Self improvement, Psychology
Signs of love among girls. The ten most common
Love is the strongest feeling of a person, especially when it comes to representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who are more violently reacting to such attacks with "hearts" than men. Sometimes there is not full love, but love, but this does not cancel the fact that a new person begins to immediately or gradually to impress. For some, it becomes a challenge to understand whether they really start to feel something for a new object of potential sympathy or it only seems to them. That's why the article is written to help understand what's what, and to reveal the first signs of love among the girls. They will be useful both for the most indiscriminate young lady and for those around her.
So, let's get down to the point. What are they - signs of falling in love with girls?
1. Taking thoughts
You can not talk about the first signs of falling in love and do not note how much the girl starts to think about a new object of sighing. Most often, they result in conversations that friends and close people have to endure. Talk about "him." Thoughts thoughts, but tell the whole world about the new sympathy of the young ladies want at a subconscious level, which they do, not even always noticing that they tell more often about a new acquaintance.
2. Changes in appearance
Signs of love in girls are manifested in the guidance of the Marafet. Change of hair, a global update of the wardrobe, a new hair color, close personal care, a big waste of money. To look for an object of her liking as attractive as possible, the girl will do everything in her power. It will change before our eyes, flourish, demonstrate its dignity and the best external qualities.
3. Idealizing
When in love, the potential partner is idealized. Most often, the girl's close friends will know about this, who have to listen, what a wonderful character the guy has, what beautiful eyes, what a lovely voice, what strong muscles and so on. Not always the truth corresponds to reality, moreover, even the flaws automatically turn into virtues, but to explain this to the enamored beauty is useless until the feelings leave her.
4. The Happiness of Happiness
Falling in love with girls is associated with happiness, and therefore, if there is one, it will be appropriate. The girl will begin to smile more often, sometimes completely for no reason, to "shine" with happiness and look like a really happy life.
5. Awakening talents
Love inspires, opens new, hitherto unknown or unmanifested talents and strengthens those that are already available, especially if they are somehow connected with creativity. If suddenly the girl began to draw, play music or dance (and quite successfully) - perhaps it helps feelings.
6. Changes in habits
Changing habits and manners can also mean falling in love. Sometimes this is due to the fact that potential love may not bear the characteristics that are presently available. For example, a young lady smokes, and a guy is allergic to cigarette smoke, and then a girl for such a thing can throw such a habit harmful to the body.
7. Standby mode
With nascent feelings, I want to spend all my time with a new object of sighing. If there is no such possibility, then the "Hachiko regime" is switched on, at which the girl is always waiting, when she will write her passion or call her. That's why often lovers spend too much time in social networks or with a tightly compressed mobile phone in their hand.
8. The awakening of femininity
When in love, often observed increased household and femininity. The girl wants to clean, clean, learn to cook, despite the fact that before that she was close to the stove was not suitable, and so on.
9. Changes in behavior
Where in love without changing behavior? When it comes to girls, most often they start behaving as if they fell into childhood. This is even good, because feeling like a child is extremely useful. However, some cute, "childish" and sometimes not quite adequate behavior of a friend can irritate the subject of her sighs.
10. Getting rid of complexes
If the desired object shows interest to the girl, then she gets rid of the complexes. She senses on a subconscious level that, once she has been noticed, then she is not so bad. If he does not pay attention to the girl in love, the girl begins to behave with him a little unnaturally, but while trying to look at ease. So much so that it can catch your eye. And all because most of the ladies do not want to "palyutsya" in front of a potential gentleman and therefore hide their feelings directly from the beloved.
These were the main signs of falling in love with the girls. If you find them at yourself or at a friend / friend / relative, then most likely, if not love, then at least her harbingers are involved.
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