Food and drink, Salads
Salad with squid and mushrooms and other salad recipes
If you look at any festive table, you can see that most of it is salads. Recipe for a new delicious salad is always useful to any hostess. Here are a few fresh recipes. And the first is a salad with squid and mushrooms - very nutritious and tasty.
Salad with squid and mushrooms (recipe number 1)
Ingredients: a kilogram of squid, half a kilo of peeled shrimp, 200 gr. Cheese (you can have any, but recommended "Gouda"), 1 b. Champignons, 1 b. Olives and mayonnaise.
Squid and shrimp cook in salted water for about a couple of minutes. If the mushrooms are small, put them in the salad whole, if large - cut in half. Squids need to be cut into strips, shrimps also cut into several pieces. Dice the cheese, olives, too, cut into several parts (they should be pitted). To make up with mayonnaise. Salad with squid and mushrooms is ready!
Salad with squid and mushrooms (recipe No. 2)
Another recipe for salad with squid: take 4 squid, 3 pcs. Eggs, 2 onions, 300 gr. Fresh champignons, 1 cucumber (also fresh) and mayonnaise.
Squid boil, cut into thin strips, eggs and cucumber peel and grate (coarse). Champignons cut and fried with onions. Mix all the ingredients and water with mayonnaise.
Salad with squids and ham
To make this salad, take 3 squid, 300 gr. Chinese cabbage, 200 gr. Brynza (you can suluguni, if you do not want salad to be salty), 200 gr. Ham and olive oil or mayonnaise (at your choice) for refueling.
Squid cook, clean and cut straws. As thin as possible, we cut cabbage, ham and cheese. We pour oil or mayonnaise. Everything, lettuce is ready!
Meat salad with croutons and mushrooms
For cooking you will need 250 grams of any meat, 2 pcs. Onion, 3 eggs, mayonnaise, half a white loaf (or keriška) and pieces of 6 champignons. Meat should be boiled, and when it cools down, cut into squares. Mushrooms are cut and fried. Before adding them to meat, you need to carefully strain the oil. Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden, and also carefully strain the oil. Eggs on a grater. All this is mixed and filled with dietetic mayonnaise (dietary, because the salad itself is quite fatty). Before serving, we add kereshes or self-made bread loafs (for this, the loaf should be cut and fried in oil).
Salad with mushrooms and liver
Buy 200 g. Liver, 100 grams of cucumbers (salted, not marinated), 50 grams of dried mushrooms, 70 grams. Potatoes, a couple of eggs, a little onion, olives, lemon, mayonnaise and salt.
Mushrooms for 3-4 hours soak in plain water, then in it we cook them. Eggs need to be welded and finely chopped. The liver is also boiled (do not forget to add water, otherwise it will be tasteless), then cut into cubes and fry. Onions cut with ringlets, cut cucumbers into small cubes. Potato waxed in the peel is cleaned and also cut into cubes. All this is mixed, flavored with mayonnaise and spices to taste.
Salad with corn and spinach
This salad, unlike the previous ones, is very light. In order to prepare it, you will need: 200 grams. Lettuce and spinach, 2 eggs, 100 gr. Corn canned and as much pineapple.
Leaves and spinach and lettuce should be washed, dried and finely chopped. Boiled hard-boiled eggs cut into cubes. Pineapples cut into small pieces. Pay attention - both pineapples and corn should be without liquid. Mix all the ingredients. In the remaining pineapple juice, add 1 tsp. Starch and boil until thick. It is this unusual sauce and you need to fill the salad, of course, after it cools.
Pumpkin salad with plums
Ingredients: 250 gr. Each. Pumpkin and plum, 100 gr. Raisins, as much sour cream, 150 gr. Brewed tea, a little sugar and lemon balm.
Pumpkin is peeled from the peel and seeds and tinder on a large grater. The pulp is chopped. Raisins 1 hour soaked in tea. Then all these products are combined and seasoned with a mixture of sugar and sour cream. You need to decorate with branches of lemon balm.
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