Sports and FitnessWeight loss

The Kremlin diet: a menu for the week

The appearance of fashion for slender and fragile bodies made a huge impression on the girls. Many begin to lose weight convulsively, while leading themselves to a semi-faint state and sometimes causing irreparable harm to their health. Girls accumulate fat for years, and one fine morning they decide to lose weight, depriving themselves of all the usual and delicious, content with small non-nutritious snacks 1-2 times a day. It's difficult to lose weight fast, but it's good that there are diets that allow it to be done with minimal damage to the body. An ideal example is the Kremlin diet, the menu for the week is compiled independently, based on personal preferences. There is no limit in the quantities and methods of cooking meat products, as well as fish and chicken. It turns out that this diet is created for those who like to eat roast, spicy, salty, etc.

Features of the diet can be considered:

  • When it is observed, the body absorbs energy from the fat deposits, causing them to decrease.
  • The intake of food containing carbohydrates is limited - it is permissible to eat up to 40 g of this substance per day.
  • Weight loss occurs in a short period of time.
  • This organization of food allows you to lose from 10 kilograms.

To limit the intake of carbohydrates enough to give up your favorite biscuits, any sweet, sugar, potatoes and other products containing carbohydrates in large quantities. For many, the ideal diet is the Kremlin diet, the menu for a week does not contain too tight restrictions on nutrition, most importantly - do not harm the digestive system. The body needs nutrients, vitamins and nutrients, so we must eat vegetables without forgetting about the nutritional value table of the products. Zucchini, lettuce, cucumber and radish figure definitely will not harm, but normalize the work of the intestines, thanks to the fiber in them contained. The only fruit diet favorite is avocado.

Some say that recipes for the Kremlin diet are the basis of everyday nutrition in the family, because they include products and substances that are really necessary for the body (no more, no less). But it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy, breastfeeding can not adhere to this diet, as well as with kidney disease, digestive system and problems with cardiology.

For those who want to quickly and efficiently lose weight, the Kremlin diet is recommended - for a week it is only necessary to give up a number of unproductive products, and the result will not be long in coming. If such a restriction in the diet did not help or became too difficult - it is better to choose another diet. The advantages of the Kremlin diet can also be considered psychological comfort from the fact that you can have your favorite fried chops, shish kebab, meat and fish cutlets. It is not recommended to eat lamb and overdo it with fatty and peppery foods - it can irreparably damage the stomach, which will lead to a lack of joy from losing weight and wasting money for treatment.

Another feature of such catering as the Kremlin diet - a week's menu should include from 16 liters of water, that is, two liters or more each day. This is necessary to normalize the work of the kidneys, which are directly involved during the diet. Liquid, in fact, helps them to work better. A small amount of alcohol that does not contain carbohydrates - vodka, whiskey, tequila - is also allowed to be consumed. As for non-alcoholic beverages - you can drink coffee, any kind of tea and plain water, most importantly, that the drinks do not contain sugar.

To bring benefit and pleasure to the Kremlin diet, the menu for a week should be calculated based on their needs. Hudeya with pleasure, you can achieve greater effect than by giving yourself discomfort with constant restrictions.

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