Food and drinkSalads

Beetroot salad: decorate everyday

Beetroot is a useful product, and in boiled form is an excellent delicacy, which children love so much. From this vegetable you can prepare many interesting salads. And since the beet grows practically in all areas of our homeland, the cost of such a dish will be very low, affordable for any family. Of course, it depends on the other ingredients of the chosen salad, but here, as already mentioned above, there is a wide range of options ...

Let's start with the simplest, known to most people - a salad of beets with garlic. Its preparation does not take much time: the only thing in this process is a long time - cooking beets. However, this applies to any such dish. You can cook it in advance, for example, in the evening, or you can reserve it, so that next time you can not boil, the boiled beet is stored in the refrigerator for more than a week.

You will need beets, mayonnaise (or sour cream) and garlic. Cooked beets must be grated on a shallow grater. Though it is possible and on large, on the fan. Believe me, this taste will not suffer. Then add the mayonnaise or sour cream to the beetroot salad. If your choice fell on mayonnaise, then you do not need to salt, if on sour cream, then, respectively, salt. Then add the garlic, previously crushed on garlic, or rubbed on a grater. In extreme cases - very finely chopped. With garlic you need to be more careful, the amount in this case is a matter of taste, so add small by little, mix, try, and, if necessary, add more.

Salad turns out excellent. By the way, the variant with sour cream is original, and it is taste different from mayonnaise. Try both, you will not regret. There is another method of preparation - beet meringue with sour cream, but without salt and without mayonnaise.

There is another recipe, which, unlike most, does not require beet cooking. In this there are two significant advantages: first, do not have to wait long, when it will be welded, and secondly, it will retain its useful properties. Nevertheless, a small heat treatment is still required: a beet salad in a completely raw form is unlikely to anyone like it. Beets need to be washed and cleaned, then rubbed on a coarse grater. Then it must be fried in a frying pan. What is important - fry on high fire, in small quantities and only a couple of minutes. Oils pour very little. Add salt after, to taste.

There is also a more interesting and informative recipe for salad from beets. To make it, you will need: 100 g of walnut, one beet - its size is determined by eye, you can take a big enough. Another take one small head of onions and one clove of garlic, black pepper and greens, as well as vegetable oil, mayonnaise and about 50 g of raisins.

To cook this salad of beets, boil it, clean it and rub it on a large grater. Stir with the onion, previously scrolled through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is lightly fried in a pre-heated frying pan with butter. We put everything in a bowl or salad bowl. It is necessary to allow the mixture to cool. Put the raisins in warm water to make it swell, and tackle nuts. They must be crushed and fried too. Then nuts and raisins, which by that time should already be swollen, add to beetroot. There we also send finely chopped garlic.

Now it remains only to mix all the resulting mass with mayonnaise and add the pepper to taste. Garnish with greenery. Serve it to the table better in a clear salad bowl. You've got a great salad of beets with nuts.

As you can see, from such simple and popular vegetable it is possible to prepare several kinds of salads, and this is far from being all possible options. After you try these dishes, you can go to new recipes, but there are quite a few of them. After all, good housewives are always ready for delicious creative experiments!

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