Health, Diseases and Conditions
Chlamydia, treatment and prevention
Chlamydia is an infectious disease that is transmitted sexually. Both women and men are affected. The causative agents of this disease are chlamydia, from which the term "chlamydia" was formed. Treatment of the disease should be comprehensive.
Often the patient does not even suspect that he has chlamydia, although after some time the following symptoms may appear.
For men:
- Pain when urinating, most often they are not strong, so often men do not attach any importance to it;
- Clear discharge from the urinary canals.
Among women:
- pains in the lower abdomen of the aching character;
- discharge from the vagina;
- Pain when urinating;
- Sometimes bleeding occurs.
If you have similar symptoms, you need to be examined and tested for chlamydia. Treatment when it is detected should be immediate. Such analyzes include smear analysis (for both women and men). It should be noted that self-medication is dangerous, in the beginning, a specialist consultation is needed.
The scheme of treatment of chlamydia is as follows:
1) Antibiotic drugs are mandatory. Most often these are macrolides (spiramycin, erythromycin, azithromycin and many others).
2) As an addition, antifungal drugs are prescribed (assigned individually to each).
3) Various creams and ointments for topical application.
4) In order to maintain immunity, additionally, multivitamin preparations and various immunomodulators may be prescribed.
Treatment of chlamydia with folk remedies is also effective. But folk methods should not become the main treatment, they should simply complement the prescribed treatment regimen. Here are a few methods.
• Herb infusion with thighs. In order to prepare the tincture, it is necessary to dry the grass and grind it. Then pour a handful of herb grass into the vinegar (1000 ml). Infuse for a week, then take infusion of 20-40 ml (for example, you eat 4 times a day, therefore, the infusion should be taken 8 times a day at the specified dose). The course of treatment should be at least 14 days.
• Garlic tincture. Grind about 6 cloves of garlic, pour a glass of water. Infuse the day. Then filter the infusion. Women use to flush the vagina, and men for syringing the head of the hollow penis.
• The tincture of the flowers of chamomile, string, licorice root, yarrow and birch buds is effective. For tincture, you need 3 tablespoons of this collection and pour boiled water (1000 ml). Give the infusion to brew for half an hour, then strain and drink half a glass before eating. The course continues for a month.
Above mentioned means will help to overcome chlamydia. Treatment of it, in addition, involves adherence to a special diet: exclude from the diet of dairy products (they inhibit the action of antibiotic drugs).
In order to prevent unwanted infection with chlamydia, it is important to adhere to several rules. First, completely eliminate accidental sexual intercourse, because in such cases, usually, partners do not know much about each other. Secondly, if you can not avoid accidental communication, it is mandatory to use a condom. He will exclude not only chlamydia, whose treatment is quite long and complicated, but also other dangerous diseases, like syphilis, HIV infection. Thirdly, the mutual loyalty of the pair gives a guarantee, in this case both partners can be assured of their safety. In any case, preventive measures include personal hygiene, especially the genital area. In addition, one should pay attention to one's immunity, which is the main protector against all ailments.
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