
"Menoril Plus": reviews of doctors and women

"Menoril plus" is a biologically active additive, which is intended for women during menopause. The excellent composition of the drug makes it not only effective, but also safe, since it has virtually no side effects. Today we learn a lot of interesting information about the medicine "Menoril Plus": reviews about the drug from patients and doctors, the rules of its use, composition. Also find out if this product has analogs, which can be replaced if there is no such additive in the pharmacy.


One capsule of the medicine "Menoril Plus", the instruction for its use should always be in the package with the drug, contains the following components:

1. Vitamin complex, consisting of the following elements: genistein, trans-resveratrol, vitamins D3 and K1, microcrystalline cellulose.

2. Auxiliary components: calcium stearate, lactose monohydrate, silicon dioxide colloid.

Vitamin K1, which is part of the drug "Menoril plus", prevents the appearance of osteoporosis. Also, this element regulates redox processes in the female body. Vitamin D3 with climax plays an important role, since it compensates for the manifestations of various age-related changes. Also, women should receive it in the right amount, since estrogen deficiency is associated with a risk of osteoporosis.

Resveratrol is an excellent antioxidant, slowing the processes of age-related fading.

Indications for use

Many women are interested in the main question about the drug "Menoril Plus": "Why is this medicine prescribed by a doctor?" This drug is prescribed to patients with various manifestations of symptoms of menopause and menopause, such as:


- tides;

- weakness;

- Irritability;

- Depression;

- forgetfulness;

- itching and burning in the vagina, its dryness;

- skin problems;

- urinary incontinence;

- decreased sexual activity.

Form of issue

The drug "Menoril Plus", the instruction for the use of which must be read by the patient before use, is sold in the form of capsules. They are placed in special blisters. In one package there are 15 capsules.

How to use?

Before you go to the pharmacy for this drug, you need to consult a doctor about whether or not you can use a medicine in a particular case. If the gynecologist appoints this remedy, then you can safely go and buy it. Usually women are discharged per day for 1 or 2 capsules of "Menoril Plus". Duration of admission is 1 month. But there are cases when the doctor can prescribe and 2 capsules of the drug. This happens with a mildly expressed menopause. If the manifestations are severe enough, then the specialist can even prescribe 3 capsules a day. Dosage is selected individually, depending on the state of health and health of women. Take the drug preferably during meals.


The medicine "Menoril Plus", which reviews are mostly positive, can be bought without any problems in almost any pharmacy. This is a fairly common tool that helps women of the fair sex without problems to survive the onset of menopause and its consequences. The price of the preparation containing 60 capsules is approximately 400 rubles. This is a non-fixed value. In one pharmacy you can find this medication cheaper, in another, on the contrary, more expensive. Everything depends on the location of the institution where the medications are sold, on the number of capsules contained in the package.

Approving responses of patients

The tool "Menoril Plus" reviews women is mostly positive. Firstly, they like the effect of the medicine: after the capsules are taken, the well-being improves considerably, the head stops spinning, the sleep normalizes, the mood rises, and the tides and sweating do not bother. That is, all the symptoms of menopause and menopause are eliminated, women continue to feel like before (before they experienced changes in the body). Secondly, the patients note that this medicine, in comparison with others, is quite affordable. Therefore, almost every woman can afford to buy this drug once a month. Moreover, just one package is often enough for as long as 30 days. Thirdly, women are delighted that the capsules of "Menoril Plus" do not cause any side effects. Fourthly, the patients liking the fact that taking this remedy can be quite a long time, it does not cause addiction, but the effect is always there. Fifth, some women consider the drug "Menoril Plus" a real savior for their family. If before the adoption of this biological supplement between the husband and wife there were constant quarrels due to the unbalanced behavior of the wife provoked by the onset of menopause, then after her spouse began taking capsules, her condition returned to normal. And now in families again there was mutual understanding, calmness. Some women remain grateful to the drug "Menoril Plus" and believe that it was he who helped them cope with their crisis, because of which even the family could collapse. Therefore, this biological supplement positively influences not only the well-being of the fairer sex, but also the relations between close people.

Women's disapproving responses

Unfortunately, the drug "Menoril Plus" reviews has a negative nature. True, the number of such responses is insignificant, but still they are. Some women write that this medicine did not bring them any results at all. That the tides were frequent, so they remained so, the mood was changeable, so nothing happened to it. But why then to one woman this remedy helped to cope with the symptoms of menopause, and others not? The answer is really simple. Those patients who took the drug strictly on the advice of a doctor, really felt the result. And those women who drank the medicine without doctor's appointment, as a result, remained unhappy. And after all, perhaps they just needed to adjust the dosage of the drug. Maybe, instead of one capsule, they should drink every day 2 or 3. Therefore, they did not notice the effect, and as a result negative reviews appeared about the preparation of "Menoril Plus". Although in fact, the medicine is effective, but with its illiterate application, it certainly can not give a result. Therefore, in order that there are no more negative reactions, one should consult a doctor. Only the specialist will be able to correctly calculate the necessary dosage of the medicine, based on the symptoms of the patient, her age and many other factors. And self-medication is extremely undesirable.

The drug "Menoril Plus": reviews of doctors

Experts speak positively about this remedy. According to them, it is really capable of helping women after 40 years. This drug is simply necessary for women of the weaker sex at the time when hormone production begins to decline gradually, and the reproductive function fades. As a result, many women experience unpleasant sensations. And it is with these symptoms that the preparation "Menoril Plus" can perfectly handle. The doctors' comments about this medication are slowly leading to the fact that, without this, women can sometimes be very difficult, they can even develop pathologies, conditions that bring suffering. Doctors strongly recommend this medication to the fairer sex during the menopause. Doctors are sure that those women who leave negative feedback about the effectiveness of the drug "Menoril Plus" did take it on their own. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Therefore, gynecologists warn women that if they want to improve their condition, it is necessary to make an appointment for a consultation with a specialist, find out with him the problems, receive appropriate treatment. The doctor in any case will select the correct dosage of the "Menoril Plus", which will save patients from unpleasant manifestations of menopause.

Storage conditions. Manufacturer of medicine

Keep the drug in a dry place, away from direct sunlight. Also, children should not have access to this facility so that there is no disaster. Optimum temperature of storage of a medicine - no more than 25 degrees.

Capsules "Menoril plus", whose reviews make it clear that the drug is effective, have a shelf life of 2 years. After the expiration of this time, the medicine must be disposed of.

Country of origin of the medicine is the Russian Federation.


The drug "Menoril plus" you can find a replacement. Such drugs are such drugs as "Menoril", "Feminal", "Klimalanin". However, knowing the analogs of this medicine, you should not run to the pharmacy and buy something instead of the capsules "Menoril Plus". In any case, it is necessary to go to a consultation with a gynecologist and discuss with him the possibility of replacing one biologically active supplement with another.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug should not be given to women with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects after proper use of the "Menoril plus" do not arise. However, if a woman does not comply with the dosing regimen, she does not take the medicine in the doses, not according to the doctor's prescription, in this case, of course, she may have allergic reactions. However, with proper use of these capsules, side effects do not appear.

Now you know with which drug you can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms caused by the onset of menopause. The medicine "Menoril plus", the instruction, which was reviewed in this article, is really an effective remedy against undesirable manifestations of menopause. Both patients and doctors recommend this drug, however, before taking it, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

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