
Treatment of asthma. Main stages

Treatment of asthma specialists are divided into two stages. The first is the withdrawal of the attack. The second class includes supportive therapy. It should be said that, regardless of the cause of the disease, asthma treatment is carried out by one method.

Seizure withdrawal

At the first stage, the treatment of asthma involves the use of bronchospasmolytic drugs. These drugs are considered "first aid". There are a lot of medicines in this category. Bronchospasmolytics vary in the degree of exposure. It should be said that specialists all over the world are constantly working on improving the drugs. The task of bronchospasmolytics is rapid relaxation of smooth muscles and elimination of puffiness. Taking into account the intensity of the attack, the patient's condition, age and other peculiarities of an individual character, a specialist from a large number of medicines chooses the most effective drug or makes the optimal combination of funds. It should be noted that in a number of cases combined asthma treatment is considered the most effective therapeutic device.

Preparations for the removal of an attack

The first category of drugs include such drugs as "Ephedrine" and "Adrenaline." It should be noted that these medications are well known and are considered universal. They contribute to the rapid removal of spasm, reduce the increased secretion of sputum and eliminate edema of the mucosa. However, it should be said that not all patients are well tolerated by the effects of these drugs.

Many patients with the use of these drugs experience heart pain and other negative effects. In this regard, drugs of the second category are often used. Such medicines include such drugs as "Simpatol", "Phenylephrine", "Metazone", "Noradrenaline". When these drugs are used in small dosages, blockage of spasm and a decrease in edema occur. However, overdose of these drugs is dangerous, and therefore their use is somewhat limited.

To the third category of medicines, by means of which asthma is treated, include non-selective beta-stimulants. The most promising are the means of the fourth group. This category includes selective beta-2 stimulants. These drugs are well tolerated with the inhalation method of application. In this regard, they are used to treat asthma in children. The effect of using these funds lasts for four hours. At the same cardiotoxic effect is minimal. The drugs of the fourth group include such drugs as "Salbutamol", "Berotek", "Terbutalin." The latter is considered the most popular drug both in Russia and abroad. In particular, with the help of the drug "Terbutaline" they are treating asthma in Israel. Specialists note its high therapeutic effectiveness.

Side effects of drugs

The most common negative consequences include general anxiety, insomnia, headache. With the use of funds, tremors, fainting conditions, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disorders (tachycardia, hypotension, arrhythmia) can be noted.

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