Education, History
A tool and an object of labor. The difference of concepts. Types of movement of objects of labor
Objects of labor are objects of the material world. These things, in the course of consumption, transfer their own material substance to another thing or change to the material substance of another thing. In connection with these circumstances, the subject of labor is fully consumed in the process of economic use.
Guns, on the contrary, do not exchange and do not transfer their material substance to another thing. This is their main difference from the objects of labor.
For example, the machine on which production is being made does not transfer its material substance to the part. Thus, the machine tool is a tool. In this case, the material substance of the material used for manufacturing passes in the process of consumption (use) of the product. Thus, material is an object of work. As a result, the machine is recycled after complete wear and tear. And the material, passing its material substance to the product, transfers the product and the cost.
Specialists, meanwhile, draw attention to the fact that the division of things into tools or objects of labor depends on the nature of their application. So, the same detail (thing) can be applied in different ways. Thus, the same material object can be classified as an object of labor or as its tool.
The same machine is considered a typical tool. However, under certain circumstances (for example, at the time of sale to third parties), it becomes an object.
It should be noted that the distribution of objects can not always be straightforward. An example is a ballpoint pen. Finding out what this thing represents, it is necessary to take into account some facts. So, the handle body, undoubtedly, acts as a tool. Ink in the process of writing is spent, passing its material substance sheet of paper. Thus, ink is an object of work. As a result, an object that is applied uniformly in a property complex can refer to an implement. However, along with this, the object in question also has an expenditure part, which belongs to the category of objects of labor.
Objects that are in storage are not classified. Although during this period, certain assumptions can be made. Conclusions about the peculiarities of the forthcoming application of a thing can be made taking into account the intentions of the owners or based on established practice. However, the existing knowledge can be refuted, and intentions can undergo changes.
Determine the nature of the future use of the object can be based on the concept of the object in the material world. Thus, certain categories of things as objects or instruments of labor are practically unsuitable. However, only the practice of their application allows us to establish the truth.
The objects of labor are called an integral part of production facilities. This category includes everything that is subjected to any treatment. Human labor is directed at these objects.
Some such objects exist in nature and are natural. They include forest, coal, oil and so on. Others are the results of labor - "raw material". These include cotton, metal, and wood.
In the production process, the final, intermediate and initial form of the state of the objects of labor is distinguished.
In determining the duration of the production cycle, different types of movement of labor items can be used.
In the sequential order, the beginning of each new operation is performed only after the processing of all products from the previous operation is completed. In parallel movement after the first operation, each product is transferred to another operation, without waiting for the initial processing of the whole lot. Thus, the period of passage of the subject of labor for all operations is shortened.
The parallel-sequential order presupposes the beginning of the subsequent operation until the processing of the batch of products of the previous one is completed. This reduces the time and ensures the uninterrupted loading of all jobs.
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