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Veniamin: name, meaning, origin

Men's name Veniamin has many analogues in other languages. For example, in English-speaking countries it has the form of Benjamin, Benjamin or simply Ben. However, his origin is not Russian, and not even English. Where did this rather rare name appear in our time?

Benjamin. Origin and meaning

This name is of Hebrew origin. In the original it sounded like Benjamin. That's the name of the son of the patriarch Jacob. His mother was Jacob's second and favorite wife, Rachel. She died after giving birth because of the onset of the illness. Benjamin was born at a time when his father and mother were traveling to Bethlehem. The only thing a woman has managed to do is give a name to her son. She called him Benoni, which translates as "child of sorrow." However, after the death of his wife, Jacob decided to change the name of his son, calling him Benjamin.

The Russified version of the name that Jacob once gave to his son sounds like Benjamin or Benjamin. The meaning of the name is "the son of the beloved wife". In addition, there are similar meanings: "happy son," "my son's right hand," "the son of my right hand."

The meaning of the name Benjamin for the boy

Little Benjamin is often jokingly called a professor. And it's not accidental, after all such clever, diligent and assiduous child it is necessary to look still. The best method of educating such a child is to indulge his interests. In this case, parents can be sure that the boy will turn into an intelligent and gentle man who can still stand up for himself. If you apply a more rigid, "male" approach in the education of the boy, the only thing that parents can achieve is the transformation of a wonderful and obedient kid into a stubborn, wayward and nervous boy.

If someone from childhood knows how to go to the goal, then it's Benjamin. The name, whose meaning speaks of the romantic nature, confirms such qualities. A boy in childhood and adolescence can be fond of poetry, playing musical instruments. Yes, and in general a person with this name - a creative nature.

Regardless of whether this little boy is Venya or an adult Benjamin, he is always kind, gentle, capable of sympathy. In addition, the guy has a good sense of humor. And in others he is not able to see anything wrong. Veniamin with joy helps friends and friends, and just strangers, but he never waits for anything in return.

Love and relationships

Due to its softness, romanticism and intelligence, Benjamin can be called a favorite of women. In his youth, he can fall in love quite often, and absolutely any woman is capable of liking him. In the relationship, he, most likely, would prefer to remain on the sidelines.

A woman who wants to be with him must have a strong character, be determined and strong-willed. In addition, she must be loving and faithful. It can be said that for this very reason Veniamin, whose meaning indicates a kind of lack of initiative, often chooses a woman who is slightly older than him as a life partner. In this case, she will not have illusions about a cloudless marriage, will understand her responsibility for children and her husband. And this is exactly what Benjamin expects. The name, the meaning of which points to the romantic nature of the owner, also says that such a person can not marry by calculation. He is sure that you can marry only for love.

The only woman with whom Benjamin could not get along is the one with rudeness, impudence, cynicism. And if something can break his heart, it's a lie.

A man named Benjamin loves children. Most likely, he dreams of becoming the head of a large family. At the same time, he realizes that he must take responsibility for them, and is ready to provide his children with everything necessary: education, home, rest, and above all, love.

The meaning of a name for a career

As already mentioned, a man with this name is most keen on creativity. Therefore, the profession he needs to choose the one that will meet these impulses. Best of all, he will be able to realize himself as an artist, writer, musician. And scientific activity will not be alien to a man named Benjamin. The name, the meaning of which indicates an undoubted talent, also says that such a person will be interested not only in developing himself as a creative person, but also in teaching everything he knows about others. Therefore, he can very well combine creativity with work in the field of education or manage his own courses.

In addition, from Benjamin can be a great helper. He has all the qualities necessary for such activities: responsibility, punctuality. He has a remarkable mind, besides, he can be trusted in any situation.

Compatibility with the signs of the zodiac

Aries, Leo and Cancer are zodiacal signs that are the patrons of a man named Veniamin. The name for the child is ideal if it was born under one of these signs.

If the boy is born under the sign of Aries, he will be a straightforward and optimistic person. Despite the fact that Benjamin is inclined to idealize people around him in particular and life in general, this sign gives him some hardness of character. This does not allow us to use his kindness against him.

If the boy was born under the sign of Leo, it will bring in his character a sense of pride, determination. In addition, the sign promotes the development of creative energy and helps to educate purposefulness.

Name Compatibility

Given that Benjamin - a name whose meaning indicates a soft character and the ability to find a common language with almost everyone, for a happy family union is not so important as they will call the companion of the life of such a man. However, one should take into account that this name is quite rare in our time, so its owner will feel comfortable with a girl who wears the same unusual name. It could be Stella, Ada, Dora, Mirra, Sarah. Despite the fact that feelings with such girls will be as sharp as possible, Benjamin is able to build relationships with women whose names are more popular, such as Anastasia, Maria, Barbara, Nina.

As for the unsuccessful union, he, most likely, will be with the chosen one, who bears the name of Catherine, Regina, Jana, Angela, Veronica.

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