
Reviews: "Tamoxifen" in bodybuilding and medicine. Effectiveness and side effects of "Tamoxifen"

Tamoxifen is an antiestrogen, a non-steroidal antitumor drug manufactured in tablets (sometimes coated). The active substance is tamoxifen citrate.

The main purpose of the drug

The main indication for the use of the drug is breast cancer therapy. The drug "Tamoxifen" interferes with the development of the tumor, and the ability to block estrogen remains in the body for weeks even after a single use. The medicine has well proved itself in the fight against female infertility. Also, the drug "Tamoxifen" for men is applicable: the reviews testify to its effectiveness in the treatment of prostate and breast cancer. The drug found itself in the therapy of other types of malignant tumors: in kidney and ovarian cancer, melanoma and soft tissue sarcoma.

As with any medical device, there are different opinions about Tamoxifen. And this medicine deserves to be studied more closely.

Tablets "Tamoxifen" in oncology

Scientists have long established the estrogenic dependence of certain types of breast cancer. This also predetermines the use of antiestrogens in the therapy of this disease. As evidenced by numerous reviews, "Tamoxifen" is perhaps the most common drug used for this purpose. Dozens of studies have proved its highest efficacy, and at all stages of cancer. And let scientists of different countries to this day argue about the optimal doses of the drug and the timing of its use, most doctors in the case of detected breast cancer confidently prescribed to their patients the tablet "Tamoxifen". After the course of the drug, at whatever stages of the disease it is used, usually there are positive changes: more often there is remission, the number of relapses decreases significantly, and the mortality of patients decreases.

True, prolonged use of this drug is fraught with a number of side effects, the most terrible of which is the increased incidence of endometrial cancer. And yet the advantages of the medicine "Tamoxifen many times exceed its disadvantages, and the probability of an endometrial tumor is tens of times less than the risk of cancer of the second breast.

The drug "Tamoxifen" in bodybuilding, reviews

Due to its anti-estrogenic effect, the drug "Tamoxifen" has found application in a completely unexpected sphere - bodybuilding. Taking "stabs" of steroid drugs can lead to a significant accumulation in their blood of a female hormone - estrogen. At the same time, the body of the bodybuilder starts to lose a little men's outlines, the potency decreases, the breast (gynecomastia) grows. The drug "Tamoxifen" for men - this is a good option, helping to combat the side effects of steroids. This drug does not in itself reduce the level of estrogen in the blood, but it prevents its harmful effects on men's health. The drug, due to its complex action on the body, increases the production of the male hormone - testosterone, which prevents further occurrence of gynecomastia. As evidenced by numerous male reviews, Tamoxifen significantly improves their potency, even if previously it was reduced. The advantage of this tool is that it contributes to the removal of fluid from the body, which is delayed by the use of steroids. For most bodybuilders, Tamoxifen is a wonderful anti-estrogen, affordable and not too expensive.

But even here it's not so simple. Tablets trigger a very complex hormonal process in the body, contributing to an increase in the number of receptors of another female hormone, progesterone, and also negatively affecting the production of the growth factor. Therefore, the use of the drug "Tamoxifen" requires a responsible and very cautious approach, as well as a competent combination with other medical products.

About some features of the medicine

So is good or bad drug "Tamoxifen"? The patients' comments on the medicine are generally positive: over the years it has been able to prove its effectiveness in the fight against neoplasms. But the drug is excessively toxic, and its effect on the digestive system is often negative. Against the background of a decrease in appetite, body weight increases, nausea and indigestion, vomiting and diarrhea, constipation and pain in the stomach are noted. Occasionally there are problems with the liver - such as its infiltration and hepatitis.

The use of the drug in gynecology also causes mixed reviews: "Tamoxifen", widely and successfully used in the fight against infertility, can become the culprit of unplanned ovulation. Therefore, in the process of taking tablets, ladies with the utmost attention should treat contraception. This remedy can also cause irritating itching in the genital area, uterine bleeding, painful discharge from the vagina and even cystic tumors.

The drug Tamoxifen: blood and vision

The appointment of a patient with this remedy requires a serious preliminary examination of the patient. In particular, a complete blood test, monitoring of hemoglobin and cholesterol levels is required. Tablets "Tamoxifen" can provoke the appearance of thrombi, therefore, when combined with other drugs that affect the composition of blood, dosage adjustment is not excluded. During the entire treatment process it is important to constantly monitor the level of platelets in the patient's blood.

From the oculists, you can also hear negative feedback. "Tamoxifen" with prolonged use adversely affects the eyes: it is not uncommon for serious visual impairment, retinopathy, corneal opacity, and even the occurrence of cataracts. Therefore, before the course of treatment, a thorough examination with an ophthalmologist is necessary, and then constant consultations in the process of using the medicine.

The effect of the drug on overall health

In addition to those already listed, taking "Tamoxifen" tablets is fraught with a lot of undesirable manifestations. The patient should not be too frightened of possible troubles: it is not at all necessary that at least some of the symptoms will manifest themselves in him. And yet you should know that sometimes when taking medication depression can develop. Some patients felt headache and dizziness, some had cases of myasthenia gravis. Individual patients complained of drowsiness and excessive fatigue, and confusion was observed. Physicians persistently recommend patients to take extra care when driving a car and when working with complex equipment. The drug "Tamoxifen" for men can turn into a disappointment and in an intimate life: although, as a rule, it positively affects the potency, but sometimes it is vice versa. And some men had time to note and the problems with libido.

The drug "Vero-Tamoxifen", reviews

The drug "Vero-Tamoxifen" (Vero-Tamoxifen) is a domestic medicinal product manufactured by OJSC Veropharm; Active ingredient is tamoxifen. The drug "Vero-Tamoxifen", like a foreign analogue, is used in the therapy of cancer of various etiologies. Dosages, prescriptions, and timing of taking the medicine are completely identical to the practice of using the corresponding imported drugs and give the same results. Alas! Precisely the same are contraindications, side effects and complaints of patients receiving treatment.


The drug "Tamoxifen" ("Vero-Tamoxifen") can not be prescribed for hypersensitivity to this drug, in case of pregnancy and during the whole period of breastfeeding. With caution apply for diseases of the eyes (cataracts), hyperlipidemia and leukopenia. This medication is undesirable for hypercalcemia and thrombocytopenia, expressed thrombophlebitis and thromboembolic disease.


So, let's try to bring together what is evidenced by the numerous reviews. "Tamoxifen", of course, is a valuable, effective medicine that has already managed to save millions of human lives. And at the same time it is a product with a lot of undesirable side effects. Decide that outweigh in the case of the use of this medication, results or risks, can only a highly qualified specialist. The drug "Tamoxifen" is, undoubtedly, not a means for self-medication, it can only be taken under the supervision of an experienced doctor. And the patient's task is to trust his doctor and carefully follow all his instructions.

Be healthy!

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