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The eye itches: what to do to get rid of itching

Many have already probably found out while working at a computer or reading that it is impossible to work anymore - the eye itches. What to do? And if he is still blushing and tearing, this can be a very serious symptom. Today we will talk about this.

The eye itches. What if it's an allergy?

One of the main causes of irritation of the eye mucosa, regardless of whether you use mascara and eye shadow, as well as other cosmetics, may be allergic conjunctivitis. It sometimes appears as an isolated symptom of allergy, but more often - along with other symptoms: a runny nose, difficulty breathing, lacrimation, a rash on the skin.

Reddening of the mucous membrane of the eyes, widening of blood vessels, lacrimation and a feeling of "sand in the eyes" - these signs are enough to suspect an allergic reaction and go to a consultation with an allergist. Antihistamines, which will appoint a specialist, will help you get rid of a whole complex of unpleasant symptoms.

The eye itches: what to do if it is a dry eye syndrome

Those who spend a lot of time working at the computer, they know what they are talking about. Symptoms of this syndrome are redness and severe itching in the eyes. This irritation of the mucosa is caused by the fact that during the work behind the monitor the person rarely blinks, and the eye because of it dries up. You should not forget to blink and periodically look at standing objects. This advice, probably, is not news for those who work at the computer. Just remember this need constantly! And then your eyes will not refuse to work.

The eye itches: what to do if it's demodicosis

On the skin of almost each of us lives microscopic mite - demodex. He usually does not do any harm to his master until the immunity of the latter is weakened by any pathological process or disease. Then the ciliated mite can cause severe itching in the eyes. If you have red eyes and itches, consult a doctor to rule out the parasitic nature of this phenomenon. In addition, in case of confirmation of suspicion, it will be necessary to make an examination of the whole organism in order to understand the reason for the decrease in immunity. After all, without treatment of the underlying disease, getting rid of demodekoz is almost impossible.

The eyes itch and swell - this conjunctivitis

When infection of the mucous membrane develops purulent conjunctivitis. It is characterized by reddening, itching and swelling of the eyelids. In the corners of the eyes often get purulent discharge. Sometimes in the morning, it's simply impossible to open eyes.

It is better not to treat conjunctivitis alone, but to seek advice from an ophthalmologist.

Other no less serious causes of itching

The eye itches and in the initial stage of all known disease, such as barley. This is an inflammation in the hair follicle or the sebaceous gland on the eyelid. When barley "ripens", it hurts, reddens and there is a purulent content, which in no case can not be squeezed out! Better grease with greenery or alcohol. You can apply a decoction of marigold.

In chronic corneal disease, which is called trachoma, itching also occurs, the presence of a foreign body, and the eye reddens.

Sometimes, itching is caused by stomach diseases or metabolic disorders. All this, as you understand, can be determined only by a specialist. Therefore, when there is a disturbing itching in the eyes, do not delay the visit to the doctor!

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