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Several options for how to decorate a flower pot with your own hands

Flowers are in almost every house. True, many are serving their term in the same pots that they once planted. Containers for plants can be designed independently. Several ideas on how to decorate a flower pot with your own hands, how to use materials, you will find in this article.

What is the benefit of decorating flower pots, made with your own hands?

  1. The design is done in its own design and in any color scheme.
  2. You can change the styling and the color solution at any time.
  3. Many elements of decor you will find at home.
  4. It is interesting.
  5. You will be proud of the fruits of your labor.
  6. You can become an artist for friends and acquaintances.
  7. Your creative imagination will come true.

The first and easiest way to decorate a flower pot is to take Corrugated gasket, the one that is inside the boxes of cardboard. Then follow these steps:

  • Cut the paper in strips.
  • Stick on the pot.
  • Cover with varnish.

Corrugated paper can be replaced with a smart gift, and attach it with scotch tape.

The second way

Ideal for needlewomen-knitters:

  • Measure the dimensions of the working surface.
  • Knit the canvas on any pattern and any color (you can apply several colors of threads).
  • Ready "stocking" to put on a pot for plants.

The third way

The flower container is pasted with colored stones or colored ground (you can take the aquarium material):

  • Spread the working area with glue.
  • On the glue area, soil is poured (slightly pressed).
  • Paint at will with any color.
  • Cover with varnish.

The fourth way

The flowerpot is decorated with colorful beads:

  • Choose beads, beads.
  • To invent a pattern and apply it to a container (or cut it out of paper, draw on the contour).
  • Glue patches on which the pattern will be applied. If you want to attach the beads chaotically, glue is applied throughout the area of the container.
  • Paste the beads.
  • On the dried up pattern is applied a varnish.

The Fifth Way

Here is an example of how to decorate a flower pot with your own hands using decoupage.

To design this way, you need PVA glue and synthetic brush, a napkin with a pattern that you liked, scissors, lacquer.

  • Separate the top layer from the napkin.
  • Cut out the pattern, put on a flower tank and grease it with glue.
  • Smooth everything so that air bubbles do not form.
  • A dried paint is applied to the dried out design.

Before starting the design, the color container is covered with any color with acrylic paint to create a background.

The Sixth Way

The last of the options for how to decorate a flower pot with your own hands in the ethno style, is made with the help of a rope or twine:

  • Spread the working surface of the plant pot with glue.
  • Turned the glued part of the twine, tightly pressed against the walls.
  • If desired, glue is applied to the twine and beads, buttons or something else are glued.

We hope that our advice on how to decorate a flower pot with your own hands will be useful and will make your life more rich and the interior more diverse.

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