
Can chickens carry eggs without a cock? Do chickens eat eggs without a cock?

If we take into account that the school biology course was passed long ago, and much has disappeared from the head, questions like: "Can hens carry eggs without a cock?" People just do not need this information in everyday life. That is why there is a great opportunity to spread all kinds of myths, unsubstantiated statements, harmful delusions. At best, you can just get into a funny or embarrassing situation, at worst - to convey your mistakes to children or even become a victim of scammers. This question should be considered in a practical application in life, bypassing the boring course of initial zoology.

Do you need a full-fledged chicken family?

The pastoral picture of rural life is often supplemented by a classic chicken family - a cockerel and several chickens. This image is constantly replicated in children's books with pictures, and thanks to the visual image information is postponed as the truth in the last resort, and then the adult does not really know if the hen is carrying eggs without a cock. The errors are so great that even tips are found: if the chickens become badly carried, then this cock does not cope with its duties.

If the question "Can the chickens carry eggs without a cock?" To consult specialists, then you can get an unambiguous answer - yes. However, on private farmsteads, handsome roosters continue to crow, which are completely unnecessary in order to obtain a product for fried eggs and a morning omelet.

Can chickens carry eggs without a cock: chicken physiology

If we consider the physiology of the chicken, then everything becomes clear. The egg is an egg that, under the condition of fertilization, can develop into a full-fledged organism. Then the hatch hatched from the egg . However, in the absence of a rooster, the hen can not independently turn off the egg production mechanism, as most females of other birds and animals, including humans, can not do.

Indeed, can chickens carry eggs without a cock and is it important? But a chicken egg is not at all a future chicken, as every female egg without the participation of male sex cells will never become a child. Therefore, in the absence of a cock, eggs will be, but chickens can not wait.

Healing properties of fertilized eggs

On any delusion you can earn money. This is not quite an honest practice, often clearly flowing into fraud. For example, there is a myth that fertilized chicken eggs have a special set of incredibly valuable microelements that can cure everything, including severe forms of cancer. Asking a naive and harmless question whether a chicken can carry eggs without a cock, a person does not even suspect that such ignorance plays into the hands of the machinators.

In fact, fertilized eggs have no magical properties, apart from the pleasant probability of still getting the chicken at the end of the incubation period. A small number of germ cells, sometimes even indistinguishable by the human eye and found only with the help of an ovoscope, can not cope with diseases. Perhaps this refers to the category of mysticism, designed to use the placebo effect.

Natural update of the henhouse population

Of course, a cock in a chicken kingdom is necessary, especially if there are several good hens in the poultry house. In this case, chicken young will be reproduced in a natural way without additional financial injections. A small homestead farm in this case gets a good help.

Beginning poultry farmers are often worried about whether a chicken can carry eggs without a cock, because they are primarily aimed at obtaining a sufficient number of eggs. I want to reassure them - no quantity or quality of eggs, the absence of a male in the chicken kingdom is not affected. Otherwise, large poultry farms would work on a completely different principle.

The Rooster is an Assistant in the Household Farm

What is the use of the cock, except for the sonorous crowing early in the morning and the hatching of eggs from the eggs? Here it is not necessary to minimize his role, because the cock can become a real helper, sometimes priceless. A good cock makes an exemplary order in the henhouse, as befits a male alpha. Young males, intended for meat, with older males behave more calmly and better weight, chickens do not quarrel and do not divide the hierarchy. The cock watches his feathered harem vigilantly, can drive away a stray dog that encroaches on laying hens or chicks, is able to enter into single combat with a hawk or ferret. One can speculate whether the chickens carry eggs without a cock, but one thing is certain: the chicken family will be better off with the cock, and the master is easier and calmer. Of course, an overly aggressive bird, ready to attack a mistress or a child, is a direct way to the soup, but it is easily amenable to correction. In the purchased lot of chickens grown, as a rule, several males come across, and you can choose the best.

School biology and humanizing chicken

Where do the questions "Can a hen carry eggs without a cock?", Yes or no, and why there will not be chickens, if there are eggs anyway? As already mentioned, people do not use the knowledge gained in school, if their daily life does not require it. But this is not the only reason, you can study at school, but safely skip the information. In addition, people traditionally try to humanize all objects around them - to attribute to them the features and qualities peculiar to people.

The model of the human family is attributed to dogs, cats, chickens, too, were no exception. In the depth of the question "Do hens have eggs without a cock?" Lies the fallacy, according to which everything that was born is already a child. Therefore, when it turns out that a chicken egg without the participation of a cock is just a food product, and not an "unhappy unborn chicken," a person is naturally perplexed. It is advisable not to produce myth-making and not tell the children tearful stories about how the mother of the chicken sobs at the kids, who have already become an omelet. Nothing but harm, this approach will not bring, and chickens do not even sympathize with people, because the maternal instinct is present only in the poultry. A regular laying hen does not care what happens to her eggs.

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