Spiritual development, Religion
Scientology in Russia: famous people are Scientologists. The prohibition of Scientology in Russia
Among the variety of modern religious movements, there are separate directions that have grasped the influence of huge masses of people around the world. The most striking of them was Scientology, which arose on the basis of a special system of beliefs and practices, authored by the American science fiction writer Ron Hubbard. This compilation, which absorbed a lot of pseudoscientific and tendentiously selected religious ideas, is focused on the needs of people who place the emphasis on life success and career.
The degeneration of Dianetics into Scientology
In the early fifties, a new doctrine called "Dianetics" was widely spread in the West. His creator was well-known among the reading public, science fiction writer Ron Hubbard. According to him, using the techniques and techniques of his system could get rid of many physical diseases, as well as the psychological burden of past mistakes. But, most importantly, he promised his followers the ability of positive thinking, contributing to the solution of all relevant problems. For an in-depth study of his theory, Hubbard even organized a special college.
However, he did not stop there, and in 1952, at one of his lectures in the city of Phoenix, announced that he intends to start popularizing the new religious and philosophical system - Scientology, which he created on the basis of a sufficiently familiar to all Dianetics. The newly-founded Messiah established his headquarters in the same city, at the same time transferring to him and the college he created. The case went smoothly, and three years later the first Scientology Church was opened in Washington.
One of the most numerous religious movements in the world
At present, Scientology exists in the form of two independent currents. One of them is the Church of Scientology, its most numerous component, formed in 1953, and the second, separated from it, is the Free Zone. The division took place in 1983 due to a conflict related to the internal problems of the organization. These contradictions are not eliminated to this day and serve as a reason for the non-recognition of the Free Zone by the Scientology Church.
The Church of Scientology today is one of the most numerous religious movements in the world. Its followers form 3,200 communities, missions and groups in 154 countries. According to some reports, the number of staff only exceeds 13,000 people. The most widespread it has received in the USA, where many well-known persons are supporters of Scientology. Among them, the stars of Hollywood are John Travolta and Tom Cruise.
In the understanding of its adherents, Scientology is an "applied religious philosophy". At the center of her attention is the human spirit and its interaction with itself, with other lives, and with the universe as a whole. Specialists easily see in it elements of Buddhism, Judaism, Vedic teaching, ideas of ancient Greek thinkers, as well as scattered elements of Christianity, Nietzsche's philosophy and Freud's psychoanalysis. Scientologists themselves declare their teaching as the fastest growing religion of the world.
Conflicts with Justice
Literally since its inception, Scientology has established itself as the most controversial and scandalous religious movement. She repeatedly faced contradictions with the governments of different countries and their law enforcement agencies. The reason for this was certain features in the relationship of the structures to their adherents. This includes the compulsion of Scientologists to break off relations with friends and family members, repeatedly recorded criminal actions against critics of the organization, and even a number of deaths caused by illegal activities of the organization.
Numerous judgments, reports of government commissions and a number of journalistic investigations show that the Church of Scientology is nothing more than an unscrupulous commercial enterprise that practices the persecution of its critics and exploits its members in the most harsh manner. As a result, many of the world's leading countries refuse to recognize it as a religious organization and are considering banning it.
It is appropriate to recall that in 2009 the French court considered the case of the Church of Scientology, accused of organized fraud. Despite the fact that the representatives of the accused filed cassation complaints, and so delayed the final decision, nevertheless the leaders of the Parisian center were found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment with payment of a fine.
Judicial decisions in respect of a number of city branches
The Church of Scientology in Russia is considered one of the totalitarian sects, and this determines the attitude to its activities of all state bodies. For example, in 2007, the city public organization "Scientology Center" was outlawed by the decision of the St. Petersburg City Court. This decision was taken at the request of the prosecutor's office, which revealed in its activities a number of violations of Russian law. In particular, it was noted that they, without having the appropriate licenses, engaged in teaching and medical activities on a commercial basis.
This example is not the only one, and the prohibition of Scientology in Russia will be the result of a thorough study of their activities. In February 2008, at the request of a member of the St. Petersburg branch of the organization, a search was carried out at their headquarters in the Kirov district. As a result, a large number of audio carriers containing confessions were recorded, which could then be used for illegal purposes.
At one time, the press widely covered the decision of the city court of Khanty-Mansiysk, which he accepted in April 2010. On the basis of his many works of Ron Hubbard are recognized as containing extremism, under the influence of which fell the followers of Scientology in Russia and abroad.
The reason for the review was the numerous printed and audio and video materials confiscated at the customs, propagandizing violence in general and justifying it, as a measure of the impact against the critics of their organization. Such their theories have become one of the reasons why Scientology is banned in Russia. Today, though not completely, the activity of a number of its branches has been suspended.
State control over the activities of the sect
In 2012, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation initiated a criminal case against the Russian representative office of the Danish publishing company New Era. The reason for it were published by the publishing house and actively distributed publications included in the list of banned extremist materials, inciting hatred, enmity, humiliating human dignity.
Thanks to such actions by law enforcement agencies, the harm that Scientology might inflict in Russia is minimized. The sect, which uses illegal and inhuman methods in its activities, is under the constant control of the authorities. As a result, one of their inspections in Kaliningrad managed to expose the illegal activities of the training company that is part of a large international Scientology center. Organizing without a proper license consultations of executives of various commercial structures and employees of firms, the company used in personal consultation Scientology technologies.
Practice of psychoterror
Many foreign researchers of the Church of Scientology see it as a primarily sect, the main feature of which is mystified psychotherapy, which primarily affects the spiritual and psychological side of man. Scientology in Russia also possesses the same features.
Famous people from the world of science have repeatedly pointed out that this organization is inherently one of the most destructive cults, skillfully disguised from its potential victims and using the quality of cover all kinds of affiliated structures, such as the numerous centers of Dianetics and Hubbard-Colleges. In general, it is characterized as pseudoscientific and pseudo-Christian.
The prohibition of Scientology in Russia can be based on its desire to subordinate all its followers to the ideas of a cult leader and to create total control over the actions and activities of its adherents. Also illegal are the methods of fighting the sect with its critics and the use for the financial growth of the organization of the crisis mental state of its members. This structure, calling itself a church, simply lures money from people, while practicing methods close to psychoterror, and using the ignorance of its victims. It is because of these reasons that Scientology has found itself in such a negative attitude in Russia.
Comments on its activities by representatives of government agencies and numerous experts are invariably full of warnings that people who come into contact with this destructive sect tend to get into it in psychological and financial dependence. This is mainly due to the fact that in the presence of a rigid hierarchical structure, the sect went beyond the boundaries of a religious organization in its characteristics and acquired all the characteristic features of a dictatorial system that suppresses the human psyche and thus establishes control over its consciousness and finances.
Financial well-being is the main concern of the sect
There is a special approach to money in the sect. According to the testimony of those who were her followers and subsequently managed to get out of it, the spiritual growth of each individual member directly depends on his financial investments in the organization. Without any hesitation, the sum is announced, thanks to which the neophyte can get a place in the church hierarchy. It is the material interest that makes the administration pay special attention to working with businessmen. By the way, the well-known Scientologists of Russia also are in the majority of their representatives of large capital, the beginning of whose activities are rooted in the "dashing nineties."
It should be noted that in the recruitment of their adherents, Scientologists do not rely only on a fortunate incident. In the ranks of the organization, there are practically no people from the street, and the recruitment of newcomers is also a strictly thought-out technology. Their ranks are often replenished by visitors of all kinds of business trainings and students of foreign language courses. The main way is betting on those who have become known for their activities and popularity. This is equally enjoyed by the Western branch of the organization, and Scientology in Russia. Famous people for both, and for others are both advertising and a reliable source of financial income.
The sect's interference in politics
One can not overlook yet another aspect of the activities of the Church of Scientologists -intervention in the political processes taking place within these or those states. In particular, according to a number of sources, members of the organization took an active part in the "orange" revolution that took place in Ukraine, and were active organizers of the notorious Maidan. It is known that they were enriched quite well as a result of this action, and one of them, the most ardent supporter of the new Ukrainian government, was even awarded the "Medal of Freedom".
Thanks to this side of the activities aimed at destabilizing the society, it must be put outside the legal field and Scientology in Russia. Famous people of Russia, including political scientists, historians, doctors and prominent public figures, have repeatedly appeared in the media with its criticism. Suffice it to recall the articles of Professor A. I. Subetto, who defines this structure as a pseudo-church, Professor K. S. Lisetskiy, who likened it to a financial pyramid, Doctor of Philosophy LI Grigoriev and many others.
The danger of a sect for young people
It is also important to note the fact that, with its technologies of influencing the adepts, the sect sometimes causes irreparable harm not only to their mental state and material well-being, but also to their physical condition. In recent years, the public has become aware of the numerous deaths caused by unqualified interference in the health of members of the organization, as well as cases of suicide due to their mental disorder.
In foreign publications devoted to this problem, as a rule, it is pointed out that the church has a striking similarity to most of the most famous modern religious tumors of the totalitarian type. Such a characteristic corresponds to Scientology in Russia. Famous people of the West, who are its adherents, in their speeches, replicated by the media, do a disservice to Russian society, especially young people. It is known that it is she who, in her search for truth, often becomes a victim of all false reports and very doubtful prophets. The end of Scientology in Russia is largely predetermined by the desire of state organizations and the public to block their harmful effects. Participation in solving the problem is a civic duty of everyone.
Speaking about the supporters of this organization in our country, we must observe a certain amount of caution, since they publicly did not advertise their participation in it. However, we can recall the cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, who highly appreciated her activities. It is known that his daughter became an employee of one of the foreign branches of the organization. Also remember the laudatory words at the organization of Sergei Stepashin and Alexander Rutskoi.
Is Scientology Permitted in Russia?
Now, after all the criticism of this organization, given in the article, it is appropriate to go to the main topic of interest to very many. It is a question of whether Scientology is banned in Russia, or, for all its odiousness, it continues to be in a number of quite legal organizations. No, in general, the ban on its activities was not imposed in the legislative order, but the decisions of many district courts repeatedly suspended the work of a number of district and city branches that committed gross violations of established legal norms. Examples of such judicial decisions were cited above.
Scientologists are very competent and clever to build a line of defense. The main argument put forward by their opponents is that this structure aims to create isolated social groups of people, with a clear division of functions of each of them, to confront the rest of the world. To this they always have an objection that, in principle, any political organization and even ordinary social movement sets such goals. Just like Scientologists, they propagate their ideas and try to maximize the number of adepts.
Moreover, they always hide behind active participation in public life, the fight against drug addiction, alcoholism and rehabilitation of persons with a criminal past. In response to reproaches in the illegal methods, often practiced to implement these programs and to involve the wards in their ranks, Scientologists reduce the problem to the unfair work of specific branches and are justified by their closure. In general, today, the question remains whether the Scientology in Russia will be officially banned. Famous people who dedicated their works to the study of this sect, and those who became its victims, unequivocally testify to the need for such a legislative act.
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