
The drug "Karipazim." What is electrophoresis?

Why use the drug "Karipazim"? Electrophoresis is the procedure in which this medication is used most often. How this means works, what features are typical for it, how much it costs, and so on, we'll cover in this article.

Issue form, description of the preparation

In what form do they produce the drug "Karipazim"? Electrophoresis is an electrokinetic procedure in which particles of a dispersed phase of various solutions move in a gaseous or liquid medium under the influence of an electric field. In this regard, the drug in question is manufactured as a lyophilizate, which is intended for preparation of a drug for external use.

This medication is placed in glass bottles. It has a light color and has no smell.

Operating principle

What is a tool like "Karipazim"? Electrophoresis with the use of this drug is prescribed to patients very often. This is due to the fact that it has a pronounced necrolytic effect.

According to the instructions, the medicine in question helps to soften blood clots and viscous secrets, as well as the cleavage of necrotic tissues. Also in the process of using the drug for the therapy of disorders of the musculoskeletal system with the help of electrophoresis, the elasticity of the cartilaginous tissue and ligaments increases. In addition, this tool has a resolving effect, aimed at vertebral hernia and so on.

Kinetics of the drug

Is the drug "Karipazim" absorbed? Electrophoresis involves external use of the drug. Therefore, when using this agent, its active ingredients are not absorbed and show no systemic effect on the human body.

Absolutely all the enzymes that make up this drug are destroyed, and then undergo a biological transformation in the liver.

Purpose of the drug

The drug "Karipazim" is usually prescribed for third degree burns in order to accelerate the rejection of the scabs and release of wounds from necrotic tissues and suppuration.

It should also be noted that more recently, this medication is actively used to treat lesions of traumatological, orthopedic, neurological and neurosurgical nature by electrophoresis. Thus, the drug in question is often prescribed for:

  • Discogenic radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • Herniated intervertebral discs and stuff.

Prohibitions to use

At what conditions can not use the drug "Karipazim" for electrophoresis (the price of the drug is listed below)? According to the instruction, contra-indications of this remedy are:

  • Personal intolerance to the drug;
  • Lactation period;
  • Exacerbation of inflammatory processes;
  • Sequestration of herniated disc;
  • Pregnancy time.

In addition, this medication is prohibited for use for injections.

Mode of application

To prepare an external drug, 0.5% solution of novocaine or 0.9% solution of sodium chloride (isotonic).

Before applying the drug, the napkin is thoroughly soaked in a prepared preparation, and then applied to the affected area, after which it is bandaged with a waterproof bandage. Change it every 1-2 days, removing all the exfoliated necrotic tissue. The duration of treatment with this drug is 4-12 days.

It should also be noted that this agent can be used by electrophoresis. Such procedures are carried out in fizkabinete. As a rule, the treatment includes 3 courses of 25-30 procedures with interruptions of 1-2 months.

According to many experts, this method of therapy is effective and is used in many diseases. Electrophoresis allows you to inject the drug deep under the skin, greatly enhancing its effect, and facilitating the patient's condition.

There are cases when such treatment helped patients to avoid surgical interventions with a spinal hernia.

Adverse Reactions

During the application of "Karipazima", the patient may experience allergic reactions. Personal intolerance of this remedy is often expressed by itching, fever, irritation and other symptoms.

It should also be noted that in the course of therapy with the help of electrophoresis, people may become more stressed signs of the underlying disease.

The drug "Karipazim": analogues and price

The analogues of this remedy are Papaya Milky Juice and Papain. There are also medicines that are close in action. These include drugs such as "Trypsin" and "Chymotrypsin."

How much does the drug "Karipazim" cost? You can not buy this product in all pharmacies. As a rule, it is purchased under the order. The price of the drug "Karipazim" is not very high and is about 270 rubles.

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