should be tied with tar and spruce branches. It is possible to strengthen around the young trunks cut along polyethylene bottles, in days of thaw it is necessary to trample around the trees snow. Remove rodents allow special chemicals, rodenticides, which are required to use in autumn or spring before settling and multiplying pests.

Very effective are lures, based on grated carrots, oats, wet peas, pumpkin, potatoes or zucchini are also used. Usually they are used in the spring. In the autumn period, after the rats make feed stocks for the winter, lures from poisoned grains are best suited. Usually, a water rat comes across a trick on warm days when it comes to the surface.

Despite the fact that many baits are preparations with relatively low toxicity for people and other animals, they should be kept away from food, birds and domestic animals. To make baits use trimming pipes, special feeders. Carcasses of trapped animals, packing of preparations and the remains of bait should be deeply buried or burned in a timely manner.

Good results when getting rid of rodents give poisoned baits, made by truck farmers themselves. To catch water rats take flour (30-40 grams), gypsum or alabaster (20-25 grams) and a small amount of sunflower oil. In addition, another composition is prepared: stir sugar powder (20 grams) with rosin (20 grams) and brown (15 grams). When making baits, do not touch the solution with your hands, but you should use a wooden stick and plastic utensils. Rats will not take a solution that has a human smell.

Poisoned food should be placed in the evening near the hole. Spread is necessary until such time as it will be seen that someone has touched the bait. After that, open holes should be sprinkled with soil. If after a few days it became noticeable that they had opened, then catch water rats should be continued.

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