Health, Alternative Medicine
Grass lovage: properties and applications
What properties does the herb have? This and other questions concerning the presented plant, we will answer in detail in this article.
Grass lovage is a perennial plant containing many useful substances. By its properties, it is quite similar to celery. Which is not surprising, because both presented plants belong to the same family - Celery.
Grass lovage has a specific flavor, and also a very bitter taste. The stem of such a plant is round and tubular, and branching begins only in the upper part. It should be specially noted that a lovage can reach a height of two meters.
The root system of such a plant is very powerful, massive and spindly. The leaves of the grass are shiny and have a wedge-shaped dentate shape. As for the flowers, they are rather small. The amateuress bursts at the very beginning of June.
Procurement of raw materials
Use this plant can be completely. If you want to prepare the rhizomes, then it is better to do it in the fall. They must be excavated, well washed and chopped, and then dried and left for storage (at room temperature) in a tightly packed container.
To prepare stems and leaves, they need to be cut, washed, and then slightly dried. Such raw materials can be frozen. If you decide to dry lyubistok leaves, then it is desirable to store them in a glass container.
Composition of grass
Why is the herb lover so often used in non-traditional medicine as a preventive and curative remedy? The fact is that all parts of this plant contain essential oil. In addition, resins, starch, organic acids, minerals and tannins, as well as many other components that have a beneficial effect on the human body have been found in its roots. Among other things, in the leaves of this plant there is ascorbic acid. This is what makes a lover even more effective and efficient in treatment.
Grass lovage: properties of the plant
We told about the composition of this plant. But how do such substances affect the human body?
Almost all adherents of alternative medicine use medicinal herbs for treatment of various diseases. Lyubistok in this is no exception. But what did this plant deserve such glory? Many years of experience with the application of the herb showed that its useful components really help from a variety of diseases. So, lovage has calming and anti-inflammatory effect, heals wounds, removes puffiness, successfully fights migraine and anemia, and also strengthens and tones the body as a whole.
One can not ignore the fact that not so long ago scientists established that this plant is able to protect a person from the negative effects of radiation waves.
Use in folk and traditional medicine
Grass lovage, the application of which is very extensive, is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. The juice contained in this plant contributes not only to the healing of small cuts, but also to cleansing and scarring of deep purulent wounds. It should also be noted that lovage is very often used by cosmetic and pharmacological companies for the manufacture of various medicinal and caring products.
In folk medicine, a decoction from the roots of the presented plant proved particularly well. It is an ideal preventative against infectious diseases. In addition, it is actively used in cases of urination problems and constipation.
It should also be noted that a decoction of such a herb is often used by those who suffer from heart disease, insomnia or regular stressful situations.
Application in Cooking
What else is used for lovage grass? The use of this plant for weight loss is explained by the presence of tannins in it, which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal motility, which directly affects its purification.
Often lovage is used in cooking as a seasoning. Dried shoots and leaves of this plant give the prepared dishes a wonderful aroma, as well as a slightly island taste. Its aerial part can be added to soup soups. If you want to use a fresh lover, then they can season boiled or roasted meat, as well as add to various salads.
The roots of such grass are often used to make dressings and sauces. During the preparation of home marinades, experts also recommend adding a couple of small twigs of lovage to each jar. In this case, all your pickles will become more saturated flavor and taste.
It should be especially noted that lovage is actively used in cooking, and thanks to the fact that it is able to stimulate digestion.
Contraindications to the use of herbs
As with conventional pharmacy products, the presented medicinal plant also has its own contraindications. It is forbidden to eat and as a remedy during the period of bearing of the child. This is due to the fact that it is able to cause a large influx of blood into the pelvic region, which, as is known, is quite dangerous for the fetus.
Among other things, this plant is not recommended for those who have inflamed hemorrhoids. After all, for the same reason as in pregnancy, the flow of blood into the pelvic region will significantly hamper the treatment of this ailment.
Grass lovage in magic
Even in ancient times, people knew about the magical properties of this perennial plant. According to psychics, its useful properties are not only healing, but also attract any person of the opposite sex. So, using this grass, the girls more than once fascinated the guys they liked.
Magic rituals using grass lovage are recommended only on Friday. It is this day is the day of the goddess of love - Venus. One of these ways of crossing is intersected with cooking. In other words, a girl in love should prepare a dish, the ingredients of which are lovage and meat, and then treat them to her boyfriend. After the young man eats a special dinner for him, he will have an inexplicable craving for the woman who made such a hearty meal for him.
Let's sum up the results
Now you know what the lovage is, what it is used for and what properties it has. It should be noted that most often as a therapeutic agent is used decoction of the presented plant. It is prepared quite easily: a couple of large spoons should be poured with steep boiling water and left under a closed lid until it cools down completely.
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