Arts & Entertainment, Films
Actress Amanda Plummer: biography, movies, photos
Amanda Plummer is a famous American actress, who once managed to turn her non-standard appearance into an advantage. Star comedy roles and deep dramatic images are equally successful. To her 58 years, she managed to appear in about a hundred film projects and serials, mostly playing secondary characters. Amanda managed to achieve popularity and as a theatrical actress. What is known about a talented American, what was her creative path?
Amanda Plummer: a biography of the star
Kinodiva was born in 1957, a vibrant New York city became its native city. Few people know that Amanda Plummer comes from an acting dynasty, at the time of the birth of her daughter, her mother Tammy and father Christopher already enjoyed fame in theater circles. The girl remained the only child of the famous couple, since the parents were concentrated primarily on the career.
When journalists ask the actress to share her childhood memories, Amanda Plummer describes herself as an ordinary child. The theater world attracted the girl almost from the first years of her life, she attended almost all the performances of the mother and father. Of course, Amanda did not dream of any other profession, she immediately knew that she would become an actress. Of course, as a child, she attended a school theater group and played on stage, impressing the few spectators in those days with her talent.
First successes
Amanda Plummer does not belong to the number of actresses, who had to go to fame for many years. The theatrical stage yesterday schoolgirl conquered almost the first attempt. Soon she was awarded the "Tony" award, which she deserved for the role of an abnormal nun, whom she brilliantly played in the sensational performance "Lamb of God".
The popularity of the actress, who has a memorable appearance and indisputable talent, in the theatrical circles grew rapidly. This made the filmmakers pay attention to the rising star. In 1981, the American woman was approved for her first role. Debut for her was a funny comedy "Cowboy Annie and little ass." After the release of the picture, the girl began to act actively in films and serials, receiving not only episodic but also serious roles.
The best movies
Critics and fans of the actress are unanimous in one issue - she has a great voice, which makes an indelible impression on the listeners. It's funny, but, playing one of her best roles, Amanda Plummer did not say a word. It was the drama "The World by Garp", which acquainted the audience with the history of the "little man" who is trying in vain to build his own world. American in this tape got a small, but a strong role Ellen James.
Many fans of Tarantino remember the actress as Yolanda (Hanni Bunny) from the comic action movie "Pulp Fiction". Amanda Plummer plays a heroine who, along with her accomplice-lover, is trying to rob a cafe where gangsters are eating breakfast. After watching the scene with her participation in memory, the bright text uttered by Yolanda at the end of the episode remains forever. By the way, her words were included in the soundtrack to the militant.
Of course, this is not all the bright roles that the talented Amanda Plummer played. Films with her participation, most memorable to fans: "The Fisher King", "The Butterfly Kiss", "My Life Without Me".
The most unusual roles
Non-standard appearance, which the actress has, constantly encourages directors to offer her very unusual roles, with which she successfully copes. For example, in the film project "8 ½ women", shot by Peter Greenaway, Amanda was forced to ride a lot on a horse. One such trip was even held in the nude. Considering that the star has repeatedly confessed her dislike of horseback riding, the role was difficult for her.
The image that created in the "Butterfly Kiss" Amanda Plummer (photo can be admired above), it is also difficult to call the standard. The actress had to portray a tramp hitch-hiking, which demonstrates thieves' tendencies and openly prefers women to men. The heroine also tries to seduce the young lady from a decent family.
Interesting Facts
The owner of the memorable appearance and non-standard manner of the game managed to achieve significant success in the theatrical field. Such productions as "Taste of honey", "Pygmalion", gave the actress a nomination for "Tony". She also twice won the Emmy.
Curiously, Amanda Plummer, despite her frequent shootings in movies and TV shows, has a negative attitude towards Hollywood and everything that has to do with him. The star claims that only an excellent sense of humor helps to survive in the Hollywood world, populated by scammers. Obviously, playing in the theater attracts her much more filming in films.
The actress has no offspring, but has been married for a long time already. Her chosen one became the little-known outside the home country English director Paul Chart, who is younger than Amanda for several years.
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