HealthDiseases and Conditions

Steatosis of the liver is a companion of excessive weight

The pathological condition of the liver due to metabolic and nutritional disorders, in which accumulation of fatty inclusions, as well as droplets of fat in hepatocytes, is called steatosis of the liver or "fatty liver". Steatosis of the liver ("steatosis hepatis", Greek.) Can be both an independent disease, and the character of the syndrome. If more than 5% of the weight of the liver is fat, it is called fat.

The pathogenesis of this disease has not been studied enough. The main reasons underlying its occurrence are: excessive intake of free fatty acids, increased synthesis and esterification of fatty acids, reduced oxidation and reduced protein synthesis, as well as impaired secretion of lipoproteins.

The main etiological factors include: toxic effects on the liver, endocrine and metabolic disorders, nutritional imbalances and hypoxia. A special place among the toxic factors belongs to alcohol and food imbalance, the role of other toxic factors is less significant. The degree of dystrophic changes and the rapidity of its development, the higher the greater the amount of alcohol consumed. Sometimes drug steatosis develops, for example, in the treatment of antibiotics, tuberculostatic drugs, corticosteroids and cytostatics. The main endocrine and metabolic disorders include diabetes, thyroid gland pathology, Itenko-Cushing syndrome and general obesity.

Steatosis of the liver: symptoms.

There are two main types of morphological signs of excessive accumulation of fat in the liver: microscopic and macroscopic accumulation. Large-droplet, or macroscopic, accumulation is characteristic of alcoholism, obesity and the second type of diabetes mellitus. The severity of steatosis of this type corresponds to an increase in the total body weight, and when it decreases (starvation or a low-calorie diet), this indicator also decreases, and the liver functions return to normal.

The course of this disease is usually a long, long-term, periods of relative remission followed by periods of exacerbation, which are most often provoked by physical or mental overexertion, infections and alcohol intake. Most often the disease is asymptomatic, but some patients feel heaviness and overflow in the right upper quadrant, perepumpal or abdominal area of the abdomen, its swelling and intolerance to fatty foods. The most affected by the steatosis of the liver are women who have an increased body weight. Diagnosis of this disease is carried out using ultrasound, magnetic resonance and computed tomography. In addition, biochemical blood tests are performed, the final diagnosis is established after a puncture liver biopsy.

Steatosis of the liver: treatment.

Patients with a diagnosis of steatosis of the liver are prescribed a strict diet, in which proteins predominate and fats are limited. In addition, preparations are prescribed to improve the metabolism of fats (folic acid, vitamin B12, choline chloride, lipoic acid). Also, the administration of liver drugs such as rybazon, progepar and sirepar is prescribed, as well as sufficient physical activity.

Prevention of steatosis of the liver.

Most often, this disease occurs when excessive intake of animal fats, as well as in violation of protein metabolism, so an important measure for the prevention of steatosis of the liver is a balanced diet. Also for the prevention of steatosis, an additional intake of antioxidants and supplements is recommended, which have detoxification properties. In addition, it is necessary to prevent long-term digestive disorders, and without waiting for complications, they should be treated correctly and in a timely manner.

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