Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Slimming with a roller of towels: отзывы, описание

In connection with the rapid growth in the number of products with hidden content of sugar and salt, genetically modified ingredients, as well as those that have an unreasonably high calorie content, the problem of losing weight is becoming more relevant. To a diverse set of food products is added a sedentary lifestyle and regularly experienced stress. Together with the slender figure, the health gradually disappears.

Among the many ways to combat excess weight, according to statistics, those leading the fastest result with minimal effort are in the lead. However, despite the strong desire to get a slim figure in a short time, one should also remember the consequences of such rapid processes, as well as their impact on the human body. Many people are contraindicated in active physical exercises. However, doing nothing at all is also not an option. With age, the situation is aggravated.

A new way

One of the effective developments is the newfangled method of losing weight with a towel. To try its action on yourself, you do not need anything special. It will take only a towel and tape or rope, which you can fix it in a folded state. Also, free the floor or any horizontal flat surface for the procedure. It should be sufficiently firm or elastic. A soft bed or sofa for this purpose will not work, as they will bend under the weight of the body and the pressure of the roller, compensating for its effect. The length of the session required to obtain the result is from 5 minutes per day.

Benefit from the method

The method is based on the principle of stretching, which simultaneously favorably affects the spine, as well as intercostal ligaments. Thus, posture improves, flexibility increases, which is considered a pledge of youth. As you know, stretching the muscles strengthens them and enhances the potential by 20 percent or more. This is the universal secret that conceals the Japanese way of losing weight (Fukutsuji method).

The name of the system was in honor of its creator, who, thanks to many years of experience, developed this unique scheme. The principle of action was determined on the basis of studies that were conducted for a long time by Dr. Fukutsuji.

If a person is tired of fighting fat deposits in the waist, this technique will offer effective and simple exercises that will help to cope with the problem.

How and where to put the roller?

Now a little more about how to quickly get rid of the stomach with a towel and roller. The towel wrapped in a thick cushion should be tied up with a rope. Its diameter should not be too large. The best option is a medium-sized towel. If in the process of doing this it seems insufficient, you can always roll a larger diameter roller. It remains to put the device on the floor or to us a direct couch. Then it is necessary to assume the sitting position, then smoothly lie so that the platen is in the lumbar cavity.

The correct placement of towels is checked as follows: you need to hold your finger along the horizontal line from the navel to the sides. There the hand also should rest on the rolled up roller.

The first exercise

Weight loss in Japanese with a roller, under the back of the placed, begins with the next exercise. In the supine position, when the towel is under the lumbar deflection, the legs must be fixed on the width of the shoulders with the socks joined together. To begin with, keeping your feet is difficult. In order to make it easier to get used to an unusual position, you can tie them together using a hair straightener.

Next, you need to get your hands up so that they form one straight line with the body. Put them behind your head, unfolding your hands to the surface of the floor or couch. Then you need to cross between the little fingers. This is the main exercise that stimulates weight loss with a roller of a towel. The testimonies indicate that, in practice, 5 minutes of lying on the instructions of the methodology are difficult to sustain.

Therefore, it is recommended to start with small sessions of duration, say, 1-2 min. Over time, the duration of the procedure should be brought up to the time that the technique assumes. Japanese slimming with a roller is important to perform every day, without missing. Only in this case, effectiveness can be guaranteed.


In the process of performing the exercise at first, painful sensations can occur in different parts of the spine, as well as muscle and ligaments. This is considered the norm, since the clamped section is subjected to stretching. Adhering to the recommended regularity and duration of training, you will gradually achieve that the body adapts to the load, and the spine will begin to stretch naturally.

Next stage

When in the process of performing the exercise, keeping hands and feet in the correct position for 5 minutes is no longer difficult, you can move on to the next stage. The roller can already be moved under the area of the hypochondrium and thoracic spine. In the first position, the deflection at the waist will be visually evident at the same time, thus, the saggy belly will remove the towel as soon as the muscles and ligaments acquire a tone. In the case when the platen is under the back, just below the scapula, the thoracic region extends, which contributes to a natural correction of posture. This is one of the important conditions for the absence of bulging belly.


Indications for the use of this system are impaired posture, stoop, sagging and lack of tonus of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, fat deposits around the waist and on the sides, squeezing in the back and any symptoms caused by prolonged sitting (for example, pain in the waist, thoracic and cervical divisions ).


No matter how wonderful and effective Fukutsuji's method is, even he has some contraindications. These include serious damage to the spine and herniated discs. However, even if a person does not have any of these diagnoses, you should always see a doctor before starting the session.


Soon there will be results - a question of interest to all who decided to try losing weight with a roller of a towel. Reviews say that measurements of body volumes can be made almost immediately. Some of the first results were noticeable after a week. Of course, much depends on the initial parameters and individual characteristics. Of great importance is also strict adherence to all the recommendations, in particular, it is about the regularity of the classes. Many do not attach importance to this factor, but even one missed day can reduce all indicators to the previous level. That's why there are people who despaired and found the method unsuccessful.

Having decided to test the system, give yourself a promise to strictly follow all instructions. Only then can we speak about the effectiveness of the methodology.

Opinions and testimonies thin with a roller of a towel

Now we will discuss what girls say about this method. There is a category of people who, having refused once, decided to try again losing weight with a roller of a towel. The feedback and impressions turned out to be radically opposite to those that took place after the first attempt. People said that at that time they were not serious about the whole undertaking, and the skeptical attitude completely dispersed the rest of the confidence in the result. However, having tried many other methods, they nevertheless decided to return to their studies and reach the victorious end.

Great importance before the beginning of any business has faith in oneself and in the success of the result. It is very disciplined and leads straight to the goal. This is what those who once decided to return to the methodology claim.

Girls who tried this method, consider it just a godsend. The tummy actually loses its volume, the waist becomes thinner. The posture of natural extension of the spinal column is not given to everyone with difficulty. Some girls claim that they can lie in this position for more than this time.

Many positive responses were received from young mothers. As you know, after delivery, most have strict restrictions on physical activity. However, the tension in the lower back, which appeared during the bearing of the baby, remains after the appearance of the baby, moreover, during pregnancy, often not only the vertebrae but also the pelvic bones are displaced. And this method is great for strengthening and restoring your back. Moreover, it's so nice to lie down for at least 5 minutes, even if not in a very comfortable position, and feel the whole charm of stretching.

Losing thus women name the way we consider unique. Because it does not require effort and expense, and the result does not cease to amaze with its progress. And all this in just 5 minutes a day! At this time you can properly relax, recharge, bring the body into tonus. Most ladies recommend doing it in the morning, since this method increases the working capacity of a person. After classes, many feel a surge of energy and a desire to turn mountains.

Opinion of doctors

The simplest and harmless is considered to be losing weight with a roller of a towel. The opinions of doctors, however, allow us to conclude that the opinions of specialists on the effectiveness of the methodology differ. Some consider it ineffective, others, on the contrary, argue that this is an excellent opportunity to help those who can not withstand the load in the gyms. However, all doctors talk about the safety of the classes. Exceptions are groups of patients with herniated intervertebral discs, as well as those who are unlucky to get serious injuries or fractures.


The technique is really unique, because it combines the simplicity and availability of performance with efficiency. Now the rest will be truly healing, because it requires a regular towel, as well as a place where you can lie down. Dare!

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