Self improvementPsychology

Relationship in the family: advice of a psychologist for well-being in the home

Family - this is the place for the formation of personality, and close people, the most important of which can not be anyone. Therefore, family relationships play a huge, primary role in the mental development and well-being of each of its members.

Conditionally psychologists divide families into prosperous and unsuccessful ones, constantly correcting themselves: each family has its own problems. In order to minimize problems and change the state of things in one's home, basic basic knowledge is necessary about the psychology of the family and the desire to create a favorable environment in which everyone could develop according to a certain nature of the path, without interference and serious disorders, complexes, erroneous ideas about the world, About yourself and others.

To achieve these noble goals and for yourself, learn to build relationships in the family. Whether you are the head of the family, the main hostess in the house or a child (even if you are already over 20), you will not be prevented from learning about the simple rules of communication within the family.

  1. Do not close your eyes to rudeness, put each other in place. And if this is not possible (there are socially dangerous cases, for example, in the case of an alcoholic husband), communicate with this member of the family to a minimum.
  2. Learn to negotiate. Speaking the problem, we let the partner, the child, the parent understand that they are ready to discuss the ways of solving, to reach a compromise. Thus, respect for each other manifests, without which a normal family relationship is impossible.
  3. Encourage mutual help, responsiveness, the desire to spend joint leisure in all possible ways (you better know who loves what you can do for everyone - this information should be used). It is especially important to observe this rule in order to build the relationship of children in the family. If you have several, put emphasis on the fact that they are a brother and sister (brothers or sisters), that they are more familiar and closer to them and never will be. Repeat this constantly, the children are very receptive to the words of their parents. Over the years, you will see confirmation of this, your efforts and attention will not pass freely.
  4. As you spend leisure time, by the way, it is very important. Separately? Well, but you must have something in common, both with your spouse and with your parents and children. Going to the park, pizzeria, shops, walks - all these important little things will rally you, as never before.
  5. The presence of family traditions is also important . If there are none, it's time to come up with them. Traditions unite us, strengthen the union between husband and wife and communication with children (this is especially important and relevant for adolescents). Hike to the grandparents, own holiday, joint preparation of a favorite dish, decoration of a Christmas tree - it can be anything. If only traditions were respected by all. Not respected, it's time to come up with others.
  6. Relationships in the family are based primarily on roles and responsibilities shared between you. The roles in your family are already set. The pope is an earner or a spiritual leader. Mom is a housewife or business lady. But in the case of duties, everything is more complicated. Everyone should work on comfort. Once, write down, agree who is responsible for what, and you deprive the family of the most common reason for quarrels.
  7. Maintain love: in relationship with spouse and children. It does not disappear anywhere, so that they do not talk about it. If the family has respect, understanding and loyalty, there will be love. So, your bonds do not break with occasional circumstances and even disasters. You are together and you are power. For this it is worth to be attentive to each other! Never forget to take time to communicate with your child and partner, especially with your parents (they also need us, as we do in them, no matter how much time passed from our birth).

Relationships in the family require your constant participation, no matter what role you take in it. Do not take each other as something of course and eternal. As soon as you allow such an attitude to your loved ones, the family will begin to crumble. Think about what you can do from this list for your relatives.

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