Homeliness, Building
Cement solution: proportions for an ideal mixture
Modern construction is difficult to imagine without the use of such material as cement. This is a fairly inexpensive building material, which has a number of properties and characteristics that make it almost universal.
Application of cement
Cement mortar, the proportions of its constituents are determined by its purpose, are used for various purposes. First, it is the most important component of cement based on cement; Secondly, the brick, as a rule, is put on cement. Among other things, you can not do without cement mortar when floor screed or plaster walls are on the agenda.
Composition of cement slurry
You will actually need dry cement, sand, water and a fine aggregate to prepare a quality cement mortar. The proportions of the main constituents - cement and sand - fluctuate, as a rule, in the range from 1: 2 to 1: 6. Depending on how the volumes of ingredients are dosed, the solution acquires certain properties. For example, if a lot of sand is poured into the solution, it will show a high strength, but at the same time it will lose in plasticity and compliance. If there is a lot of cement in the solution, it will win in plasticity, but it will be considerably inferior in strength. Therefore, when a cement slurry is made, the proportions
Solution manufacturing
To knead a quality solution, its ingredients are mixed in a dry form. It is necessary that each component is high-quality, dry, crumbly and without lumps. Otherwise, the mixture in the dry state will be necessary to sift or grind the lumps. Now, when the dry mix is ready, add water: pour it in a little, quickly mixing. It is believed that enough water is enough when the solution resembles sour cream: then it is left for 15 minutes, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.
However, when the cement solution is mixed, its proportions may vary slightly - for example, when lime is poured into it. This component not only increases the plasticity of the solution, but also its strength. Standard ratio of cement: sand: lime - 1: 5: 2.
When mixing cement, take into account that it quickly sets: after an hour and a half, it will already be covered with a hard crust. Therefore, knead it in smaller portions immediately before use.
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