Health, Preparations
Syrup 'Orvirem'. Instructions for use
Syrup "Orvirem" (for children) is considered to be quite effective means to eliminate signs of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza. As parents note, the drug is especially effective at the initial stages of the disease. After two receptions, a decrease in the elevated temperature is noted. The drug "Orvirem" (for children) (feedback from parents and experts confirm this) is well tolerated, and there are usually no adverse reactions during treatment.
The drug has an anti-influenza and antiviral effect. The active ingredient is rimantadine hydrochloride. The active component has a negative impact on the processes of reproduction, reproduction of viruses. As practice shows, timely treatment of the drug "Orvir" helps quickly reduce the intensity of the symptoms of the disease. The drug can be used for preventive purposes, to reduce the incidence.
Medication "Orvirem" instructions for use recommends the initial stages of influenza A-type (in particular, A2) and B-type. The drug is intended for patients from one year to fourteen years.
A teaspoon of syrup contains ten milligrams of the active ingredient (rimantadine hydrochloride), and the auxiliary substances: purified water, E 122, sodium alginate, sugar.
The specificity of the drug in a specific structure. The rimantadine molecule is fixed on the matrix of sodium alginate. Thus, prolonged circulation of the drug is provided with a decrease in its toxicity. Prolonged release promotes a uniform intake into the blood. Together with this, the mechanism of exposure and the pharmacokinetics of the drug are enhanced.
Syrup "Orvirem" instructions for use recommends drinking after eating. The drug is washed down with water.
For prophylactic purposes, the following admission regimen is observed:
- Patients from one to three years are prescribed ten milliliters;
- From three to seven - fifteen;
- From seven to fourteen - twenty milliliters each.
Take the drug once a day. Continue the prevention of syrup "Orvire" instruction for use recommends for ten or fifteen days.
Treatment of diseases is carried out according to another scheme.
Children under three years on the first day are prescribed 10 ml three times, on the second and third day - twice, on the fourth day - once.
Patients under seven years of age are prescribed fifteen milliliters. On the first day, three appointments, in the second and third - two appointments. On the fourth day - one reception.
Patients up to fourteen years on the first day are recommended to 15 ml four times, on the second and third day - twice for twenty milliliters, on the fourth day - once for 20 ml.
In a day, you should not take more than five milligrams per kilogram of weight.
The gap between applications should be at least four hours.
After each use of the drug "Orvirem" instructions for use recommends wiping the neck of the bottle from the outside. The cover should be tightened tightly.
When prescribing the drug to children with diabetes mellitus, it should be borne in mind that the medicine contains sugar.
Contraindicated drug "Orvirem" in renal or hepatic pathologies in acute or chronic phase. No medication is prescribed for thyrotoxicosis, individual intolerance, children up to a year. The use of "Orvire" in pregnant and lactating women has not been studied enough. In this regard, the drug is not recommended during lactation and pregnancy.
Prescribe with caution in epilepsy.
When taking the drug "Orvirem" undesirable manifestations are possible. In some cases, abdominal pain, swelling, or nausea may occur. Seldom were there disorders of sleep, dizziness, impaired concentration, headache.
Despite a large number of positive reviews, before using the drug "Orvirem" should visit a doctor.
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