
The best grade of violets (photo). Variety of violets and care for them

Virtually every florist has a violet. And how can I renounce such beauty. In nature there are about 500 species of this plant. The territory of their distribution is almost the entire globe. Varieties of violets differ in size, color and many other features that only specialists know about. Admiring their beauty and amazing tenderness of flowers, I want to keep it for a long time and multiply. Each sort of violets is good in its own way, but they require the same care. About how to grow these amazing plants, let's talk in this article.

Origin of violets

The birthplace of this beautiful flower is East Africa. Until now, many rare varieties of violets are found only there and even are under protection. The second name of this plant is Senpolia. In the natural environment, they grow near waterfalls, in the coastal zone of rivers, where there is a lot of fog and water dust. This flower was discovered by Baron Walter Saint-Paul near the Uzambar mountains. He impressed him with his beauty and tenderness. There are many violet-like plants in nature, but only one species, senpolia, could survive in conditions of domestic breeding.

Description of violets

The sorts of house violets are similar in their structure. All of them belong to the Gesnerian family and have a second name - the violet of Uzambara. Small in size plants are abundant in flowering throughout the year, making only small breaks for rest. This is a perennial flower with juicy, short stems, which are collected in a rosette. The violet has wide, oval or slightly round leaves on long petioles. Their tip is slightly pointed, and the edges are wavy. Fleshy leaves have a dark or light green color. From below they are reddish, green or purple. The plant has a lot of inflorescences, reaching 3-4 centimeters in diameter. The flowers of violets are double, semi-double or simple. Their color varies from white to dark blue. There are varieties that have a two-tone color.

Hybrid varieties

The number of hybrids is many times greater than the main species. Thanks to the selection, there are now about 2000 varieties and hybrid forms. Violets are subdivided depending on the color and shape of the flowers and their type. Here one can distinguish star-shaped, classical, limbic, fantasy and violet "chimera". By the type of leaves, the Senpolia are divided into boys and girls. At the base of the leaf "girls" there is a noticeable bright spot, in "boys" the leaf is completely green. Dimensions of sockets of these plants can reach up to 60 centimeters. These are violets - giants. More often it is necessary to see a city with an average rosette (up to 40 centimeters). Also there are miniature plants that have a rosette size of up to 15 centimeters in diameter, and microminiatures - up to 6 centimeters. Violets "chimeras" have a contrasting band on the petals. These are the most exotic varieties. They can be propagated only by stepchildren and peduncles. Each sort of violets is good in its own way.

The most famous varieties

There are varieties of senpolia, which are used by flower growers for special demand. They are found often and are rather well adapted to the home conditions of breeding. Many hybrids were derived from them. Varieties of violets and a description of their features will be considered in more detail.

Dark Saintpaulia (Saintpaulia confusa) is distinguished by a straight stalk, which reaches 10 centimeters in height. Her flowers have a bluish-violet color with yellow anthers and collected in a brush for 4 pieces. Fialcolvic senpolia (Saintpaulia ionantha) has a different coloring of the inflorescences of the hybrids: white, pink, blue, red and violet. Its leaves are green on top and greenish-red from below. In a natural environment, this plant has flowers only of violet-blue color. Saintpaulia ionantha or Magungen's Senpolia has branching stems, whose height reaches 15 centimeters. The leaves of this plant have a diameter of about 6 centimeters and wavy edges. Flowers of violet - purple color, are collected on two or four in an inflorescence. Saintpaulia teitensis is a rare species of violets that is protected and found only in Kenya. The best varieties of the violets of violets are headed by Saintpaulia Chimera Monique, which has lilac flowers with a white border. Saintpaulia Chimera Myrthe is characterized by pink-red petals, which are bordered by a white strip. Violet Saintpaulia Ramona is a variety with dark red flowers with yellow anthers. And, finally, the white violet Saintpaulia Nada, which is found in every lover of this plant. Varieties and names of violets bought in the store may not be known. Real senpolias with names are found only in specialized nurseries and are very expensive. Violets bred at home can have some mutations.

We buy violets

What should I look for when buying this plant? First of all, on the leaves. They should not have any foreign spots. They may indicate that the plant is infected. This violet will be difficult to grow. For breeding from the handle of the leaf, select specimens from the second lower row. Lower leaves can be severely depleted and will give less children. Be sure to ask about the brand name from the seller. The leaves of the plant should not be stretched upwards. This indicates a lack of light. The socket should be healthy and not show signs of decay. Cuttings and rosettes of violets are very fragile. This must be taken into account when transporting them. Sorts and names of violets should be written and glued to the pot.

What love violets

Each flower requires its own breeding conditions. Regardless of what kind of violets was purchased, find the plant a well-lit place. But remember, Senpolia does not like direct sunlight. From their falling on the leaves, burns appear, and with prolonged exposure to the sun the flower may die. Violets, photo and name of a variety which can be found in this article, like windows from the west and east side of the building. On the south side, they need to be protected from the sun, priteniv. The best temperature for comfortable breeding of violets varies from 20 to 24 degrees. For a large number of violets, you can equip a special rack. Lighting in this case can be artificial. The poles do not like drafts, especially in the winter. Therefore, this should be taken into account when prolonged airing.

Watering violets

Any species of violets, white varieties or others, need moderate watering. To do this, it is better to use water at room temperature or a little warmer. Suitable or filtered tap water. Watering the polish is better in the pallet. When irrigation from above, try not to fall on the leaves, flowers and especially in the center of the outlet. From this, spots appear on the flower, and it may die. After 10-15 minutes, it is necessary to pour out the water from the pan. By this time, the plant will absorb the necessary amount of moisture. The soil of the flower should be wet and not very wet. If the environment is more damp, the rosette and the root system will rot. Watering is carried out on average 1-2 times a week, but this depends on the season, soil quality and room temperature. Sometimes violets are sprayed. This procedure will be useful in the summer. But it must be done with care, do not let the sun fall on a damp plant.

Top dressing of plants

Violets do not require frequent fertilizing. The finished substrate has all the necessary nutrients that are needed for the fruitful development of the plant. Therefore, it is enough to transplant each variety of violets once a year or a little more often. To feed the senpolia, if it is depleted, special fertilizers are used. They are both liquid and granular. Fertilizers should not be strongly concentrated. The label should have a designation (NPK). Feeding can be done no more than once a month. Remember that the earth's lump of the plant should not be over-dried.

Be sure to read the instructions to properly feed the violet. For young outlets, the nitrogen content in the soil should exceed the amount of potassium and phosphorus. To the plant formed buds and abundantly blossom, it must be supplemented with phosphoric preparations. Then the flowers will be large and bright. Also in this period of senpolia a lot of light is required. But you need to apply fertilizer carefully. Excess nutrients can be harmful. Feed the plant in case it really needs it. Unhealthy appearance of violets may be due to improper care.

Reproduction of violets by cuttings

Violet, new varieties of which appear often enough, perfectly reproduces leaf cuttings. But this does not apply to all species. Cuttings are the most accessible and simple way of breeding this beautiful flower. But, despite the simplicity of breeding these flowers, many beginner florists first fail. The stalk is rotting and dying, not taking root. Let's talk about some features of this process. Usually, for rooting, boiled water is used. Agroperlite or vermiculite is also used. The violet is sufficiently well formed in the moss-sphagnum. The latest achievement is peat-humic tablets, which minimize the risk of decay. First, cut the stalk with a sharp knife or razor. It should be taken from the middle rows. We do it carefully, as the violet is a very delicate plant. The petiole should not be too long. Optimal length - no more than 4 centimeters. Such petiole will give large children much faster. We place it in the necessary substance. The humidity of the air for good rooting should be high, and the temperature within 20-24 degrees. It is better to build a small greenhouse on top or put a container in a bag. In a month or one and a half children should appear. Once they are strong, it is necessary to separate them. We do this very carefully, minimally damaging the root system. We set the children in a separate pot. Each petiole, which gave the violet (varieties, a photo is in this article), can form several appendages. The capacity for planting should not be too large, not more than 6 centimeters in diameter. If the donor leaf remains strong, then it can be left for re-rooting.

Planting children

When planting, we always use drainage, which we put on the bottom of the pot. It can be sphagnum moss, polystyrene or fine expanded clay. Soil is chosen for senpolia. It should be loose, soft and nutritious. It can add vermiculite and perlite (a fifth of the volume of the soil). It is also possible to dilute the soil with moss-sphagnum, cutting it into smaller fragments. For children, you can build a greenhouse for 2-3 weeks to adapt. We put them on the illuminated window sill, but not on the south side. In the winter it is necessary to exclude drafts so that the root system is not supercooled. In 2-3 weeks it is necessary to begin to temper plants, slightly opening a greenhouse. You should start from 15 minutes and finish the time up to 30 minutes.

Reproduction by stepsons

Violets, photos and the name of a variety of which are mentioned in this article, reproduce by stepsons. In order for the rooting to be successful, wait until the appearance of 3-4 steps of a stepchild. You will need a scalpel or an awl for this procedure. With their help, they carefully separate the stepson from the mother plant. It is necessary to injure as little as possible the roots of both senpolia and leaf cuttings. Now we need to carry out the rooting procedure. To do this, use a pot with a substrate or a peat-humic tablet. Then the stepson is transplanted into the pot with the ground and a greenhouse is made over it. After 3-4 weeks, it is necessary to begin tempering, gradually removing the greenhouse. This method of reproduction is ideal for violets of "chimeras" and fantasy varieties.

Selection of pots

Choosing the right capacity for planting violets is very important. The main thing here is the diameter. Its value for young outlets and children should be 5-6 centimeters. More mature plants are planted in pots with a diameter of 10-12 centimeters. It is believed that a good pot should be smaller than the most rosette three times. The height of the pot must not be large. Very beautifully violets look in low capacities. You can use both ceramic and plastic pots. The second kind is more affordable.

Care of violet

These many-sided flowers, pink violets - grades with delicate flowers, white - pure and innocent, red - passionate, blue - charming, in need of trembling care. In adult plants, it is necessary to clean old leaves that lose color and spoil the appearance. After removing the lower row of leaves in the pot, sprinkle the soil or cover it with sphagnum moss. With proper care, plants will delight with their magnificent flowering, and their breeding will bring only pleasure. Provide the senpolia with good lighting, comfortable temperature, sufficient humidity and watering and, most importantly, your love, and they will reciprocate. Varieties and varieties are so many that you can do their collecting, adding new, exquisite types of violets.

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