Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Swim in a dream in the water - for good or not?

To bathe in a dream is to joy or misfortune? About a third of his life a person lives sleeping. It is not surprising that the mysterious world of dreams is of great interest to scientists, doctors, and fortune tellers. It is believed that the color and black and white pictures that can be seen during the rest, talk about the future. Help to understand the meaning of such a vision.

Swim in a dream: general information

Water has long been causing positive associations in people. It is called the source of life, youth, purity. Does this mean that to bathe in a dream - to good?

After reading the opinions of Vanga, Miller, Hasse and other well-known predictors, one can get confusing, often contradictory information. To understand what kind of events a person is preparing a dream, you need to remember as much detail as possible. About whether the joyful events or failures are to come, will tell the state of the water, its temperature, the mood of the bathing, the place and other important factors. So, what does it mean to swim in a dream?

Cold or hot water

The water temperature is an important detail, which must first of all be recalled on waking.

Negative omen - to bathe in a dream in icy water. Ice for many centuries symbolizes the cold. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning to a sleeping person. It is not excluded that he is going to act rashly, to take risks where there is no need. Security is more important than fleeting profits.

Cold (not ice) water, in which a person bathes in a dream, talks about his emotional state. It is possible that the sleeper is immersed in a deep depression, which was the result of an emotional shock. Also, sleep says excessive passivity where active action is necessary.

See yourself floundering in the warm water - on the contrary, to the good. A lover can not doubt that his feelings will be answered. A person starting a new business will soon receive proof of his profitability.

Is the water clean

Not only the temperature, but also the state of the water in which the host sleeps, plays an important role. Interpretation of the dream is changed depending on whether it is clean or dirty.

To bathe in a dream in pure water is wonderful, especially if it is also transparent. Healthy will remain so, the patient has already taken a step towards healing. You can safely count on the positive changes that will soon take place in life. As a minimum, good news is expected.

The vision in which dirty water appears is directly opposite. The bathing person risks to spoil relations with relatives because of a stupid quarrel, for a long time to part with someone important. Also it is worth remembering if the mud was floating in the water. If yes, then it is worth giving maximum attention to the professional sphere, since career growth may not be ruled out. If the one who had a dream, is in a romantic relationship, they can collapse. If there is a lot of dirt, it sometimes speaks of the appearance of envious persons capable of doing harm.

Times of Day

When interpreting the dream, it is necessary to take into account the time of day. Bathing in the light of day does not carry an additional semantic load, in this case, other factors will help to explain the dream: the temperature and purity of the reservoir, the place where the sleeper sails. Another thing is to dive into the water at night.

Night bathing by the vast majority of dream books is deciphered as a negative omen. The combination of darkness and water can indicate the threat of serious diseases. It is possible that the ill-wishers dissolve gossip behind their back, this can result in a quarrel with relatives and friends, problems at work.

Also at night to bathe in a dream in pure water or dirty means to experience doubts, experiences. It may be that the master of sleep is persecuted with remorse, he is not able to forget about this or that unseemly act.

Bathing place - river

Swimming in the river is in most cases a positive sign. A sleeping person is in a state of harmony, nothing disturbs him. Seeing yourself entering the pond, you should assume the beginning of a change that will turn into a boon. The exception is contaminated water, indicating conflicts and troubles that have already occurred or are only expected.

Bathe in the river in a dream with someone - an excellent sign. People who see such pictures will soon be faced with a higher position, recognition in the team, unexpected profit, resolution of financial difficulties.

Swimming in the sea water

What does it mean to swim in the sea in a dream? When you wake up, you need to remember how the waves behaved. Negative omen - swimming in the storm. The master of sleep either has already lost the ability to suppress negative emotions, or is about to face it. Also probably a strong shock, a loss. Bad and tangled in algae during bathing. This picture shows the loss of inner freedom, depression, which became the result of painful experiences.

Bathe in the sea in a dream - a good sign, if the water behaves calmly. This may indicate the rapid resolution of serious problems, the elimination of the consequences of old mistakes. Warm water promises a sudden resolution of financial problems, rapid enrichment.

All of the above is relevant for swimming in the ocean in dreams.

Swimming place - swimming pool

In their dreams, people swim not only in natural reservoirs. Swim in the pool in a dream - is it good or bad? To answer this question correctly, you first need to estimate its size. Swimming in a small basin can be deciphered as a warning that a person has doubts about their own abilities, does not dare to start a serious matter, postpones the transition to active action.

The situation is different with a large swimming pool. Plunged into such a dream, you can hope for a quick promotion. It is also necessary to improve the financial situation, it is possible that it is significant.

What does it mean to swim in the pool in a dream for a young girl. If she does not wear a swimsuit at the same time, she should correctly prioritize. It is possible that the mistress of sleep is unduly concentrated on her personal life, neglecting the construction of a career.

Bath, shower

Heart troubles caused by the behavior of the object of love, promises young people swimming in the bathroom. Particular attention to this dream should be turned to those who are married and suspects a partner in adultery. It is not excluded that suspicions will soon turn into confidence.

Bathed in a dream in clean water in the bathroom - another half of the disaster, much worse if it is dirty, opaque. A person who has woken up with memories of such a picture, you should look at your own environment among close ones and friends may be people who are badly related to him, capable of creating trouble. Also, such a dream - a warning about the danger to pregnant women, future mothers should beware of the accident and monitor their health.

Bathing in the shower, on the other hand, promises quick, positive changes. A person in the near future will feel or already feel a surge of energy, he will be able to shoulder any accomplishments, even the most incredible. It can portend such a dream and pleasant events on the love front. The exception is cool water pouring from the tap with a hot one. It promises disappointment in the romantic sphere.

Swimming in the lake

If you bathe in the river in a dream - rather good than bad, then the lake promises all sorts of benefits. Long since this natural reservoir has been associated with the inhabitants of our planet with tranquility and wisdom. It's just fine if the lake in which a person swims in a dream is picturesque and beautiful, enveloped by transparent water.

The positive changes that such a dream brings, can happen in any sphere. Most often it indicates the impending beginning of a serious relationship, promises a strong marriage.


What does it mean to swim in the water in a dream, depending on what is worn on sleeping people? If the dive takes place without undressing, the person swims in clothing, this is a positive vision. He expects to receive unexpected profits, inheritance.

If you dreamed a bath naked, you should remember the mood with which it happened. When the bathing feels the pleasure of touching the water to the body, it promises him pleasure, recovery from the disease. Another thing is the feeling of shame that someone is watching the swim without clothes. In real life, the owner of sleep can survive an awkward situation or already suffers from memories of it.

What else do you need to know

Pleasure is a man who saw himself in a dream bathe in an ice hole. Such a picture promises him the strengthening of health, it is also possible to reconcile with relatives, which happens after a prolonged conflict. No less than a dream in which there is a bath in warm milk. This vision indicates the upcoming physical pleasures, pleasant communication.

Interpreting the sleep associated with swimming in any pond, first of all it is worth remembering your own feelings. The more pleasure a person experienced, floundering in the water, the more positive will be the events, the onset of which such a vision warns.

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