
Tomato Boni-MM: reviews, variety description and cultivation

Spring is a tomato season. With the onset of the first fair days, each hostess takes out of her cherished bags a tiny seed and begins to sculpt her future harvest. Of course, much depends on how light is the hand, laying tiny grains in the soil. However, no one will argue that in fact the size of the crop is directly dependent on the correct seed selection. In addition, any villa owner wants to eat fresh tomatoes at least from the middle of summer, and as a maximum - before the onset of winter. Tomato Boni-MM, whose reviews raised this brand almost to the pedestal of tomato glory, appeared on the market relatively recently, but already managed to win a whole army of fans. What are the features of this variety? We will try to talk about this right now.

Variety description

Tomat Boni-MM ("Gavrish") by external characteristics differs little from its closest relatives. A distinctive feature of this particular plant is the small height of the bush. Imagine that the maximum "growth" of this tomato is only 45 cm! Nevertheless, the size of the leaves and the thickness of the stems of this plant make it possible to ensure a normal filling of fruits and their maturation, as they say, on the vine.

Tomato Boni-MM (reviews, photos you can see below) has a slightly branched and strong bush that allows you to grow it without the use of various supports or garters. Plants of this variety are determinant, that is, with limited growth. Due to this there is no need to conduct pasynkovanie or regulate the growth of new branches and shoots.

The tomato Boni-MM, more precisely, its fruit, has a bright red color, its shape is flattened, slightly ribbed. The maximum weight of one tomato is about 100 g, but in most cases, summer residents gather tomatoes of medium size - no more than 80 g. The flesh of fruits is dense, juicy, seminal chambers are small.

Features of the variety

To begin with, I would like to say that the tomato variety Boni-MM is intended for growing not only under film shelters, but also in the open ground. Their maturation period is only 85 days from the moment of emergence. That's why the culture with the seedling growing method has time to give up most of the crop before the thunder of all tomatoes - phytophthora - appears on the site.

Tomato Boni-MM, by the recognition of many truck farmers, can be planted directly into the ground from the middle of May. In this case, the harvest can be obtained by the beginning of August, when other tomatoes are just beginning to "gain weight". Notice, all this can be achieved without a hothouse or a film tunnel! Also, this variety is suitable for growing in a container on the balcony.

We sow seedlings: sowing terms

When to plant tomatoes Boni-MM on seedlings ? Reviews of this variety indicate that the specific timing depends on how early the grower wants to get the first ripe fruit. In order to start the mass harvesting of ripe tomatoes as early as the beginning of June, it is necessary to sow in early March. For northern regions of Russia, a seeding of these tomato seedlings will be more suitable in the last third of March, followed by the planting of young plants under a film shelter.

By the way, the tomato Boni-MM, the description of which was described above, can be grown in a non-sifting way, that is, by direct seeding of seeds in the soil. Doing this best at a time when there is no risk of recurrent frosts, and the soil is warmed up fairly well. The age of the seedling at the time of landing in the ground should be at least 30 days.


Despite the rapid growth and early readiness for fruit bearing, Tomato Boni-MM, a photo of which you probably considered in sufficient detail, needs a piquant. The point is that this procedure allows stimulating the growth of additional root mass. Thanks to this, the plant feeds intensively.

Spike after the appearance of the seedlings of the first true leaves. Many gardeners believe that damage to roots can damage tomatoes, but this is not entirely true. It is proved that shortening of the central root stimulates the formation of a number of lateral root processes. Therefore, when picking, you need to gently pinch the longest root by about a third. For a better plant survival, it is possible to powder the rootlets with any root stimulant, for example, with the "Kornevin" preparation.

After picking, special attention should be given to lighting, temperature and humidity both indoors and in the soil. Lack of light, like an overabundance of moisture, can provoke the extension of seedlings. Elevated temperatures also adversely affect the growth of tomatoes.

Choose a place for planting tomatoes Boni-MM

So, let's move on to the choice of a landing site. In which place to place the tomato Boni-MM? Reviews of summer residents, as well as statements of scientists, say that this culture needs sunlight throughout the day. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to build a garden bed for it from the northern side of buildings or next to tall plants. The place should be open not only to the sun, but also to the streams of air.

The soil should be loose and moisture-consuming, contain all the necessary nutrients. Organics in their pure form (manure or plant remains) for tomatoes are not recommended for pawning. It is best to dress the soil with organic in the season preceding the planting.

Care for tomatoes of the Boni-MM variety

The tomato variety Boni-MM, whose testimonies indicate its early entry into fruiting, needs careful care. In the first week after planting seedlings in the ground, it is recommended to keep the soil moist. This will allow the plant roots to quickly settle down. In addition, it is important to keep the bed clean, that is, to permanently remove the weeds that can take a large part of the moisture and nutrients from the seedlings.

After the plants grow on the bed and are moved to growth, watering is done 2-3 times a week. Once every two weeks it is combined with top-dressing with the use of special complex fertilizers for tomatoes or infusion of herbs and manure (infusions should be well fermented!). After each watering, it is recommended to gently loosen the soil around the bushes to access air to the roots.

What else does Boni-MM need? Cultivation of this variety, as mentioned above, does not require the summer resident of such actions as the formation of plants. This means that you do not have to remove your stepchildren or tie a bush to the support. The tomato stamping of this variety is capable of retaining a large number of filling fruits. Nevertheless, at the moment of their maturation, it is recommended to cover the garden with a thick layer of mulch. Firstly, it will allow not to worry that the bed will dry up. Secondly, even the stems with fruits that have fallen to the soil level will be clean, and they will not be affected by rot.

It is also necessary to remove leaves growing below the fruit brushes. This will allow nutrients to be distributed more rationally. For the normal process of photosynthesis, there is enough upper leaves on the plant. The lower ones can attract too many nutrients that the fruits need at the moment of growth.

Pests and diseases

Tomato Boni-MM (the description of the variety see above) is practically not affected by diseases typical for this species. This is due to the fact that the timing of its active growth and fruiting does not coincide with the timing of the pest and the appearance of such a dangerous disease for tomatoes, as late blight.

The only thing that truck farmers can face when growing this variety are slugs, a bear and a wireworm that can damage plant roots and poured fruits. To avoid crop loss, it is important to conduct appropriate soil cultivation and use other methods of pest control.

Advantages of the variety

What characteristics of tomato Boni-MM can be attributed to its unconditional advantages? First, it is a short time between planting plants for seedlings and full yield of the crop. According to gardeners, the harvest of this variety lasts no more than two weeks. This allows you to reduce the time, which often has to spend on caring for the bushes between the two waves of fruiting. The same factor can be used to increase the productivity of each square meter of the suburban area. After harvesting and removing plants on the vacated beds you can plant green plants, radishes and much more. In addition, the indisputable advantage of the variety is the low requirements of the plant to nutrients and weather conditions: even in the cold and wet summer, the yield of Boni-MM tomato exceeds the average.

Disadvantages of the variety

Despite the greater number of advantages, consumers in their reviews point to some disadvantages of tomatoes of the Boni-MM variety. Among them, we can note a small, in comparison with tall and indeterminate varieties, the harvest of tomatoes from one square meter. Nevertheless, this fact is not significant, because from one bush you can collect up to 2 kg of full-bodied fruits.

What you should pay attention to when growing

Consider several aspects that can affect the growth and development of culture, and hence the number of fruits. The first thing that should be taken into account when planting it is the scheme of plant placement in the garden. Since the bushes are small and not strongly branched, they need little space for full growth. Ideally, the distance between the plants in the row should be at least 30 cm, and between rows - 50 cm. The average number of bushes per square meter should not exceed 9. With this planting scheme, tomatoes will be provided with a normal amount of moisture and nutrition. In addition, the airflow between them will pass freely, which will positively affect pollination and, as a result, yield.

When planting tomatoes Boni-MM in a crocheted way (in late April or early May), it will be necessary to build a film shelter above the bed in the form of a tunnel. After the appearance of two real leaves on plants, the shelter can be left only during a period of high probability of frost.

At the beginning of the growth of the fruit, you can slightly bite the tomato bushes, so that additional roots are formed on the lower part of the stem. To accelerate the maturation of some gardeners use a technique such as splitting the stem. It consists in the fact that the lower part of the tomato is cut along, and a smooth wooden stick or other object is inserted into the incision, which does not allow the stalk to grow together. This method allows you to shorten the fruit ripening time for several days.

Using Tomatoes Boni-MM in Cooking

How to use and what is the taste of Boni-MM tomato? Consumer reviews say that the taste and density of fruits allow to classify this variety as universal (although the seed producer refers it to salad varieties). From ripe fruits you can prepare salads, a variety of canned billets and pickles. Also, they produce excellent tomato juice and a variety of sauces. Tomatoes can be used for filling soups and other hot dishes and for making pizza.

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