HealthDiseases and Conditions

Psoriasis palmar-plantar: photo of the initial stage, hygiene and treatment

Psoriasis is a common disease that is often registered in modern dermatology. Of course, there are many forms of this ailment, each of which has its own characteristics. According to statistical data, in every fourth case, the patient is diagnosed with psoriasis palmar-plantar. This is a special type of disease, which is accompanied by strictly localized lesions.

Of course, patients after diagnosis are trying to find the maximum available information about the disease. What is the palmar-plantar psoriasis? Symptoms, causes, possible complications and treatment are important points to be sorted out.

The main causes of the disease

It's no secret that psoriasis is a chronic disease that affects mainly the skin tissue. This illness is not associated with infection, and most scientists tend to think that this disease is autoimmune. It is accompanied by the formation of red dry spots, as well as excessive proliferation of cells.

Psoriasis palmar-plantar exception to the rule is not - this is an autoimmune chronic disease. The causes and mechanism of the development of the disease have not yet been clarified. Nevertheless, there is a certain genetic predisposition to the development of ailment. Of course, many factors can trigger the onset of the disease, including:

  • Infectious skin lesions;
  • Trauma of the skin;
  • Influence of environmental factors (low or too high temperatures, excessive ultraviolet radiation, etc.);
  • Influence on the body of medicinal products;
  • Because psoriasis is often associated with allergic reactions, then the chemical effects on the skin, whether using unsuitable cosmetics or contact with potentially dangerous, poisonous substances, can be attributed to risk factors;
  • Quite often the exacerbation of the disease is observed against a background of nervous overstrain, severe stress;
  • To risk factors include alcohol abuse, malnutrition, eating allergen products.

As you can see, the palmar-plantar form of psoriasis can be provoked by various factors. The doctor always pays attention to the causes of the development of the disease, because of this largely depends on therapeutic and preventive measures.

Psoriasis: photos of the initial stage and symptoms of the disease

It is worth saying that the clinical picture with such a disease is quite obvious. Psoriasis palmar-plantar is accompanied by the appearance of rashes on the skin - they look like pink or purple papules that slightly rise above the surface of the skin. As a rule, lesions have clear boundaries. The location is also characteristic - the disease affects the skin on the soles of the feet and the inner surface of the palms.

The skin on the papules is very dry, often covered with plaques and cracks. Sometimes papules merge with edges, forming large foci of lesion. What other symptoms can be accompanied by psoriasis? The photo of the initial stage shows only small lesions, but often the ailment also extends to the nail plates. In severe forms, papules cover about 10% of the entire skin.

The typical form of psoriasis

Typical, or papular-plaque psoriasis is accompanied by the appearance on the skin of the feet and palms of dense plaques. They have clearly defined edges and are covered with scales. With this form of the disease, papules and plaques have a light tint, merging with healthy areas of the skin.

By the way, when you try to remove scales from papules, you can see that they leave with difficulty - this is an important diagnostic criterion. The skin on the hands and feet is coarsening, it often appears deep cracks - this phenomenon is accompanied by severe soreness and delivers a lot of discomfort to the patient.

Horny form of the disease

In the horny form of psoriasis on the skin of the patient can be observed clearly expressed areas of erythema. In addition, small plaques and papules of a light yellow shade are formed - they rise above the surface of the skin and have a dense texture. Quite often small papules merge with each other - in patients psoriatic rashes cover almost the entire skin on the feet and palms.

Psoriasis of Barbera and its features

This form of psoriasis was highlighted not so long ago - for the first time it was described by the English dermatologist Barber in 1930. By the way, the disease has another name: vesicular-pustular psoriasis.

The clinical manifestations of the disease can be different - sometimes, only small single pustules can be observed on the patient's skin, while others have multiple but very small plaques. More often the rash is localized at the thumb or on the little finger of the hand, and also on the arch of the foot. It is often possible to observe the fusion of pustules and the formation of quite large purulent foci. By the way, it is this form of ailment that can be treated most severely.

Paladno-plantar psoriasis: treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic disease. Of course, apparently it seems that the disease affects only the skin tissue, but in fact the process affects the work of the whole organism, therefore the therapy must be necessarily systemic and complex. Proper treatment helps to influence the human body from the inside and from the outside.

Since most often the development of psoriasis is associated with an autoimmune process, patients are prescribed immunosuppressors. Such drugs help to reduce the activity of the immune system, thereby preventing excessive multiplication of tissue cells. A good option is the drug "Cyclosporin." It's worth mentioning that there are still disputes between specialists about the use of such drugs, but during the research it was determined that suppressors of the immune system really help in the treatment of psoriasis.

Therapy includes the use of cytostatics. Such drugs stop the rapid growth of skin cells in the area of papules. A good drug from this group is Methotrexate. In addition, patients are assigned to receive enterosorbents, which accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, and hepatoprotectors to protect liver cells.

Application of external medicines

Systemic therapy in this case is extremely important. But if you are interested in the question of how to cure the palmar-plantar psoriasis, then you need to consider and drugs that use for external treatment directly papules, plaques and cracks in the skin.

In most cases, it is impossible to eliminate skin lesions without hormonal means, namely ointments containing corticosteroids. Among the most effective include drugs such as Flucinar, Elokom, Hydrocortisone, Lokoid, Fluorocorp, Prednisolone. Such drugs quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, inhibit the development of allergic reactions, and also relieve itching and discomfort.

Therapy is often supplemented with ointments that contain salicylic acid, tar and ichthyol, as these substances soften the keratinized skin areas and accelerate the healing process of wounds and cracks.

Since often enough against the background of psoriasis and infectious diseases of the skin, the doctor can additionally prescribe the use of antibacterial and antifungal creams. Sometimes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used as adjuvant.

Other therapies

Along with the use of the medicines described above, patients are shown vitamin therapy, which helps to cope more quickly with the exacerbation of such a disease as palmar-plantar psoriasis. Treatment includes fat-soluble vitamins (in particular, vitamin A, K and D), as well as ascorbic acid and certain vitamin D group.

In some cases, the doctor can recommend phototherapy - a method of treatment, which uses the properties of ultraviolet rays.

What can help traditional medicine?

In search of a cure for the disease, patients often turn to non-standard methods of treatment. For example, the following folk recipes for psoriasis are considered quite effective:

  • It is useful at least once a day to lubricate the affected skin with fish oil.
  • Also effective in psoriasis is sea buckthorn oil - it can handle papules and plaques, and also take the product inside one teaspoon per day.
  • Some folk medicine men recommend drinking 1/3 cup of broth from the flowers and leaves of black elderberry three times a day.
  • Under the same scheme, you can take a broth of bay leaves (20 g of dry leaves pour two glasses of hot water and cook for 10 minutes).
  • Positively on the skin will affect the bath with broths of herbs - for the treatment of psoriasis will suit the turn, St. John's wort, licorice, celandine.

Of course, folk recipes can not replace a full-fledged drug therapy, so in no case should you refuse medical help. The above-described means can be used as auxiliary means, but only with the permission of the treating dermatologist.

Possible complications of psoriasis

Chronic psoriasis is a complex disease. It delivers to a person a lot of physical (constant itching) and emotional discomfort (papules on the palms and feet do not look too cautious). In the absence of treatment, the disease can affect the nail plates.

Cracks, scrapes and scratches on the skin that inevitably occur during the disease, can become a gateway to fungal, bacterial and viral infections - the ailment in this case can be complicated by an acute inflammatory process.

Preventive actions

Psoriasis (palmar-plantar including) is a chronic disease. It is characterized by periods of exacerbation and temporary remission. The above methods of therapy are used during the progression of the disease. And in periods of relative calm, patients are advised to adhere to certain rules and avoid exposure to factors that cause skin lesions.

To begin with it is necessary to say that hygiene in the palmar-plantar psoriasis is extremely important. Nevertheless, it is worth giving up cosmetic products that can cause allergies. Wash with warm water, but in no case hot. It is also necessary to protect the skin of the palm and feet from mechanical damage, refuse to wear synthetic socks, wear gloves while washing dishes.

To prevent exacerbations, you need to carefully monitor the correct diet, exclude from the diet fried and spicy food, spices, chocolate, coffee, eggs, alcohol. And, of course, at the first manifestations of the disease you need to see a doctor and begin treatment.

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