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Infusion of dog rose: benefit and harm. How to prepare an extract from a dogrose?

Once upon a time, when it was still impossible to separate a fairy tale from the reality, like the sky from the ocean, and the gods lived near people, Aphrodite fell in love with Adonis, so beautiful that she forgot about Olympus and began to live with her beloved in the magnificent gardens of Cyprus. They engaged in hunting for animals and harvesting fruits, trying not even to part for a while. But, as happens, their happiness did not last forever.

Adonis, hunting, died from the fangs of a wild boar. Upon learning of this, the goddess went to the mountains in search of his corpse. On mountain steep paths, dotted with thorns and sharp stones, Aphrodite did not notice her own wounds and irrigated the earth with drops of blood. Finding Adonis, she ordered that the blood of a loved one turned into anemones. After that, drops of blood of the goddess became pink luxurious flowers of a dogrose.

And to this day every spring roses and anemones on this bush are simultaneously blossoming, meeting each time. Of course, this is only a legend, but you noticed that when you see the flower of a dogrose, you smile and are unable to resist the tenderness that undertook from nowhere?


The briar is a wild shrub, the elder brother of a garden rose that is familiar to many. It can be found anywhere - on a mountain slope, at the edge of a forest, on a river bank, in a park, and also on the roadside. This plant can easily recognize and the child, while in traditional medicine, literally all of its parts - fruits, hips, roots, leaves. Many phytotherapeutists, fully confident in the healing properties of the plant, include it in many medicinal preparations.

Healing properties

Rosehip is the record holder in terms of the amount of nutrients. Its main distinguishing feature, of course, can be considered the presence of vitamin C in fruits, exceeding 50 times the lemon. In addition, it contains vitamins B2, B1, E, K, B6, sugars, bioflavonoids, organic acids, pectins, iron salts, tannins, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, magnesium. In addition, rosehip has powerful bactericidal and phytoncidal properties.

It should be noted that the vitamin C contained in it, lowers the cholesterol content in the blood, therefore, prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. Carotene increases the body's resistance. Vitamin P helps strengthen capillaries, as well as better absorption of vitamin C. B vitamins are necessary for the production of visual purple. In addition, they participate in the functioning of the hematopoietic organs. It is also worth noting that vitamin K is needed when bleeding occurs, as it improves blood clotting.

What are the benefits of rosehip preparations?

Syrup, extract and rose hip tincture , the use of which is very common in folk medicine, are effective in diphtheria, pneumonia, pertussis, scarlet fever. It is not necessary to consider preparations based on this plant for such serious diseases as the only medicine, but using them together with the basic medications, you can accelerate the recovery period.

It has also been noticed for a long time that it benefits from trophic ulcers that slowly heal wounds, stones in the liver and kidneys, gastritis, bleeding, metabolic disorders.

The use of dog rose in different countries

In our country the infusion of dog rose, the benefits and harm of which are described in detail in this article, are traditionally brewed in the winter, as it is noted that it is possible to survive the cold without colds.

In Tibet, its fruits are treated with atherosclerosis, neurasthenia and tuberculosis.

Medicine of China practices the application of plant roots, when it is necessary to strengthen digestion, as well as to get rid of worms.

In Siberia, recipes are used to heal petals of dog rose, boiled in honey, erysipelas and fungus on legs.

Infusion of dog rose

Infusion of dog rose (the benefit and harm of its fruits is explained by the high content of active elements in it) can be used as an effective tool that increases the level of resistance of the human body to the impact of all kinds of infectious and viral particles. Due to its consumption, it is possible to achieve activation of protective functions and enhance immunity. This drink will benefit from physical or mental overwork.

This infusion also has an excellent choleretic effect in the treatment of cholecystitis. It improves appetite and normalizes digestive processes. The admission of this drug composition improves the functioning of the liver and optimizes the gallbladder. Infusion strengthens the walls of capillaries and vessels, reducing the possibility of the appearance of atherosclerosis. It allows you to cope with avitaminosis, treats anemia.

Such a drink has an excellent diuretic effect. The rose hip for the kidneys and bladder is very actively used in their treatment. Drink consumption effectively copes with overexertion and eliminates fatigue, in addition, this treatment can somewhat lower the pressure values. There is an opinion that the funds based on this plant are remarkably good at aging.

This infusion cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and excess salts. It also eliminates excess cholesterol and speeds up metabolic processes. It has strong anti-inflammatory parameters.

Infusion of dog rose for children is used for colds. This drink will be useful for people who suffer from diabetes, in addition, pregnant women.

Cooking method

Now we learn how to prepare an infusion of dog rose by yourself. For this, it is better to use fresh fruits. One tablespoon of water should be washed and chopped. Pour them two cups of boiling water, then boil 10 minutes in a sealed container.

Leave to infuse for 24 hours. Then strain the resulting infusion to remove the hairs that are inside the berry.

The value of a medicinal drug

Arguing about the benefits of this infusion, we can say that he absorbs the useful qualities of fresh berries. But you need to consider that it can not be consumed in excessive quantities. To achieve the result, the infusion of dog rose (the benefit and harm it is of interest to many today) is to take courses - within one month. It is desirable to drink these compounds 3 times a day.

Precautionary measures

Many people believe that phytopreparations can not be poisoned. But this is a delusion. Of course, the beneficial properties of this dog rose in many diseases and in the form of preventive means of proof does not require, they are tested by the experience of many generations and by the time. But before making a decision about its use, you need to contact a specialist to help determine the dose correctly. It must be remembered that every substance can be both a salvage and a poison - it depends on the dosage.

You need to be careful, taking the briar infusion. The benefits and harms of such a drink are due to the large number of active substances that make up its composition. There are several reasons for such caveats:

  • A strong broth or briar infusion can damage tooth enamel. After each use, you should brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with clean water.
  • A high content of vitamin C can play an evil joke with excessive use. Since ascorbic acid in diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis with high acidity, as well as ulcer of the duodenum and stomach) acts irritatingly, it can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  • It should be taken with caution dog rose in the event that there were rashes and inflammations on the skin.
  • Properties that help to stop bleeding, rosehips are contraindicated with the possibility of blood clots.

The number of contraindications seems impressive. But the dangers of using it are not much greater than from some other medicinal plant. It is necessary to be guided by the sensation of the measure, and in this case you can not harm yourself, but you can benefit from rose hips.

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