Education, Languages
I wonder how many letters in the Russian alphabet?
How many letters in the Russian alphabet? It would seem that the question is trivial, but if you go into history, you can find many interesting facts. Yes, of course, the number of letters in the Russian alphabet is 33, so any child will answer. However, this answer will be true only in relation to the modern alphabet.
According to the data of later studies, it is known that in the first Cyrillic alphabet, some letters denoted the same sound. This is where the fight against unnecessary signs began. And it was not so easy to answer the question: "How many letters in the Russian alphabet?" In the history of the formation of the modern Russian alphabet, several original reform-revolutions passed. One of them was the reform of Peter I. It is significant in that he removed the superscript symbols and changed the letters in the Russian alphabet. This inscription is fixed, and is in active circulation in our days.
Interesting is the history of the second sign - "ъ" - of the modern alphabet. Nowadays, starting with the primary school classes, teachers explain to the children why and in what words it is put. However, until 1918, it was written at the end of the words after the letter denoting a solid consonant sound. When copying all sorts of letters, texts and business papers, it took him a long time to write it. His seal in books and newspapers cost about 400 thousand rubles a year. It turned out to be a long and expensive, so he was determined a new function.
So, the alphabet was established in 1942 and was no longer subject to any changes. Now we know for sure that each letter is printed and handwritten, as well as uppercase and lowercase. This teaches first-graders in schools and the question of their first teacher: "How many letters in the Russian alphabet?" They respond confidently. It is this knowledge and skills that accompany each person in life.
All letters of the alphabet are divided into vowels and consonants, as well as to letters without an audio value, letters with a double sound value and letters with a single sound value.
And with the alphabet you can play, making up various ciphers from it, if each letter is designated by its serial number. The beginning of the count can be considered the letter "A", and you can also the letter "I".
Some letters of the alphabet are especially loved, for example the letter "E". She put several monuments on the territory of our country.
Here is such an interesting alphabet! Now we can say with confidence how many letters in the Russian alphabet.
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