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Violations of speech. Classification of major defects

As you know, at an early age, children can observe some or other violations in the sphere of presentation of thoughts. In order for a child to have an opportunity for normal socialization, such shortcomings need to be eliminated. Let us consider what speech disorders can be . Classification of common defects will be presented later.


Children with impaired functions of the speech apparatus belong to a special category of individuals. They have no deviations in intellectual development in comparison with their peers. However, defects in the oral, as well as violations in written speech, inevitably negatively affect the formation of individual aspects of the psyche.

Today, in the field of speech therapy, several classifications are used, according to which, certain defects in the presentation of thought are identified. The first is psychological and pedagogical. The second is clinical and pedagogical.

What are the more objective provisions for identifying a speech disorder? The classification of these and other plans is successfully used by speech therapists. Different points of view on one problem do not contradict, but only supplement each other.

Clinical and pedagogical classification

The presented classification has a bias towards the commonwealth with medicine. However, identifiable defects are not attached to specific diseases.

According to the clinical-pedagogical classification, speech therapists distinguish 11 forms of violations as a whole. Two forms concern violation of written speech. The rest allow to identify shortcomings in the oral presentation.

Here the following types of speech disorders are distinguished:

  1. Afoniya - disorders that arise as a result of pathologies of the vocal apparatus. In this case, there may be phonor defects, voice distortions, vocal disturbances.
  2. Tahilalia - accelerated pace of speech.
  3. Bradilia is a pathological slowing of speech.
  4. Stuttering - malfunctions in the rhythm and pace of speech. The cause is the periodic convulsive state of the muscles that form the speech apparatus.
  5. Rinolalia - defects in the pronunciation of individual sounds, which alternate with a change in the timbre of the voice. The cause is the anatomical defects of the speech apparatus.
  6. Dysplasia is a difficult pronunciation of sounds with normal development of the muscles of the speech apparatus and healthy hearing.
  7. Dysarthria is a defect, the essence of which consists in the improper pronunciation of individual sounds and words.
  8. Alalia - underdevelopment or total absence of speech. The most common cause is the defeat of the corresponding areas of the cerebral cortex at the intrauterine or early stage of the child's development.
  9. Aphasia is a partial or total loss of the ability to reproduce sounds. It is determined by the presence of local brain lesions.
  10. Disgraphy - specific, specific for a certain individual, a violation of written speech.
  11. Dyslexia is the manifestation of partial defects during reading.

Psychological-pedagogical classification of speech disorders

The identification of defects here is based, mainly, on psychological criteria. According to the classification, the following violations are distinguished:

  1. Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech - violations in the pronunciation of sounds and words of the native language.
  2. General underdevelopment of speech is a systemic problem, the presence of which may be due to the child's mental retardation. This, in turn, affects the individual's unconsciousness of the semantic and sonic aspects of speech components.
  3. Stuttering - according to the psychological-pedagogical classification, is considered as a defect of communicative abilities with the correct formation of the speech apparatus.

What can the underdevelopment of speech affect?

Children with underdevelopment of speech often suffer from a complicated, slowed-down adaptation in society. In order to ensure socialization, speech therapists use targeted correction of defects. Without this, children in the future may have certain shortcomings in the intellectual, sensory and volitional spheres.

Possessing a sufficiently developed thinking, children with logopedic problems often experience difficulties in forming thoughts, building logical connections. With insufficient attention of parents to the existing problems in the speech sphere, the child may later have failures in the motor sphere. In particular, children with a lag in the development of the speech apparatus are often unable to perform as coordinated movements on the team as their peers.

Deviations can also be observed in the emotional sphere of the child with speech impairment. Such children are inherently insecure, lack of interests, increased irritability, difficulties in establishing contacts with others.

These and other problems can affect the future of children who have speech disorders. Classification and identification of existing defects allows us to start work on correcting shortcomings in a timely manner.


So we examined the main violations of speech. Classification of deviations of the psychological and pedagogical plan was previously used in speech therapy practice only to identify the problem. The final conclusion was made by neurologists. Today, doctors are increasingly using both classifications in parallel, since this approach contributes to a more accurate diagnosis and the development of effective methods of speech correction.

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