
Thrombophlebitis of lower extremities

Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, as a rule, arises as a secondary disease. The disease is mainly a complication of the development of any infection. The most common of these include typhoid fever, influenza, pneumonia, dysentery. Often thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities develops after abrasions, ulcers on the skin, scrapings, carbuncle or furuncle. In some cases, the disease is typical for pregnant women and people suffering from heart defects.

Very often there is a thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs affected by varicose veins. With a slight expansion of the veins, regular foot baths are recommended as a prophylaxis. The difficulty of blood circulation is largely promoted by tight elastic bands for stockings. Women in such cases are very vulnerable to the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels. It should be noted that the occurrence of any, even minor, ailment is an alarming signal. It is necessary to go to bed and call a doctor. Thus, it is possible to avoid the complication of thrombophlebitis - detachment of the clot of the blood. He can penetrate into the most important organs, cause severe consequences - to clog the artery.

Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities can develop after surgical interventions. Especially high risk of its occurrence with a long rehabilitation period, suggesting the patient in a stationary position.

The onset of thrombophlebitis can be characterized by suddenness. However, the disease often develops gradually, taking the course chronic. Patients, as a rule, complain of pain in the limbs. In some cases, body temperature can rise to 38 degrees. Manifestation of soreness in the groin area may indicate that the lymph nodes located in this zone are involved in the pathological process.

In many cases, the lesion affects not only the superficial veins. Very often thrombophlebitis develops on so-called "deep" vessels. In such cases, the characteristic manifestations of the disease is the pulling pain in the gastrocnemius muscle or the region of the thigh.

Some patients after thrombophlebitis have a persistent disorder of venous circulation and the formation of pronounced edema. Ulcers can form on the lower limb. Thrombophlebitis is characterized by both periods of calm morbidity, and its subsequent exacerbation. In the first days of development of the disease recommend strict observance of rest.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis with folk remedies.

The acute course of the disease involves the use of oil-balsamic dressings. Their use allows you to reduce swelling and soreness. Warmers are not strongly recommended, as they increase the inflammatory process.

To the diseased parts of the lower limbs, it is necessary to apply crushed cabbage leaves mixed with egg yolk. Thus, the edema accompanying thrombophlebitis can be alleviated.

Traditional medicine also recommends the infusion of flowers of chestnut and lilac. The components are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. Filled with flowers, a liter jar should be poured with alcohol or vodka, tightly closed and left in a dark place. The container must be shaken daily. After twenty-one days, the infusion is filtered. With a cotton swab every evening, you should rub the sore spots on your legs.

Since the disease can be a consequence of infectious lesions, it is necessary to timely prevent diseases. At the same time, special attention should be given to the regime of the day, strengthening of immunity, nutrition. To support the body in tonus helps and therapeutic exercise.

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