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Actors of the series "Master and Margarita": roles and photos

The work of Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" - this is one of the most mysterious novels of the XX century. Mystical events accompanied and most of the adaptations of this book. Often with the executors of the main roles, strange events happened. Do not become an exception and some actors of the series "Master and Margarita", filmed in Russia in 2005.

TV series "Master and Margarita" by Vladimir Bortko

The book by Mikhail Bulgakov, despite its difficult history (written in 1937, and published only 30 years later), has become a real event in the literature. Shortly after the publication on the basis of the storyline of the novel about Ha-Nozri in Poland, the film "Pilate and Others" was filmed. In the same year appeared the Yugoslav adaptation of the novel, which was quite different from the original.

The first film version closest to the text was the Polish television series 1989. In Russia, for the first time, a great novel was transferred to the screen only in 1994. However, this one was one of the best adaptations in the history. In 2005, a new version of the novel "Master and Margarita" was shown on Russian TV screens. Despite the fact that many critics negatively spoke about this film adaptation, at the moment it is the most accurate. This was facilitated by the fact that the project consisted of 10 series. It is noteworthy that some of the actors of the series "Master and Margarita" were already filming in the film in 1994. They were Alexander Filippenko and Valentin Gaft.

In addition to accuracy, the television series of Vladimir Bortko had a lot of other advantages. First of all, this design. The tape is shot in black and white, imitating the movies of the twenties of the XX century. However, when miracles begin to occur, the image becomes colored. As for the cast, for participation in the film, almost single stars were selected. Because of this, the project was slightly supersaturated. In addition, not all the actors of the series "Master and Margarita" (photo below) coped well with their roles.

Oleg Basilashvili as Woland

Oleg Valerianovich has long been a living film legend. On the screen he managed to create completely different images: careerist Samokhvalov in the "Service Novel", behind the train of the lover in the "Station for Two", faithful servant of the fatherland - Count Dmitry Prizorov in "Dreams".

In "The Master and Margarita" he got the role of Mephistopheles, who arrived in Soviet Moscow to look at its inhabitants, and also to hold a ball. Unfortunately, Voland Basilashvili failed very well. And it's not a talent, the actor played perfectly, just Oleg Olegovich Valerianovich type of tired intellectual. While the Prince of Darkness at Bulgakov, despite centuries of fatigue, was quite cheerful, and under an hour and tough. This side of the character Woland Basilashvili could not be conveyed. It is worth noting that Valentin Gaft, who played this role in the 1994 film, coped much better with the task. By the way, in the 2005 film adaptation Gaft played the high priest of Kaifu and Beria.

Margarita performed by Anna Kovalchuk

The main female role in the tape went to the star of the television series "Secrets of the investigation" - Anna Kovalchuk. Margarita in the actress turned out great. Kovalchuk managed to convey many facets of the character of this heroine: both the deadly fatigue of a single woman, and the excitement of a witch, and the royal dignity of the hostess of the ball. To participate in the film in some scenes, she even had to play nude.

If you compare it with Anastasia Vertinskaya, who previously played Margarita, Anna Kovalchuk turned out to be more similar to the book original. By the way, in 2014 she played Gella in the production of "Master and Margarita" A. Noskov. There is a legend that all the actors who take part in the adaptation of the novel, pursue evil fate. Soon after the release of the 2005 television series, rumors spread in the press that the curse of Kovalchuk was her divorce from her husband. However, this was an erroneous statement, as the couple had divorced much earlier, and after the film they just legalized their gap.

Alexander Galibin as the Master

Like many actors of the series "Master and Margarita", Alexander Galibin was known before. His most famous roles are Prince Jacques in the Donkey's Skin and Vasily Kapralov in Jack Eight-American.

The role of an intelligent Master who, because of the envy and limitedness of others, is in a psychiatric hospital, Galibina was a great success. His hero, it seems, just came down from the pages of the novel. The highlight of the image was the amazing voice of the Master, who in fact belonged to Sergey Bezrukov, who also played in this project. In one of the interviews, Galibin admitted that after participating in the television series he nearly died in a car crash. Although he is not superstitious, he believes that something mystical affects actors who play in the "Master and Margarita".

Sergey Bezrukov in the role of Yeshua

Who is this actor, even to clarify it is not necessary. Having become famous after the "Brigade", he played all the most interesting roles in Russian cinema: Yesenin, Pushkin, Vysotsky and many others. Sergei is a real celebrity. The roles of this actor are so many that Valentin Gaft somehow joked that he is afraid of dying, since after his death he will surely play Bezrukov.

The role of the prophet Yeshua turned out well for the actor, and the scenes with his participation - some of the best in the series. He got on so well with the image that many spectators at first did not recognize the famous artist. Critics noted only that for the wandering prophet Yeshua the actor was too well-fed. However, even this could not overshadow the excellent work of Bezrukov, who also voiced the Master. If you compare his game with the performance of Nikolai Burlyaev in the film adaptation of 1994, it's hard to say who is better. Both actors adequately coped, and each of them turned out his own special Yeshua.

Kirill Lavrov, Alexander Abdulov, Valery Zolotukhin, Vladislav Galkin, Ilya Oleinikov and other deceased actors of the series

Master, Margarita die at the end of the television series, bodily, to find peace in another world. But in reality for the past 10 years there have been 18 actors who participated in the 2005 series. Usually, when a public person dies, this is always a secret, and when there are many dead? In recent years, rumors of the curse of the novel Bulgakov are intensifying.

However, it should be borne in mind that for the television series, mostly stars were invited. And many of them were already far from young. In addition, some managed to film in other films after the project "Master and Margarita." The series (the deceased actors in most cases suffered from chronic diseases) became one of the last works for Cyril Lavrov, who played Pontius Pilate. In 2007, he died of leukemia. This artist for his professional life has played many excellent roles in film and theater: from Lenin to Lord Bolingbroke. Pontius Pilate in his performance came out excellent. Although the image turned out to be softer than that of Mikhail Ulyanov, who played this hero earlier.

Another famous actor, whose death is associated with Bulgakov's curse, is Alexander Abdulov ("The Formula of Love", "Wizards", "Genius"). He played Fagot, one of Woland's servants. Despite the excellent acting skills, it should be noted that Alexander Filippenko, who performed this character in the previous screen version, Korovin came out much more interesting.

In 2010, under strange circumstances, Vladislav Galkin ("Truckers", "Kotovsky", "Voroshilovsky Shooter") died in his apartment. In the series he played the poet Ivan Ponyreev. Most likely, the artist was given this role because of his typical Slavic appearance. He played well, but Sergei Garmash, who previously performed this role, looked more like a man who lived in the twenties.

Two years after Galkin, Ilya Oleynikova (Gorodok, Kolkhoz Intertejt, Twelve Chairs) was no more. The actor, who played the financial director of the "Variety" Rimsky, died because of lung cancer. He was only 65 years old.

The following year, Valery Zolotukhin ("Bumbarash", "Little Tragedies") passed away. He played in the television series Nikanor Barefoot.

In recent years, some other actors of the series "Master and Margarita", who were not as famous as the above, died. This is Andrey Tolubeev (Aloisiy Mogarych), Yuri Oskin (porter), Galina Barkova (saleswoman), Valentina Yegorenkova (nurse in the mental hospital), Stanislav Sokolov (Pilate's secretary), Dmitry Poddubny (the NKVD spy) and others. Although the number of deaths and the truth is great, however, it is worth considering that most other performers of roles in this and previous adaptations are still alive and well.

"Master and Margarita" (TV series): actors and roles secondary

In this project, even for small roles, famous artists were taken. A striking example is Dmitri Nagiyev (played by the traitor Judas and Baron Maigel), Vasily Livanov (physician of the psychiatric hospital), Ivan Krasko (taxi driver), Andrei Urgant (entertainer), Alexander Pankratov-Cherny (director of the Variety), etc. It is worth noting Alexander Filippenko. In the previous adaptation he played Fagot. However, in the 2005 series, he won the role of Azazello. Unfortunately, the great artist was not very successful in displaying the versatility of this character. It should be noted that earlier Koroviev succeeded him much better.

Interesting facts

It should be noted some facts about which it would be interesting to know the fans of the series:

  • Initially, the role of Woland was offered to Oleg Yankovsky. But he did not agree, saying that people should not play God and the Devil.
  • Kirill Lavrov and Mikhail Ulyanov, who played the roles of Pontius Pilate in the screen versions of 2005 and 1994, were very close friends. They even died with a difference of one month.
  • Despite the fact that the project is the largest in the history of the adaptation of the novel by Bulgakov, some scenes from the work did not make it into the television series Master and Margarita.
  • The series 2005 (actors often improvised) is full of moments, which are not present either in the book or in the manuscripts of the author. So, Koriev in one of the scenes says: "As children!", Which is a reference to the film "Genius", in which Abdulov played the main role. In the television series, the name of the Master - Maksudov Nikolai Afanasievich - is casually mentioned. This reference leads to the Yugoslav adaptation of 1972.

Despite many negative reviews and the fact that the series is clearly inferior to the 1994 film adaptation, Vladimir Bortko's "Master and Margarita" is a very interesting project. In addition, thanks to the serial format, the screen managed to transfer most of the novel. As for the acting, many performers coped well with their roles, creating a really good series.

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