Homeliness, Building
The device of a roof from proflist on a wooden crate: the instruction, technology
Recently, builders are increasingly choosing corrugated board as a roofing material. Under it is important to equip a strong and reliable crate, which will guarantee the longevity of the roof. But it depends on it, how warm and comfortable it will be in the house on the coldest days. After the completion of the work, you will receive a system that will protect the building from the effects of fungi, bacteria, and external negative factors, keeping the building intact for a long time. This material is very easy to install, which is why private masters conduct all manipulations on their own, refusing expensive professional help. Having studied the technology, you can evaluate your strength.
Before work
The installation of corrugated board, as practice shows, is a fairly simple task. However, it is important to observe norms and technologies. Before laying this material, you must properly install the beams, mount the truss system and frame structure. On the base are laid metal or wooden elements, which are 0.5 meters protruding from the walls. As a basis for the roof should be used rafter system, which has in the composition of vertical racks, inclined struts and legs on inclined rafters.
Recommendations of a specialist
The roofing of the profiled sheet on the wooden crate provides for the installation of rafters, the distance between which can vary from 60 to 80 centimeters. It is important to consider the load on the elements at a certain angle. To perform rafters should be used dry softwood, which will avoid deformation of the entire structure.
In those places where the volume of falling snow is increased, the angle of the rafters should be from 35 to 45 degrees. In those areas where moderate weather conditions, you should make an angle of 20 degrees. The construction of the roof from the profiled sheet along the wooden crate provides for the creation of a special structure that will act as a skeleton for the covering material. To do this, use wooden beams.
Varieties of a birch
If we are talking about industrial buildings, then in this case, metal frames are most often used. When building private houses, a wooden crate is used, the elements of which are treated with an antiseptic. To do this, use boards with a cross section of 25-30x100 mm. The frame system should be installed after laying the waterproofing layer. It will absorb moisture from the heater and prevent the penetration of condensate, which forms on the lower surface of the roofing sheet due to temperature fluctuations.
Classification of the wire
The construction of the roof from the profiled sheet on the wooden crate can assume the installation of elements with the usual step, for this between the bars or boards are maintained a distance ranging from 20 to 40 centimeters. This type of construction is most often used in tandem with corrugated board. The cladding can be continuous, the gap between the boards is 10 millimeters in order to exclude damage due to swelling or drying of the boards. Sometimes for this use a plywood or waterproof chipboard. The sparse lathing is equipped with a step between the elements in the range from 50 to 75 cm.
Recommendations for choosing a frame system
The construction of the roof from the profiled sheet on the wooden crate can only be carried out after you have chosen a variety of the frame. It will depend on the brand of the used covering material, as well as the angle of the roof. For example, if the angle is 15 degrees, then for the corrugated board grade C10 should use a continuous crate. While the corrugated sheet C21 requires a conventional crate, the distance between the elements of which is 300 millimeters. If you purchased material C44, you will need to equip the sparse bridging distance between the bars which varies from 500 to 1000 millimeters.
Roofing can also be carried out on a double-layered crate, which is required to ensure high roof strength and imposing loads on it. In the lower row, the components are set sparingly, whereas in the upper row, the system can be solid or have a normal step. The lower row is formed parallel to the ridge, and the upper row should be perpendicular to this component of the structure.
A special case
A two-layer frame system is required when laying thick thermal insulation, the thickness of which can reach 100 millimeters. In this case two bars are reinforced across the rafters, the size of each of which is 50x50 mm. The installation of the roof during the formation of a conventional crate provides for the use of a wooden beam, the cross-section of which can vary from 50x50 to 75x75 mm. The usual frame is sometimes executed from a board, the width of which does not exceed 150 millimeters. Whereas the thickness can be 20-50 millimeters. It is very important at the same time to limit the width of the board to 15 centimeters, otherwise the wood will deform from exposure to moisture and temperature changes.
The roof under the roof can be fixed using nails or self-tapping screws. The length of the fasteners should be equal to the double thickness of the crate. If a square beam with a side of 50 millimeters is used, the fasteners should have a length of 100 millimeters. Elements of the frame are fixed to each rafters of the roof. The boards and timber should not have defects and protruding knots.
The technology of installing the frame system on the roof truss
If the rafter roof is covered with profiled sheeting, then outside it is necessary to mark the arrangement of boards and beams. This is done at the very edge of the rafters. Throughout the slope, you need to measure the fixation points of the beam or board. If a projection is found at the location in the recess, then it is necessary to get rid of them by the method of shaking the material or stuffing the laths. Ruberoid can be used for this.
The cladding is stacked from the ridge. The distance between the elements should be from 20 to 40 centimeters. Wooden boards are spliced along the length, as the standard length of sawn timber is less than the length of the ramp. To do this, the edges of the pieces must be fixed with nails, and then installed on the roof, so that the rafters meet the joint of the bar. In each horizontal row, the joints must be offset. For this, the boards are cut to the desired length.
At the ends of the roof you need to mount the windboards, their height is greater than the crate by an amount that is equivalent to the height of the profile of the covering material. When the rafters and crate are ready, you can proceed to the installation of the profiled sheet, which is strengthened with screws, their top cover must be made of zinc. In the role of a gasket, rubber washers can be used. A square meter of covering material will require 5 fasteners. Between them, the corrugated board is joined with rivets.
Nuances of works
Having determined the dimensions of the roof, you will be able to calculate how much material is needed for the work. When you visit the store you will find out that the sheets have a useful and full width. Depending on these figures it will be possible to make calculations. To begin with, the roof area is determined, and after the useful area of one sheet. Then the first value must be divided into the second, this will allow you to understand how much you need to purchase the material. When buying, you need to remember that a large profile height will be able to provide the surface ability to undergo heavy loads. If it is a private house, then it is best to use profiled sheeting in 35 millimeters, its thickness at the same time should be approximately 0.6-0.7 millimeters. Roofing with profiled sheeting of a lower profile height is carried out taking into account the installation of the trolley, between the elements of which a smaller step should be ensured. This will allow greater rigidity and high strength of the structure.
If different parapets and chimneys pass through the roof, a separate crate must be installed under them. For the chimney, it is located with a deviation of 15 centimeters. Do not start work during rain, as the boards may become wet, which will lead to deformation during drying.
Mounting of corrugated board
Profilist for roofing is beginning to install from the bottom corner of one of the ends. If several rows are to be mounted, the material is installed in the lower row with some overhang of the bar from the eaves, which is about 40 millimeters. Fixing the sheet to the last bar at the edge of the roof is made on the bottom of every second wave. On the sides of the building, the end boards are sewn up by wind corners, this is to be done after the entire end row has been fixed. The overlap of the sheets should assume a vertical overlap of 200 millimeters. In the horizontal, the top sheet goes to the bottom one by the wavelength. This is true when using the gasket gasket. If you decide to work without it, then the approach in the horizontal direction should be two wavelengths.
Profilist for the roof should be strengthened by a certain technology. As soon as the main canvas can be fixed, it is possible to proceed with the installation of ridge and end plates. In the first case, the elements are not compacted, and in the relief of the profile, gaps should be left that will ensure ventilation of the under-roof space. As the final stage, the device adjoins the walls of buildings that are located in the neighborhood.
The profilist, whose price is quite acceptable, is considered today a common material. For a square meter of profiled sheet C21, you will have to pay 174 rubles, with a thickness of 0.4 millimeters. Profiled sheeting C10 costs 154 rubles. Per square meter, the thickness remains the same. It's important to remember about consumables, for example, a roofing screw will cost 2 rubles. a piece. If you decide to use for the roofing works profiled, the price of this material should interest you. Having learned it, you can compare it with the cost of other materials. Sometimes this allows you to make the right choice.
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