HealthDiseases and Conditions

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome (abbreviated to IBS) affects people who are constantly prone to all sorts of stresses, emotional by nature, perhaps even with an unstable psyche. Usually , irritable bowel syndrome begins to manifest symptoms after a violation of the nature of the diet or the habitual regimen, as well as after the transferred stress.

IBS occurs in people aged an average of 24 to 41 years. In the case when irritable bowel symptoms occur in the elderly after 60 years, it is most likely that this diagnosis is erroneous and the patient should be checked for such diseases as polyposis, intestinal cancer and devi cuculosis.

Development of IBS can contribute to hormonal disorders, pregnancy and gynecological diseases in women, inactive lifestyle, diabetes, overweight. IBS can be a consequence of acute bowel infections.

In order to determine the disease in time, you need to know that the irritable bowel syndrome has the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen and in the area around the navel after a meal, which takes place after visiting the restroom;
  • Bloating and flatulence;
  • Frequent constipation;
  • False desires;
  • Diarrhea after eating (most often in the morning);
  • Belching with air;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

IBS also has associated symptoms: headaches, lack of air, lump in the throat, insomnia, tinnitus, dry mouth, frequent urination, feeling weak.

With the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, symptoms appear on average for 12 weeks over the past year.

It is important to distinguish IBS from other diseases, so it's better to immediately seek help from a doctor, he can assign the necessary tests and plan the necessary treatment.

Treatment of IBS should be directed to the cause of the disease. If the cause is hormonal disorders, then an endocrinologist is needed. If there is a violation in the diet, you need a medical diet (from food, you need to exclude flour, chocolate, alcohol, coffee, sharp and smoked dishes), which must be adjusted depending on the prevailing symptoms. It is also important to eliminate the psychological cause of the disease. To do this, you need to contact a psychologist.

When the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms should also be treated. With constipation, the doctor prescribes laxatives, with diarrhea - fixing drugs, drugs that improve digestion and reduce gas production. If IBS is combined with a dysbacteriosis, then a course of probiotics is needed. With frequent headaches and sleep disturbances, the doctor can prescribe painkillers and sedatives.

For the diagnosis of "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", treatment with folk remedies is also quite effective. With a painful syndrome and flatulence, peppermint will help. From flatulence will also help ginger and cinnamon. To improve peristalsis and relaxation of the intestine, you can take infusion of chamomile, peppermint, hydrastis, dioscorea and medicinal marshmallow. With constipation, aloe juice and a decoction of plantain seeds help. To relieve stress , a warm bath with the addition of a few drops of geranium and juniper oil helps. However, if treatment with folk methods does not help and the disease progresses, you need to seek help from a doctor.

In the treatment of IBS, it is important to remember that its effectiveness and effectiveness largely depend not on eliminating the symptoms, but on eliminating the root cause of the disease, improving the patient's psychoemotional state.

Be healthy, take care of yourself and listen to yourself in time, because the body always gives us signs that can not always be recognized, but they are enough to understand what to look for first.

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