Health, Preparations
A solution of chlorophyllipt. A solution of chlorophyllipt for rinsing the throat
How much does this drug cost, is it so omnipotent, how do consumers talk about it, what are the indications for use - we'll talk about this in this article.
Chlorophylliptine solution: when is prescribed and what effect does it have?
The presented drug has received its name due to such active components as chlorophyll extract a and b, which are released from eucalyptus. Essential oil, as well as ready-made decoctions from the leaves of the aforementioned southern tree, have long been used for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. However, the present agent contains only pure chlorophyll, which has greater antimicrobial activity than the same substance contained in alcoholic infusions or decoctions of eucalyptus leaves.
It should immediately be noted that unlike antibiotic preparations, an oily, compressed or alcoholic solution of chlorophyllipt does not possess polyvalent antibacterial properties and destroys only cocci, especially staphylococci.
Thus, none of the existing types of staphylococci, which become the causative agents of a huge number of serious ailments of the upper respiratory tract, can not withstand the antimicrobial activity of this agent. In connection with this, I would like to note that a solution of chlorophyllipt for rinsing of the throat is used very often. That is why this drug is the most effective drug aimed at fighting with angina, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.
Effectiveness of therapy of nasopharyngeal diseases
Alcohol or oil solution of chlorophyllipt quickly enough to alleviate the condition of the patient suffering from angina. In this case, pain and perspiration in the throat pass almost immediately. In addition, the lacunae of the tonsils are instantly released from the pustular plugs, thereby allowing the patient to feel a significant relief. Already after several alcohol rinses, the person completely disappears such symptoms of pharyngitis as perspiration and coughing. If you use an oil solution of chlorophylliptine for instilling it in the nose, the patient quickly passes a runny nose, reduces the secretion of mucus, and all swelling subsides. It should also be noted that this tool is actively used to treat diseases such as sinusitis and sinusitis.
Indications for use
A solution of chlorophyllipt for rinsing the throat is used quite often. However, such a remedy is not only intended for the treatment of the oral cavity, throat and nasopharynx. After all, oily or alcohol solutions are often prescribed for douching with any diseases of the genitals (female), and also inside as part of the complex therapy of bronchitis and stomach ulcers. In addition, this drug is often used topically for burns and purulent wounds, intravenously for pneumonia and septic condition, which are caused by antibiotic-resistant staphylococcal flora. One can not ignore the fact that diluted chlorophylliptine solution (the treatment instruction will be presented below) is actively used by surgeons during the washing of cavities in empyema and peritonitis, as well as by otolaryngologists in the purification of nasal sinuses. And this is by no means the whole list of where the present tool is used.
Chlorophyllipt (oily solution): instructions for use
As it was said above, this remedy is used both for reception inside and locally. Since such a drug has a wide range of actions, its instructions contain a whole list of diseases against which the presented drug is directed. To understand how it should be used to treat certain diseases, we will consider all cases separately.
Treatment of female organs
For the treatment of erosion of the cervix, all the folds of the vagina should be dried with tampons or cotton wool beforehand. After this, the canal of the diseased organ needs to be lubricated with an oil chlorophyllipt. It is also necessary to soak the hygienic swab in the preparation and leave it in the vagina for a quarter of an hour. The above described measures are recommended to be performed once a day for 9-10 days. Then within 2 weeks, use a solution of chlorophylliptum for douching in the following ratio: 1 large spoon of 1% alcoholic substance per 1 liter of filtered water. After such an event, it is required to again use a tampon moistened with an oil preparation, but leave it in the vagina for 12 hours. If this is necessary, this treatment can be repeated.
Treatment of local wounds
For the treatment of burns, trophic ulcers of the extremities, and also for long-term non-healing wounds, it is necessary to soak the gauze dressing in the oil solution of chlorophyllipt and apply it to the damaged skin area. This procedure is recommended to alternate and with the use of alcohol, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10.
Other ways of using the drug chlorophyllipt
Oily solution (the instruction is always attached to this product) 20 mg / ml is actively used for local therapy of sphincteritis and hemorrhoids, as well as for lubricating the tip of relaxing enemas.
It is also worth noting that the presented drug is also used to treat diseases that are caused by antibiotic-resistant staphylococci. In this case, the dose of the drug for adults is 5 ml inwards four times a day for 2-4 weeks.
Treatment of gastric ulcer
A solution of chlorophyllipt (the price of the drug varies within the limits of 45-110 rubles) is also used for complex therapy of stomach ulcers. In this case, this drug is prescribed to adults in an amount of 5 ml (the drug should be mixed in the mouth with 40 ml of drinking water) three times a day for 21 days. After 12 weeks, the course should be repeated.
To understand how to take this drug, let's present a detailed scheme:
- 1st reception - on an empty stomach for 60-70 minutes before meals;
- 2nd reception - 4 hours after the first dose (60 minutes before meals);
- 3 rd reception - 2-4 hours after meals, preferably before bedtime.
By the way, such treatment is considered to be no less effective when this drug is injected into the ulcer with the help of an endoscope (once a day for a week).
Treatment of nasopharynx
For the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is very often used is chlorophyllipt. A solution for rinsing the throat can be prepared and based on oil, and with the aid of an alcoholic agent. For this, the selected preparation in the amount of a small spoon should be mixed with a glass of warm water.
It is also worth noting that with diseases of the ENT organs (etmoiditis, sinusitis, etc.), chlorophyllipt is prescribed inside by a dessert spoon four times a day for a week. In addition, it can be dripped into the nasal sinus for 5-10 drops 3-5 times a day in the supine position with the head thrown back.
For adults with acute laryngoblchitis this drug is administered orally 5 ml four times a day for 9-10 days. If you have uncomplicated furunculosis of the nose, then chlorophyllipt should be applied topically in the form of gauze dressings moistened with a 1% alcohol solution (in a ratio of 1 to 10), alternating with an oil agent (20 mg / ml). Such tampons should be changed 2 or 4 times a day.
Side effects and contraindications
The most serious and major side effect of tablets and solutions of chlorophyllipt (oil and alcohol) is the likelihood of allergic reactions on the skin. In addition, the patient may develop swelling of the face, mucous membranes of the nose and throat. In this regard, the only contraindication to the use of this drug is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and chlorophyll eucalyptus. However, it should be noted that the frequency of manifestation of allergic reactions when treated with such a remedy is not too great. That's why it can be purchased at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
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