Food and drink, Salads
Salads with Bulgarian pepper, with chicken - for the most refined taste
Among all the snack variety, the salads will never lose their appeal: with Bulgarian pepper, with chicken, with fresh vegetables - yes, in fact, with any ingredients that your imagination is capable of. Sweet pepper will always bring juiciness and zest to any dish. And the chicken will never tire of surprising us with its diversity, especially in salads, it can participate in completely different types: boiled, smoked, baked, roasted, and sometimes even in raw, marinated. Although the latter option, of course, for the extremals.
No matter how varied salads: with Bulgarian pepper, with chicken, with other ingredients - there are more successful combinations, and there are ordinary, "through" options (unsuccessful experiments, of course, no one shares). Consider one of the proven recipes. A small chicken breast, grams for two hundred, cooked and cut with straws (if you like the "wrong" pieces, you can disassemble your hands). The same piece of ham is cut with slabs, two bulgarian peppers - strips or squares, canned honey agarics, if they are small, are poured whole. A small can of pineapples pour out the juice, and the fruit is cut with small cubes. In the salad roasted raisins and crushed nuts (on a pair of spoons) are added, and it is filled with mayonnaise. Prepared in this way salads with Bulgarian pepper, with chicken will decorate not only the everyday, but also the festive table. Quite diverse ingredients of the dish do not cross out, but complement each other's dignity.
Absolutely unique salad! Smoked chicken, bell pepper, pomegranate, nuts and tomatoes form a wonderful culinary "sound". What part of the bird you put into the dish is a matter of taste, both the legs and the breast are suitable. The main thing is that in the already cut (boneless) chicken meat, two hundred grams are obtained. Four medium tomatoes, grams one hundred solid good cheese and three meaty bell peppers are cut into cubes. For refueling, mix light mayonnaise, nuts passed through the blender, pressed garlic and parsley. All seasonings are taken in quantities that will not offend your personal taste. The salad is mixed and refueled. If necessary, you can add it and pepper it. Already in a salad bowl the dish is generously sprinkled with pomegranate seeds.
Salad "Stunned"
It would seem that the simplest foods come in this salad: chicken, bell pepper, tomatoes, eggs - and the taste turns out amazing. There are several tricks: first of all, medium-sized fillets in raw form are cut with salad slices and fried in olive or butter (and this is the first secret). Three eggs are boiled hard and cut into cubes. A large Bulgarian pepper is freed from unnecessary entrails and chopped squares. Olives without pits are cut by halves (those who like smaller pieces can cut into rings, but the recipe writer considers it superfluous). Three tomatoes are crumbled in cubes or cubes. All components are mixed, salted, peppered and flavored with olive oil, if the fillet was roasted on it, or with low-fat mayonnaise, if butter was used (this is the second secret). And the third trick: washed salad leaves are dried, poured a little lemon juice and sprinkled with a pinch of sugar. They put on a ready-made salad.
"Spring joy"
For an organism that yearns for all kinds of vegetables over the winter, this will be the best choice. The dish is prepared quickly, and there are plenty of vitamins in it. The only thing that you have to tinker with is with chicken. The fillet is cut into very small pieces, each of them is breaded in breadcrumbs and fried - at the expense of the dimensions very quickly, for a couple of minutes on each side. While the pieces cool down, two tomatoes, cucumber and pepper are cut into small pieces (for beauty, it is better to take colored). A quarter of a head of cabbage-pekinki shreds, everything is mixed (and the chicken too), is greased and dressed with any lean oil. The look, smell and taste of this salad gives the feeling that spring has come.
Warm salad in Chinese
The Chinese, as always, are on top. Products included in the dish, perfectly in harmony with each other and create just an unforgettable salad: chicken, mushrooms, Bulgarian pepper, cucumbers, carrots, eggs - nothing superfluous. Mushrooms are taken dried, pressed Chinese, 25-gram sachet. They should be poured with boiling water for a quarter of an hour to "dissolve". Then the water merges (until the drop: black mushrooms and so "spit" in a pan, do not need to add additional liquid), and the product is quickly fried in vegetable oil. Two fillets of chicken are cut into thin longish pieces and also fried, separately - 5-7 minutes. Then two garlic cloves are poured into the meat, a carrot cut in straws is poured in a minute, another two stripes of sweet pepper. After another minute, half-rings of onions and fried mushrooms are poured in, a couple of spoons of soy sauce is poured in, and after stirring, the salad is removed from the fire. When it is slightly cooled, a cucumber is cut into bars into it and immediately carried to the table. In the warm state it is delicious, however, in the cold it is also quite good.
Baked chicken
Another very attractive salad recipe. Chicken, Bulgarian pepper, olives and eggs are seasoned with mayonnaise, flavored with a few drops of lemon (or lime) juice. However, to begin with, the chicken fillet (about one-third kilogram) is rubbed with olive oil, combined with salt and favorite spices, and baked in the oven until soft and beautifully crusted. When chicken cools, it should be cut into even cubes. Similarly, a large bell pepper and two steep eggs are cut. Olives (grams a hundred) and a bunch of onion-feather crumbles. Salad is filled with dressing and served on the table.
We offered you the most different and most tempting salads with Bulgarian pepper, with chicken - choose what you like!
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