HealthAlternative Medicine

Unique medicinal properties of bdan: how to apply

Badan - Asian mountain plant, grows at an altitude of 2700 m. It occurs within the Alpine, subalpine and forest belts. It grows in South Siberia, the Western Sayan and the mountain ranges of the Baikal region. The plant with its broad leaves completely covers the soil, and in places forms huge thickets. The healing properties of badan have been known since ancient times.

The leaves and root of this unique plant contain a huge amount of tannins, thanks to these substances raw materials were used to make tannic extracts. These extracts were actively used for the production of different skin types. Previously, juice from the root of the plant was impregnated with fishing nets and tarpaulins, which at times prolonged the service life. But not only for industrial purposes used bahan, but in food.

Russians, Buryats and Mongols are rumored to know the medicinal properties of badan. From the leaves prepare medicinal drinks, which are called "black teas." The ancient people used to eat the root of the badan. It contains many starchy substances that nourish and relieve hunger.

Badan: properties and composition

Healing properties have both leaves and root. In all parts of the plant, there are many essential oils, resins and tannins. Infusions, elixirs and suspensions from the overwintered leaves help to lower blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, give strength, relieve fatigue and increase efficiency.

Scientists have found out that badan has anti-radiation and anti-tumor properties. In the course of experimental studies, it was found that alcoholic infusions from leaves and rhizomes inhibit the development of malignant tumors by 50%. The experiments were carried out on animals: they were first infected, and then they were given medicinal infusion. Those animals that took the extract survived.

Researchers in this field have isolated from the plant a galenic drug that helps to destroy cancer activity. In pharmaceuticals from the "black" overwintered leaflets make a dry powder that has immunostimulating, antibacterial, adaptogenic and anti-stress action. The therapeutic properties of badana are unique and widely used in various fields.

Due to the presence of knitting effect, curative decoctions are made from rhizomes, which are taken orally for diarrhea of different severity, enterocolitis and dysentery. Also, the remedy works well for periodontal disease, inflammation of the gums, decoction of the mouth cavity several times a day. It is widely used in gynecology, it stops bleeding, cures inflammation of the appendages and fibroids, normalizes the menstrual cycle.

At home, you can prepare a liquid extract from this valuable raw material and use it as a medicine. Take 30 gr. Shredded grass, poured hot water (200 g.), The mixture must be boiled until some of the liquid is evaporated. The ready infusion is filtered and taken at 30 drops twice a day.

The therapeutic properties of badana will help women suffering from profuse and painful menstruation. For syringing, you need to prepare a solution from a tablespoon of plant extract (liquid infusion) and warm water (10 gr.). Daily for a month douche a few times a day.

In Tibet infusions of rhizomes are used for diseases of the kidneys, lungs and the gastrointestinal tract. Mongolian non-traditional medicine recommends it for toxicosis and vomiting. In addition, decoctions can be used as an antiplatelet and disinfectant. Dry rhizomes are added to soups, flour and salads. Powder from a dry mixture accelerates the healing of ulcers and wounds.

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