
Astra is a flower of extraordinary beauty

Aster - the flower is quite popular. This is due to the simplicity of cultivation and high decorative. Planting flowers begins with the sowing of seeds. You can plant them in the ground, in prepared deep furrows (40-50 mm), falling asleep on top with a small layer of soil (20 mm). The soil can not be condensed, but only provided it is provided with water, especially in the spring. Under the influence of wind or rain, the sowing surface can be covered with a crust, through which the shoots can not penetrate. Therefore, it is recommended to loosen this crust. But to avoid damage to fragile shoots and save time, seeds should be sprinkled with compost, rotted leaves or manure.

Aster - a flower that can be sown in boxes. Do this in order to obtain seedlings, as well as for growing flowers for the purpose of further sale. Boxes can be wooden or plastic, their height should be 5 cm and 3-4 cm of soil. The best composition of the soil - one part humus, sand, earth and a glass of ash. The resulting soil is laid in boxes. To prevent disease, you need to water it with a solution of potassium permanganate (preferably weak). Further, the prepared grooves (2 cm) are laid with seeds and sprinkled with a new layer of soil.

To prevent the drying of the soil, the boxes are covered with glasses or a film of polyethylene. A week later (at room temperature), the first shoots will appear. Then remove the film / glasses from the boxes and place them in the illuminated place. The temperature of air about two weeks should be 15 degrees (no higher). It is easy to achieve these temperature conditions in greenhouses, which are ideal premises for breeding and growing asters. Closer to the end of spring, you can transplant the resulting seedlings into the open ground.

Aster - a flower that grows well in greenhouses and greenhouses. Much worse it develops in private houses or apartments. Obviously, the advantage of a heated greenhouse is that you can maintain the desired temperature all year round. And with cold hotbeds a little bit different: it is necessary to cover them from the beginning of autumn, in order to maintain a favorable temperature for growing asters. Sowing asters in greenhouses and greenhouses is identical to sowing them in open ground. After the seeds sprout and 2-3 leaves appear, they can be discarded (or break through the shoots, leaving the necessary number of colors).

If we pay attention to the quality of the plants obtained, then the greenhouse method is unquestionably winning during cultivation. But the material costs are higher. And planting flowers asters in the open ground is much cheaper, but here you already need a garter, and inflorescences are not so big.

Therefore, the choice of the method of growing asters is only for the floriculturist, and this depends on his requirements for the final result and material possibilities.

Growing sprouts, you need to water them, weed and loosen. It is also necessary to take measures to combat diseases and pests. If the air and soil are too moist, the aster (the flower is unpretentious, but excessive moisture is the enemy) can become covered with rust or fusariosis. To avoid this, the flowers are treated with fungicides. Many growers are taken to grow flowers asters. Their photos are insanely beautiful, and to have such plants on their own in a flowerbed or in a greenhouse is to please themselves with beautiful flowers.

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