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How many teeth does a cat have, how to clean them?

Conscientious owners are trying to monitor the health of their pets. Cats are not only shiny hair and clipped claws, but also teeth. Do not know how many teeth a cat has? Then it will be useful for you to read this article.

At first, the cats grow their baby teeth. How many teeth does a cat have recently had? In all there are 26, they completely erupt when the animal is about three to four weeks old. Then they change to indigenous ones. Usually this process is delayed for five or six months. With proper nutrition, the replacement of milk teeth by the root in the pets is not particularly painful, it does not require the involvement of medical assistance. However, watching the oral cavity of the cat during this period will not be superfluous. And if you notice any deviation, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

How many teeth does a cat have when it's grown up? More than dairy in kittens. The total number of molars in this animal is 30. But if you want to count the teeth of your pet, and in fact they are less, then this is not a reason for panic. For example, some pussies never grow incisors, while others, on the contrary, lose them early. By the way, depending on how many teeth in cats, you can almost surely determine their age with utmost accuracy. If the main teeth for some reason fell out, then it's much harder to find out how old the animal is.

Among the main diseases of teeth in cats are: for example, if between the upper and lower incisors there is a gap of more than two millimeters, the veterinarians call it a snack, or "pike jaw". And when the incisors protrude slightly in relation to the lower teeth, this is already undershot. Such vices do not depend on the conditions of detention. They are most often inherited.

How many teeth a cat has also depends on her age. Over time, the teeth of the animal wear off and fall out. Most of this applies to incisors, which take the main load in chewing food. But the root and sub-root teeth remain more than two decades. But in purebred cats the life expectancy is somewhat less than for the rest. Therefore, their teeth fall out a little earlier than other brethren.

Always pay attention to the condition of the cat's teeth. After all, on the molars and canines, tartar can occur . It looks like a yellow bezel near the gums. And it is due to bacteria, as well as food debris. A yellow coating appears on the teeth. It seems to be not scary, but over time it can harden. This disease occurs only in domestic cats. After all, in the wild they use teeth much more actively. To reduce the risk of a stone, you can brush your pet's teeth.

Cleaning teeth in cats also relieves bad smell from the mouth. There are several ways to produce this process. For example, you can take red wine and soda. Put a little wine on cotton wool, rub it with teeth, and then apply soda. This will quickly remove the raid. You can also take a baby toothbrush (always with soft bristles), clean the cat's mouth with tooth powder. There are special brushes and pastes designed specifically for these animals. There are even pasta with taste of fish.

Now you know how many teeth a cat has, and how to take care of them. Remember that the healthy oral cavity of the pet is the guarantee of its good mood.

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