News and Society, Nature
The European Blessing: description and photo
The name of the plant - the European bathing suit - comes from the word "Trollblume". Translated from German as a troll flower. There is a popular belief that these flowers were loved by the trolls. According to the second version, this name comes from the word "troll", which means the ball.
The European Blessing: a description
These are meadow plants. They are part of the family of buttercups. Bathing in Russia can be found everywhere, especially in forest glades, as well as raw meadows. The plant is distributed in various zones: from deserts to tundras, from high mountains to foothills, it occurs at glaciers, in forest belt, in subalpine and alpine meadows.
These flowers show a huge variety of orange and yellow in combination with different shades of green. They are beautiful in any weather, but incredibly good against the background of a blue bright sky, near streams, rivers, forest lakes and ponds. The yellow color is extremely active, it evokes delighted cheerful feelings, orange - a feeling of warmth, because it is so similar to the color of the setting sun or fire. The family of buttercups has its own biological features.
At the moment, 7 varieties and 19 species of this plant are grown in the gardens of the near abroad and Russia. They differ in places of distribution.
- Central Asia and Siberia: Asian, Altaic, Dzhungar, lilac, steppe, dwarfish bathing.
- Caucasus and the European part of Russia: a European bathing bath, the highest, half-open.
- Far East: the Chinese bathing-house, large-petalled, Ledebur, Reader, beautiful.
In nature, the European bathing suit lives in semi-darkened areas. In culture, it is worth cultivating it in lighted open areas in front of small bushes or trees, on the lawn with large spots, among the stones, with single specimens. During flowering and growth, if the soil is prone to drying, irrigation is necessary. In all bathing suits shoots need to be shaded and watered. They perfectly winter, but do not require shelter. Without transplantation on a permanent place, this forest flower can grow long.
The soil
Plants are very beautiful and plastic. This can be seen by looking at photos of forest flowers in this article. They do not require any specific agrotechnical measures during cultivation. For the cultivation of bathing suits, medium- or light-loamy structural soils that are rich in humus are most favorable. Flowers grow beautifully on light, rich soils, close in acidity to neutral ones.
Moreover, these flowers can also grow in areas that are poor in humus. They are very useful mixture of land with sand and peat. This mixture can also be added sphagnum, which, sucking water, can retain moisture much longer than the soil. Under perennial bathing-houses, the earth is not dug for a long period of time, but weeding requires. Before planting, the site must be completely cleared of the rhizomes and roots of perennial plants that had grown there before.
The most drought-resistant plants, among which the Altai and Djungar bathing alley, like drained soil, without groundwater. A good place for planting is considered to be beds or low plant slides on a background of different in form and size of stones.
Improves the aeration of the artificial relief. All the necessary conditions are created that prevent water stagnation. In this case, limestone improves the growing conditions, and also reduces the acidity of the soil. For growing seedlings and sowing seeds, it is necessary to create a light substance, the main components of which are peat and sand.
The European blossom does not require any special care. It consists of regular weeding, watering, loosening. Soil must be covered with a layer of humus or peat. For a normal development, a systematic backfilling to the base of the bushes of nutritive soil is required. The culture is moisture-loving, therefore, watering is reduced only by autumn.
For secondary flowering it is necessary to cut off the faded peduncles. All kinds of plants are sufficiently frost-resistant. Consequently, they hibernate without any shelter. These plants of the central strip of Russia on a permanent place grow well to ten years, after that it is desirable to divide the curtain and put it in a new place.
In autumn the leaves die. Only at this moment they can be cut off, leaving a few centimeters above the ground surface of the petioles. They are the protection of the kidney located in the heart of the rosette shoot. The next year, a flower spike appears from it. If the leaves are cut earlier, this kidney will significantly weaken, and next year we will not get a developed peduncle.
Pests and diseases
The European blossom, photo of which is presented in this article, the plant is viable and strong. For its better growth, it is recommended to treat the soil with fly ash early in the spring, while growing in spring, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is indicated. At the very beginning of flowering plants are well sprinkled with "Epin". For the prevention of various fungal diseases in autumn it is recommended to remove dead old leaves. Sometimes a bathing-house can be affected by glia, septoria, and also by a short-penetrating nematode.
This forest flower reproduces by the division of rhizomes, seeds and cuttings. When spring sowing, stratification of seeds is necessary . Seedlings spring in the spring. Unlike the Altaic, European, Dzhungarian, Asian bathers, for the germination of the cold-requiring seeds, the large-lobed, as well as the views of the Reader, Ledebur can be successfully planted in the spring.
Shoots of all plants need when the soil dries up in the watering, as well as in the shade. Flowers can be planted permanently from the spring of the second year. The European blossom blossoms after the emergence of shoots in the second year.
Vegetative reproduction
It should be noted that one of the ways of such multiplication is the division of the curtain, as well as the separation of several peripheral shoots from the adult plant together with the roots. Almost all bathing suits have the same type of rhizome system. This kistekornevoe perennial plant with a huge number of cord-like roots. In this case, shoots grow along the periphery of the curtain.
In plants, the diameter in the aerial part primarily depends on the age of the flower. In medium-aged plants, the diameter is on average twenty centimeters. In this case, the central part remains alive. At this age, when the vitality of a flower is great, it should be multiplied, divided into parts. Weakened or old plants should not be propagated.
It is desirable to divide the curtain in the beginning of autumn, when the shoots of the next year are formed in the kidneys. The mother plant must be excavated, with its roots shaking the earth. After that, the root system needs to be thoroughly rinsed. Then the plant is divided into several parts with a knife. Landing units can be any size. It is necessary that each one has several shoots with roots. Next, the surface of the sections must be treated with potassium permanganate.
Used as decoration single-species planting of these plants - large spots, in the form of picturesque free groups in various compositions, with alternating closed and open spaces. They are freely placed in various open places, on illuminated fringes of artificial or natural plantings. Bathing malls are perfectly combined with a stone. Gorki ideally should simulate a scattering of fragments of vegetation cover and stones.
When creating these compositions, you should recommend the combination of these colors with ground cover plants. In this case, in the foreground there are undersized perennials, then - bathing suits, then - taller, flowering later perennials with leaves, decorative in color and shape. On the hills, this flower is decorative along with the bonanza, located in the foreground. In bathing suits, one of the most valuable properties is the ability to create long non-fading bouquets that are extremely decorative, unique and very picturesque.
These plants in the central part of Russia are spectacular in plantings with spirits, magnolia, lilac. It should be taken into account when planting that in the middle of summer the bathing-houses lose their decorative effect. Therefore, they are best planted in the background. Good combinations with plants are pillow-shaped forms located in the foreground. Together with the bathing suits, bells can also be used.
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