Self improvementPsychology

What is revenge? How does this feeling affect our lives?

A painfully familiar sensation when the body turns inside out, burns, flames, and consciousness fogs when it is impossible to unclench the clenched fists, this feeling permeates for a second, from it neither hide, nor be saved ... But what is revenge? Is it so important in our life? How do we assign it to our thoughts?

Often, we are betrayed by dear people, those who were nearby and supported, sang hypnotic songs in our honor and laughed at common enemies. How to forgive a knife in the heart?

Awareness of the consequences of their thoughts

What is revenge? This is a morbid, fixated state that yearns for one-sided recoil. This is pain that must be returned to the owner, as they return lost wallets, car keys or apartment and jewelry. It does not always bring joy, but the obsession to change the course of neglected events does not leave our head until the planned one takes place. This feeling harms our body and brings irreparable consequences, often pushing us to communicate with law enforcement agencies. It has intangible power over a man who is only akin to love. Makes you commit unthinkable deeds, for which you then have to pay the bills and with your own conscience.

Is it worth retaliation?

What is revenge? Is it worth retaliation? This wheel of fortune, where it does not depend on us, what will happen next and how will the innocent outcome turn out. It gives rise to pride. Revenge is a sin! Orthodoxy says that it is necessary to forgive insults to our offenders, to forget and to let go, but reason tells another. To whom to trust?

Determination of one's own feelings

The thirst for revenge ... Little to anyone, even for a second, this feeling did not sneak in. Each of us experienced at least once in our lives jealousy, resentment for various reasons, but in response acted purely on the basis of his character. The motive of revenge, if you think about it, can be the most ugly and unjustified. If we are satisfied with our lives, we have everything necessary to switch and not to stop at what is happening, we usually do not perceive the offense as something beyond the clouds, and with our coldness and indifference we only provoke the offender and laugh at how he himself eats himself .

But if things are different: at work, the director is broken every minute, his personal life is not lucky, the guy went to his childhood friend, and she is good, stole someone else's happiness out of envy, and now she is pleased and gloating - of course, we are in Fury will not let this pass us by, but we'll hold offense. And we will swear to take revenge at a convenient moment. Let's begin to breed revenge on the former. At the same time, we will improve, abandoning the hated work with the incompetent composition of the leadership, take an unscheduled vacation for an indefinite time and find ourselves a delightful man, so that everyone can not sleep with envy. But will it make us less unhappy than we are in reality?

We and the real world

What is revenge? We often draw it ourselves. In colorful fantasies, we tear hair away from the infusions, splash them in the face with poisonous acid, or confront the breakage of the former traitor, but in reality we only exacerbate the problem, throwing more and more troubles on our heads: there, in line for bread, they shouted for a slow, In what not the guilty old woman, and in public transport accused of harassment the young man who at a crush just tried to make his way to the exit, but here he beat an ATM that slowly gave out money, thinking and asking for unnecessary combinations ... As a result At, we only ruin our health, our psyche, become irritable, suspicious and mean, but will such people be condescendingly treated by others, and will the long-awaited joy be knocked on the door?

Do I need to start my revenge?

Revenge will not make anyone happy, no offender, no avenger, but destroy both lives. You will become hostage to unforeseen situations, and the rest will begin to laugh at the free performance. Sometimes it is worth thinking about solving the accumulated issues peacefully. But if you are sure that this is not your option, then you should reliably study your opponent. You can not go into battle without reconnaissance! Having played the trick, a cunning person will necessarily expect a counter strike, and if you do not wait some time, then you will become only a weak-willed toy in his deft hands, put yourself in an unfavorable light for everyone to see. It is also necessary to emphasize the offense you have suffered, do not underestimate the enemy and do more harm than did to you, because in return you will receive only revenge.

If your plans do not include a record of conviction and long-term imprisonment, discard thoughts of terrible abominations, which are superimposed on the civil and criminal code. You do not want to make your situation worse than it is, and put a huge cross on a brighter future? Is it worth it? Still, never rip off the evil on relatives and friends, it will not turn up for good, especially if it's not they who became the perpetrators of the celebration of your boiling blood.

How to get rid of thirst for revenge?

The thirst for revenge is an unpleasant feeling. But if you want to get rid of this negative feeling, for starters it is necessary to cease to be ashamed of your thoughts and of the fact that you have been wrecked in a certain period of your life and sphere of activity, whether your personal or working part. Try to direct negative energy into learning something new, to use free time to switch. To begin to struggle vigorously with itself and with the desires. This will help meditation, yoga, some kinds of needlework. Let go of the past, try to forget all the bad things that happened to you, and open up to the new. To create a diary, a blog, an interlocutor by correspondence by mail, a voice recorder or an appointment with a psychologist.

The long-awaited changes

As soon as you decide that you are ready to enjoy life and let the changes in it, you need to act immediately. After all, there is no truth in words, only in actions, and if you postpone for tomorrow, it will never come. First of all, it is necessary to speak out so that an unnecessary heavy load leaves our heart, thoughts, soul and shoulders. Re-think what is happening around and return to reality will help only acceptance of reality as such. We, people - all living beings who are able to think and meditate, are characterized by grief and suffering, but why are they obsessed with them? Probably, the only way out is to stop thinking about what is happening as something tragic and start to appreciate every moment - after all, it is beautiful and unrepeatable.

Time cures

To fight revenge, it takes a lot of time and effort. This is not an ordinary cold, it can not be cured for a week if you just drink the pills prescribed by the doctor and lie in a warm bed for a couple of days. Hospitalization, of course, is not required, but shielding yourself from people for a while would be welcome. As soon as you calm down and fill yourself with good from within, life will change for the better. Never take revenge! Be reasonable in your actions and thoughts!

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